Monday, July 29, 2013

Andy rats out Helen to Amanda/McCrae. Howard trying to start a Revolution Power Move.

Andy rats Helen out to Queen Demanda/King McCrae

Andy and Helen has a convo where Helen wants to get rid of Amanda/McCrae soon because she fears both of them would team up with Judd/Jessie to pick Andy/Helen/Elissa off.  Andy relays this information to Amanda/McCrae, and they come up with a plan to make a fake final 4 deal with Amanda/McCrae/Andy/Helen so that Helen feels safe and won't go gunning after Amanda and McCrae.

Later on in the night, Amanda and McCrae have a little fight. Amanda feels Andy trusts her more while McCrae feels that Judd trusts him more.  Amanda is considering taking Judd out of the final 4 and making a new one.  She told McCrae that she confirmed with Andy that Judd lied about Kaitlin wanting to go after Helen.  McCrae was mad at Amanda for doing that since it would make McCrae seem untrustworthy to Andy (since Amanda and McCrae are so attached to each other, anything Amanda knows McCrae should know).

Howard and Spencer telling them they're not afraid of rocking the boat

At around 2:50 am July 29 cam 3/4, Howard/Andy/Judd/Spencer talk in lounge.  Howard tells them if Candice is going on the block, to vote Howard out since he can't stay in this house knowing Candice was defending him all these weeks and that she has a big heart.  Howard tries to open up their eyes that Amanda/Helen are running things and that there are a lot of suspicious things going around the house, such as Helen telling Howard/Candice that they are her friends yet Helen telling Aaryn to nominate them.  Spencer and Howard say if things keep going the way they're going, Spencer and Howard will be leaving in the next two weeks and everyone else will get picked off one by one by the people in power.  Spencer and Howard say they aren't afraid to make a bold move and rock the house and change the game up in favor of the outsiders.  Both Judd and Andy said they "would sleep on it".  Howard and Spencer say they would be loyal to the end to whoever wants to join their cause.


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