Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ok. So let's get everything straight with what's going on in the house.

Real Alliances

Goof Troop - Amanda, McCrae, Judd, Andy. Judd and Andy's true allegiance are to Goof Troop and nowhere else. If you see Judd talking to Howard/Spencer/GM/Kait ....or Andy and Kait confiding in each other, don't believe it. Judd and Andy act as double agents in this case, getting information from other parts of the house and use it to further Goof Troop.

Knockouts - Amanda, McCrae, Judd, Andy, Helen, Elissa.   The Goof Troop are only in this alliance because they don't want to get on Elissa's bad side and Elissa using her BBMVP powers to screw them over.  Helen and Elissa think this is a legit alliance, but the 4 members of Goof Troop only see it as for their own protection.

Judd/Jessie - Judd doesn't want people to associate these two in a showmance because he doesn't want a target, but we really know they are together.





Fake alliances

A fake alliance is one in which all members of the party are not really loyal to each other. They are only using the idea of an alliance for protection incase another member of that alliance wins HOH. Members of fake alliances could really be targeting each other.  A true alliance is loyal to each other and discloses all information to each other.

The Grasshoppers (the secret alliance that was the talk of July 23 fights) - Howard/Spencer/GM/Kait/Judd .  Judd was in the room when this was made, so he had to go along with it or risk being a target. Judd's true allegiance is to Goof Troop.  Only GM/Kaitlin/Howard/Spencer think this is real, while Howard/Spencer are in multiple alliances to keep themselves safe. If you see Judd talking game to Kait/GM/Howard/Spencer, know that Judd is not loyal to this group and that he's only using it to gain information to spread to the Goof Troop.

Final 4 of Howard/Spencer/Amanda/McCrae - Amanda/McCrae are using it for their own protection even though they don't trust Howard/Spencer, and How/Sp doing the same back. Howard/Spencer want Amanda/McCrae out, and vice versa.

Final 4 of Howard/Spencer/Andy/Judd - same as above. The Goof Troop know of all these 3 fake alliances with Howard and Spencer.

Howard/Candice - live feeders know Howard is totally playing Candice. He even made the Grasshoppers alliance without her knowing and then told her days later.


I'm the real HOH in this house, bitches!

Ok so what the fuck is happening in the house?

Aaryn offered the Knockouts a good deal to save herself. She will throw HOH to any of the Knockouts, or let them choose her nominees if she wins HOH. They accepted this deal and know that if Aaryn is lying, they'll send her home.  They trust Aaryn more because she's alone in the game.  They want to evict Kaitlin because they suspect she's in an alliance with Howard/Spencer. Also, Kait is good at competitions, getting to the tie breaker round twice in the past 2 HOH comps, and winning a POV herself.  Helen told Elissa about this plan two days ago and it looked like Elissa was onboard, even though she expressed concerns that she couldn't trust Aaryn.

So last night, Elissa went to Kaitlin in the kitchen. She asked Kaitlin whether or not she was really in an alliance with Howard/Spencer because Kaitlin was in trouble of getting evicted.  Elissa wanted to know the truth, because Elissa didn't want to evict Kaitlin based on a lie that others may have made up.  Also it was because Elissa personally wants Aaryn out more, so this motivated Elissa to ask Kaitlin this question.  Up to this point, Kaitlin thought she was safe because people in the house have been telling her that she's safe.  Aaryn heard this conversation and told it to Helen.  Helen freaked out because Kaitlin was not supposed to know that there are people in the house who suspect she's in an alliance.  The Knockouts are really mad at Elissa and think she made the dumbest move of the game by revealing to Kaitlin that people are suspecting she's in an alliance (If Elissa didn't say anything to Kaitlin, it would have been an easy blindside of Kaitlin on Thrusday night).  The Knockouts now know they can't control Elissa and they want her gone, because they now realized that they are now targets because Howard/Spencer will soon find out that Judd spilled the beans of the Grasshoppers.

So there was a huge confrontation of Elissa, Aaryn, Kaitlin, Spencer, and Howard in the colored room. Aaryn heard her name brought up by Elissa/Kaitlin's conversation and wanted to make sure they aren't slandering her name. GM, Kaitlin, Spencer, and Howard denied being in a secret alliance.  You can go watch this, the buildup to this argument happens around 8pm, the argument happens at 8:09pm and lasts awhile.  Elissa later calls Judd a joke because Elissa was mad that Judd and Helen just sat in the colored room all quiet and let Elissa take all the heat.  Elissa said she has a right to ask a simple question to Kaitlin, and says she's her own person and can make her own mind up on who to vote out (in my opinion, a bad move to go against your alliance this early).

Later on in the night, Candice wakes up from her nap and learns of all this craziness that went on. She suspects that the source of the drama is Amanda and that Amanda started the rumors of the secret alliance.  Candice told Jessie and Spencer this.  Jessie goes up to HOH and tells Amanda what Candice said.  Amanda wants to clear her name and Jessie tells Amanda not to go directly to Candice or else Candice will know Jessie told Amanda and would never trust Jessie with information again. So Amand goes down and talks to Howard/Spencer/Andy in cockpit lounge (starts at 11:57pm, cam 1/2 , July 23) about whether or not Howard and Spencer are protecting her (because they are supposedly in final 4 alliance, even though its fake).   Amanda tells Howard to control Candice and to not let Amanda's name come out of Candice's mouth.  Howard beats around the bush and doesn't give a straight answer, but he does say yes he's protecting her in an indirect way.

Later on, Elissa tells Candice that Amanda was the one who told Elissa of the possibility of a secret alliance of How/Sp/GM/Kait (it was actually Helen who told Elissa this, not Amanda).  Candice reveals this information to Kaitlin who is freaking out now.  Kaitlin confides in Andy (who has no loyalty to Kaitlin and really wants her gone, but he acts like he totally has Kaitlin's back).  Kaitlin is convinced that Amanda is campaigning for Aaryn, because Amanda did so for Elissa in week 1 and 2.  Kaitlin wants Judd to talk to Amanda/McCrae to see where they are voting (because Kaitlin thinks Judd is on her side too since both are in the Grasshoppers alliance).  Helen and Elissa are now trying to come up with drama to take the attention off of Elissa tomorrow, such as starting a rumor that Howard is related to Danielle from BB3 and BB7.

Kaitlin is still being voted out, because Am/McC/Andy/Helen/Jessie are definitely voting Kaitlin out and not changing.  They agree that they don't care about Elissa's vote now because they want her gone.  Get ready for an intense HOH Thursday night, it's rumored to be endurance and speculation is that BBMVP twist is over. The war is about to start!

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