Sunday, July 7, 2013

Elissa close to putting Nick up as replacement MVP nominee

Elissa is going to put either Kaitlin or Nick up as replacement MVP nominee.

She went up to Nick and asked if she kept him off the block, if he would vote the MVP nominee out. He gave no answer, and Elissa is basically going to put Nick on the block.

Nick has been told by several people he will be going up, but he's not freaking out because he knows he has the votes to stay.

Jeremy, in the meanwhile, is trying to convince Amanda to join his side by telling her that Helen, Andy, and Elissa are coming after her. The reasoning for this is so that McCrae won't look like he's going against Amanda when McCrae votes to evict Elissa out on Thursday. Moving Company wants to keep their alliance a secret and they need Amanda to feel like McCrae is still on her side.

Aaryn and GinaMarie are jealous of Kaitlin and don't trust her because she is hooking up with Jeremy. The both of them actually brought up getting rid of Kaitlin because she isn't a strong player in their eyes and hasn't done anything. Yea, just when I thought Marcellus not using the veto in season 3 was the worst game move ever, I just found something worse!

On Saturday night, Judd and Aaryn talked about possibly forming a Final 2 deal, much like Jason/Danielle from season 3, so they could look after each other while each is on opposite sides of the house.

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