Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Judd and Jessie are screwed, and they did nothing but be loyal servants. Blame Amanda, Helen, and Andy. House guests do the Harlem Shake!

The Backyard has been locked since 5am and won't open until HOH competition tomorrow night. They're building something big, so it's probably endurance.

First Half of the Day: So pretty much the only topic that happened today is.....Let's blindside Judd and Jessie!  And the events from last night didn't help at all, and it was just pure coincidence!

 They're all talking about blindsiding Judd and Jessie

Helen: "He's not gonna even make it to jury." referring to Judd. Then she chuckles (3:32pm, July 31)

Amanda: "I wish Judd was never in Goof Troop." The three trying to come up with a new name for their 3 person alliance (4:44 pm, July 31)

4:51pm, July 31: Amanda meets with Helen/Elissa in storage room.  Their plan is to keep Candice because she's a huge target for the rest of the house. Plus, Candice would go after Aaryn/Spencer/Judd/Jessie/GM and keep their hands clean while putting the blood all on Candice's hands.  Amanda warns them not to tell Aaryn because Aaryn hates Candice so much and Aaryn might freak out and evict her in case of a tie.  Amanda tells the plan to McCrae/Andy as well.

Amanda/Elissa/Helen want to keep Candice as a target and personal attack-bot to go after Aaryn/Jessie/GM/Spencer

6:32pm, July 31, cam 3: Amanda tells Candice Amanda/Mc/Andy/Elissa/Helen want to keep Candice around for a long time.  She tells Candice that Aaryn won't know of this and tells Candice to go after Jessie/Spencer/Aaryn/GM.  Candice agrees to all of this.

Amanda tells Candice she wants to keep her and wants Candice to go after Spencer/GM/Aaryn/Jessie

7:38pm, July 31, cam 4:  Jessie seems mad and upset about something and Judd goes into talk to her.  She doesn't want to talk and is acting upset.  Judd wants to talk and Jessie is shutting down. Jessie says it doesn't matter how she feels, it only matters how a couple of other people feel. She tells Judd he has a brain and to figure out who she's talking about.  Judd calls Jessie an asshole and says he's not playing her childish games today.
Jessie won't talk to Judd

7:45pm, July 31: Jessie's intervention.  The houseguests finally notice that Jessie is hiding under the covers and that she's upset.  Am/McC/Elissa/Aaryn go into colored room to try and talk with her.  She is unresponsive hiding under the covers.  She snaps at McCrae when McCrae tells her she can talk to him.  She says "Yea, right".  McCrae gets mad later because he doesn't know what he did to make Jessie upset.  We will find out the reason later.
Jessie's intervention. She doesn't want to talk.

 They leave Jessie to sulk

8:11pm, July 31: After Andy talks to Jessie alone and gets her to talk, she reveals that she feels so stupid in the house and she feels that her opinion doesn't matter (she's referring to the whole 'evicting candice' fiasco from last night).  She feels stupid because anything she says goes around twisted and goes back to her.  Andy leaves the room and Judd asks him that he thought he heard Howard's name because Judd has his ear near the door.  Andy said Howard's name was not mentioned, and Judd did not believe him and called him a liar, and walked away.  A little later, Andy brings it up again in front of everyone in the bathroom.  Judd yells at Andy telling him that Judd dropped it and that Andy keeps bringing it up.  Andy tries to defend himself by saying that he only said it so that other people would know so that words and stories won't get twisted later.
Andy talks to Jessie

Fuck you Andy! Stop bringing that up!

8:19pm, July 31:  Andy/Amanda/McCrae/Aaryn in HOH room.  Andy thinks Judd is trying to pin something on Andy to make him look bad.  Andy finds Judd's actions suspicious and his behavior odd.  Andy says he now wants Judd gone even more.
Andy: Judd's trying to pin something on me, I'm suspicious of him

8:28pm, July 31: Judd talks with Andy.  He feels Andy just waits until there are a group of people and calls Judd out to make a spectacle.  Andy says he feels hurt that Judd called him a liar.  Andy just wanted people to know so that words and stories don't get twisted later.  Andy says he wants Judd to trust him because Andy trusts Judd.
 Hey bro, I'm sorry about earlier

Shake on it

8:34pm, July 31:  Elissa and Jessie talk in colored room.  Jessie finally pops her head out and talks to Elissa. She explains to Elissa that she felt like an idiot last night and that her opinion doesn't matter, while she has to cater to the opinions of others (Amanda for example).  Jessie said she felt that Amanda was interrogating her in the hammock last night (about the 'evict candice' plan).  Jessie and Elissa agree that Amanda is overbearing and confrontational, and that she would make a good military interrogator.  Jessie feels like Amanda would use last night to turn on her and get the whole house to vote her out.  
Jessie: Amanda is scary, she can be a military interrogator

8:55pm, July 31: Helen joins Elissa/Jessie

9:02pm, July 31: Helen and Jessie alone in colored room.  Helen basically giving Jessie a pep talk and tips on the game.  She tells Jessie that she was in a good spot if she layed low.  She tells Jessie that people in the game will twist words and stories to make her look bad.  Helen tells Jessie to not make up strategies just to fill up time.  She tells Jessie that any small thing can ruin all the relationships that a person builds over time. Jessie tells Helen the reason she snapped at McCrae because she felt that anything she says to McCrae goes back to Amanda
Helen: People in this house will twist your words and make you look bad, you have to be careful. (LOL the irony of what Helen said)

2:50am and beyond: Candice/Howard talking to Jessie.  They are scrambling at the 11th hour to try and flip the house on Amanda.  They plan on talking to Aaryn and Elissa tomorrow one at a time.  Howard really believes Andy will vote Amanda out, but it's not going to happen.

Candice tells Jessie to use her own mind and stop taking orders from other people.  Howard/Candice/Jessie are scrambling at the 11th hour to flip the house. Will it work? Find out on tomorrow's episode!

11:08pm July 31: Houseguests do the Harlem shake. Videos on youtube

Judd's a pimp

menage a trois

 Aaryn: I like your penis, Judd. (9:01pm July 31)

Judd gives Aaryn a kiss (2:04 am Aug 1)

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