Saturday, July 13, 2013

Kaitlin has won the Power of Veto.

She is considering not using it in hopes of getting the house to vote out Spencer. The house plans on threatening her to either use the POV on herself or she will get voted out.

She and Jeremy are also trying to come up with a plan to try and get Howard backdoored.

Kaitlin's 5 bullet point case for getting Howard out the door:

1. Howard swore on the bible that he voted David to stay, but that's a lie. He's using his religion.
2. Howard is only getting good with Candice to influence and manipulate her
3. You guys (Helen and her allies) can use Jeremy until Jury, and get out the four people you want. Kaitlin will say she will vote him out if they want her to when the time comes.
4. Helen says Howard has 2 strikes, Jeremy has 1.
5. Howard has thrown competitions, and is really the strongest threat

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