Monday, July 22, 2013

GinaMarie is the replacement nominee! Early predictions for eviction

This makes sense now. America did vote correctly, the idiots that voted thinking it was for BBMVP make up a small insignificant minority.

The most hated houseguests are Aaryn, Kaitlin, Elissa, GM, and Spencer (4 our of 5 for their racism and cattiness)

So who's going home this week? Here's my early prediction of where each houseguest stands this week:

1. Elissa - she wants Aaryn out more than Kaitlin. She and Helen promised Kaitlin protection last week so it wouldn't look good on their part to go back on their word. Update: Elissa talking game with Helen in HOH room around 12:30 pm PST July 22. Helen telling Elissa that Kaitlin and Howard need to go because Kaitlin is a better competitor than Aaryn. Kaitlin seems like she's gonna go home now.
2. Helen - she wants Aaryn out more than Kaitlin, but that was at the beginning of this week. This is what she's said to McCrae and Amanda and she did promise Kaitlin protection last week. Update: it seems Helen and Andy are suspicious Kait is working with How/Cand. She is seen talking to Judd that she wants Kaitlin out. Kaitlin is her target.
3. Amanda - she thinks she has Aaryn in her back pocket, and wants Kaitlin out more because she thinks Kait is in an alliance with How/Can
4. McC - will go with what Amanda thinks and get Kaitlin out
5. Andy - he has said to Helen they need to get Kaitlin out because she's stopped talking game with Andy. But Andy has said to his goof troop they need to get Aaryn out. But as of right now, he's plotting with Am/Mc to get rid of Kaitlin, and they're trying to convince Elissa to vote out Kait.

6. Howard - wants Aaryn out because Kait is in his alliance
7. Spencer - wants Aaryn out because Kait is in his alliance
8. Jessica - I have no idea where she stands, but it seems she patched things up with Kaitlin. It all depends on what Judd wants but since the "house" (majority of the eligible voters) want Aaryn out, it seems it's best to go with the house.
9. Candice - wants Aaryn out totally for her racist slurs.

Votes to Evict if it were right now, without the houseguests consulting each other:

Aaryn: 3
Kaitlin: 5
Unknown: 1

It seems like Kaitlin is going home, and the rest of the house will have to decide to vote with the house or risk standing out in the results.

But it's still too early. Deals are yet to be made and things can change.

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