Monday, July 15, 2013

Alliance finally has a name 'Goof Troop'

The 4 person alliance of McCrae, Amanda, Judd, Andy have a name: Goof Troop
The Goof Troop + Helen and Elissa are named: The Knockouts. For Amanda, McCrae, Andy, and Judd, this is a fake alliance made for protection.

Jeremy is going home this week basically, on a 8-2 vote, with Kaitlin choosing to not vote against him. Kaitlin will vote against Spencer instead. GinaMarie will vote against Spencer most likely because she's kept out of the loop and doesn't know how to play Big Brother.

The general consensus in the house is that everyone wants Howard or Aaryn out next. Kaitlin wants Howard and Candice out. The Goof Troop want Howard or Aaryn out; they fear Elissa won't nominate Howard so they don't want her winning HOH next week. GinaMarie is confusing because she seems to want Judd and Jessie out, and it seems in terms of gametalk she is kept out of the loop.

Kaitlin believes Andy and Helen are protecting her. Andy and Helen agree they want to give Kaitlin at least a week but they know they can't promise her the world. Aaryn believes she has protection from McCrae and Amanda but that is not true, Amanda and McCrae are just protecting themselves incase Aaryn stays and gets HOH. Candice is essentially the only one defending Howard and is making a bigger target for herself in the house due to her association with him.

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