Thursday, July 11, 2013

Helen is HOH Week 3. Early predictions of her nominees.

As predicted, Nick is evicted, but Howard threw a vote for Elissa to be evicted. Why? There are  many possible reasons.

1. He could say that he threw Elissa a vote because he wanted to keep his word to Nick. He can use that card later in the game so that the houseguests think he is a trustworthy man of his word. Dan Gheesling did something very similar in Season 10 when he gave Brian his vote and everyone else voted against Brian week 1.

2. He could try to throw Jessie or Judd under the bus with that suspicious vote. Or it may be just to put suspicion on them without him even having to throw them under the bus, the paranoia alone does it.

3. He gave Elissa a vote so that Jeremy knows that at least one of his Moving Company members stayed loyal. That way, Howard could still bring Jeremy back on the bus if for whatever reason he needed Jeremy.

4. Here's my guess: When Howard is with Spencer, he will tell him that the ghost vote was from Jessie or Judd, whoever.   When Howard is with Candice/Helen, he will say the ghost vote was from Spencer since the girls already doubt Spencer anyways, and they trust Howard more.  This way, Howard is in good with both Spencer and Candice/Helen and can adjust on the fly as the game changes.

5. To cause paranoia in the house because he knew Helen will want to find out who cast the stray vote.

Helen wins HOH

Early predictions for her nominees

Jeremy and Kaitlin

Aaryn and Helen were talking about a possible Jason/Danielle 'Frenemies' type alliance earlier in the week. It would be smart to keep that option open down the road, so I don't see her putting up Helen. GinaMarie is vulnerable and can be swayed to the other side.

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