Monday, July 29, 2013

Candice is replacement nominee.

Amanda freaks out after finding out How/Sp want to flip the house

Amanda found out about Howard and Spencer's plan to flip the house (see last post about the meeting where Howard and Spencer try another revolution).  Andy and Judd reassure her she is safe and that they are just agreeing with Spencer to make it look like they will flip the house.  They plan on telling Spencer last second before the eviction they don't have the votes to keep Howard, just incase Howard has a special power so he doesn't have time to come up with a plan.   They also let everyone else know about the plan to have everyone agree to the plan and act.   Spencer/Howard are talking now like the plan is in motion for Howard to stay (i.e. they are completely clueless).

Andy was the first to tell Amanda. Amanda questions why Judd didn't tell her and she went to question him saying she's giving the opportunity for him to come clean and prove his loyalty.  Judd says he didn't want to tell Amanda because he didn't want her to worry because she's already safe no matter what.  Judd says he didn't want it to spread around that Judd told Amanda about How/Sp's plan just incase Howard has a special power and puts Judd on the block.

Helen tells Aaryn that Jessie wants Aaryn out before jury (ed. It is not true, Helen is starting her plan to get Jessie and Aaryn to go against each other).

Elissa pre-surgery. Yes that's her on the left

Elissa hugging Aaryn. Are we in the Twilight Zone?

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