Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Judd and Jessie are screwed, and they did nothing but be loyal servants. Blame Amanda, Helen, and Andy. House guests do the Harlem Shake!

The Backyard has been locked since 5am and won't open until HOH competition tomorrow night. They're building something big, so it's probably endurance.

First Half of the Day: So pretty much the only topic that happened today is.....Let's blindside Judd and Jessie!  And the events from last night didn't help at all, and it was just pure coincidence!

 They're all talking about blindsiding Judd and Jessie

Helen: "He's not gonna even make it to jury." referring to Judd. Then she chuckles (3:32pm, July 31)

Amanda: "I wish Judd was never in Goof Troop." The three trying to come up with a new name for their 3 person alliance (4:44 pm, July 31)

4:51pm, July 31: Amanda meets with Helen/Elissa in storage room.  Their plan is to keep Candice because she's a huge target for the rest of the house. Plus, Candice would go after Aaryn/Spencer/Judd/Jessie/GM and keep their hands clean while putting the blood all on Candice's hands.  Amanda warns them not to tell Aaryn because Aaryn hates Candice so much and Aaryn might freak out and evict her in case of a tie.  Amanda tells the plan to McCrae/Andy as well.

Amanda/Elissa/Helen want to keep Candice as a target and personal attack-bot to go after Aaryn/Jessie/GM/Spencer

6:32pm, July 31, cam 3: Amanda tells Candice Amanda/Mc/Andy/Elissa/Helen want to keep Candice around for a long time.  She tells Candice that Aaryn won't know of this and tells Candice to go after Jessie/Spencer/Aaryn/GM.  Candice agrees to all of this.

Amanda tells Candice she wants to keep her and wants Candice to go after Spencer/GM/Aaryn/Jessie

7:38pm, July 31, cam 4:  Jessie seems mad and upset about something and Judd goes into talk to her.  She doesn't want to talk and is acting upset.  Judd wants to talk and Jessie is shutting down. Jessie says it doesn't matter how she feels, it only matters how a couple of other people feel. She tells Judd he has a brain and to figure out who she's talking about.  Judd calls Jessie an asshole and says he's not playing her childish games today.
Jessie won't talk to Judd

7:45pm, July 31: Jessie's intervention.  The houseguests finally notice that Jessie is hiding under the covers and that she's upset.  Am/McC/Elissa/Aaryn go into colored room to try and talk with her.  She is unresponsive hiding under the covers.  She snaps at McCrae when McCrae tells her she can talk to him.  She says "Yea, right".  McCrae gets mad later because he doesn't know what he did to make Jessie upset.  We will find out the reason later.
Jessie's intervention. She doesn't want to talk.

 They leave Jessie to sulk

8:11pm, July 31: After Andy talks to Jessie alone and gets her to talk, she reveals that she feels so stupid in the house and she feels that her opinion doesn't matter (she's referring to the whole 'evicting candice' fiasco from last night).  She feels stupid because anything she says goes around twisted and goes back to her.  Andy leaves the room and Judd asks him that he thought he heard Howard's name because Judd has his ear near the door.  Andy said Howard's name was not mentioned, and Judd did not believe him and called him a liar, and walked away.  A little later, Andy brings it up again in front of everyone in the bathroom.  Judd yells at Andy telling him that Judd dropped it and that Andy keeps bringing it up.  Andy tries to defend himself by saying that he only said it so that other people would know so that words and stories won't get twisted later.
Andy talks to Jessie

Fuck you Andy! Stop bringing that up!

8:19pm, July 31:  Andy/Amanda/McCrae/Aaryn in HOH room.  Andy thinks Judd is trying to pin something on Andy to make him look bad.  Andy finds Judd's actions suspicious and his behavior odd.  Andy says he now wants Judd gone even more.
Andy: Judd's trying to pin something on me, I'm suspicious of him

8:28pm, July 31: Judd talks with Andy.  He feels Andy just waits until there are a group of people and calls Judd out to make a spectacle.  Andy says he feels hurt that Judd called him a liar.  Andy just wanted people to know so that words and stories don't get twisted later.  Andy says he wants Judd to trust him because Andy trusts Judd.
 Hey bro, I'm sorry about earlier

Shake on it

8:34pm, July 31:  Elissa and Jessie talk in colored room.  Jessie finally pops her head out and talks to Elissa. She explains to Elissa that she felt like an idiot last night and that her opinion doesn't matter, while she has to cater to the opinions of others (Amanda for example).  Jessie said she felt that Amanda was interrogating her in the hammock last night (about the 'evict candice' plan).  Jessie and Elissa agree that Amanda is overbearing and confrontational, and that she would make a good military interrogator.  Jessie feels like Amanda would use last night to turn on her and get the whole house to vote her out.  
Jessie: Amanda is scary, she can be a military interrogator

8:55pm, July 31: Helen joins Elissa/Jessie

9:02pm, July 31: Helen and Jessie alone in colored room.  Helen basically giving Jessie a pep talk and tips on the game.  She tells Jessie that she was in a good spot if she layed low.  She tells Jessie that people in the game will twist words and stories to make her look bad.  Helen tells Jessie to not make up strategies just to fill up time.  She tells Jessie that any small thing can ruin all the relationships that a person builds over time. Jessie tells Helen the reason she snapped at McCrae because she felt that anything she says to McCrae goes back to Amanda
Helen: People in this house will twist your words and make you look bad, you have to be careful. (LOL the irony of what Helen said)

2:50am and beyond: Candice/Howard talking to Jessie.  They are scrambling at the 11th hour to try and flip the house on Amanda.  They plan on talking to Aaryn and Elissa tomorrow one at a time.  Howard really believes Andy will vote Amanda out, but it's not going to happen.

Candice tells Jessie to use her own mind and stop taking orders from other people.  Howard/Candice/Jessie are scrambling at the 11th hour to flip the house. Will it work? Find out on tomorrow's episode!

11:08pm July 31: Houseguests do the Harlem shake. Videos on youtube

Judd's a pimp

menage a trois

 Aaryn: I like your penis, Judd. (9:01pm July 31)

Judd gives Aaryn a kiss (2:04 am Aug 1)

Amanda/Spencer fight. Candice's House Meeting. The Girls scheme to vote out Candice. Jessie fucks up her game because she was bored. Judd wants Jessie out and confirms his F2 deal with Elissa. Judd and Jessie kiss!

12:29pm, July 30: Amanda and Spencer fight.  It goes on for hours and it's basically everything from the past 4 weeks blowing up between Amanda and Spencer.  Spencer talks about how McCrae smelled like roses after the Moving Company fallout, while Spencer/Howard took all the blame.  Amanda still thinks Spencer is trying to get rid of Amanda, and lots of other bullshit, you can read for around this time.

Judd: "Who has pudding?" followed by awkward silence

2:57pm, July 30. House meeting with Candice.  She calls Spencer out on his bullcrap about trying to evict Amanda. Spencer denies it and says he wants Candice gone.  Candice says she just wants the truth and wants Spencer to keep 'her goddamn name' out of his 'goddamn mouth'.  Candice calls out Spencer for wanting Amanda to die.  Howard then joins in and gives a speech about he wants to self-evict because he can't compromise who he is and still play this game.  He talks about how people in the house let 4 people run everything and if that's going to continue, then he no longer wants to play the game.

'Keeping It Real with Candy' House meeting

9:32pm, July 30. Jessie cries to Helen. She says that she's trying to rebuild her relationship with Candice, but Candice won't have any of it.  Jessie says that she doesn't feel as close to Judd as other people think they are.  Live-feeders find out later in a conversation with Jessie/Judd that Jessie said this to make it seem like Jessie/Judd aren't as close in the eyes of the other houseguests. Jessie's finally playing some game!

Jessie fake-crying to make it seem Judd and Jessie aren't working together

8:58pm, July 30: Aaryn is crying in HOH room and GM/Spencer come up.  Aaryn is crying over the fact that Candice can bully people such as Helen and say the stuff she did in the house meeting and still have people kiss her ass and still be on her side.   Aaryn says she's tired of Candice and wants her gone.

"Candice can bully people and people still kiss her ass."

10:32pm July 30: The girls have a meeting and want to evict Candice.  They count out votes and say it's possible.  Aaryn tells them to not tell anyone.  Later on, we find out they were just bullshitting around with each other because they all hate Candice.  It was a "what-if dream fantasy" scenario. 

"Let's get Candice out!"

Fist bump for the 'Let's get Candice Out' train

Around 10:50pm July 30: The girls use candy to count out the votes in all scenarios. They scrap the plan to evict Candice and say it can't be done without ruining their own games and flipping the house.

This isn't going to work, we can't vote out Candice this week.

Around 10:58pm, July 30: Candice says she knows that the plan is to make the vote a tie, and Aaryn will vote out Candice.  They ask Candice how she knows. She thinks its GM/Judd/Jessie/AA/Spencer planning to get her out.  Candice says she can't tell where she got this information, she says she KNOWS EVERYTHING that goes on in the house and has been knowing all season long.  (Gotta give Candice credit she is really smart. She figured out the Moving Company, and now this. Jess/AA/GM didn't even say anything to Candice.)

Candice knows about the plan to evict her without being told, holy crap this girl knows everything.

11:20pm, July 30:  They meet in lounge to tell Amanda/Andy/Elissa/Helen that there's this conspiracy theory to vote out Candice.

Queen Demanda freaking out upon hearing of the conspiracy to evict Candice

12:20am, July 31: House meeting #2. The group in HOH can't figure out why Candice would say that there's a conspiracy to vote her out, so they conclude that Howard made up the conspiracy theory to get people against each other

Yea, let's all blame Howard about this plan to evict Candice

1:32am, July 31: Aaryn/GM/Judd/Andy in HOH room.  Aaryn thinks Jessie spread the info about the plan to Candice in order to put a target on Aaryn's back.  Judd says Jessie is fucking up his game by including his name in her plans and making others think that the two are working together.  Judd says he has to cut ties with Jessie.  Aaryn thinks Jessie is luring Aaryn/GM out because Jessie is scared Aaryn/GM will be higher than her on the totem pole.  Aaryn thinks Jessie is a Porsche who will float to the end.

How the fuck did Candice find out, did Jessie tell Candice? That's impossible. (ed. No one told Candice, she has really good intuition)

1:55am, July 31: Judd and Elissa confirm their final 2 deal is still on in storage room

Elissa/Judd confirm their final 2 deal is still on.

2:08am July 31: Jessie tells Amanda that the idea to evict Candice was Jessie's idea.  Amanda tells her it was unnecessary because it puts unnecessary attention onto Jessie.  Jessie says she just brought up the idea just to dream and that it was never really going to be put into action.  Jessie says she was bored and just wanted to scare Candice.

 The idea to evict Candice was Jessie's idea. It was just a dream fantasy

Amanda tells Jessie she's in a good spot and there's no need to mess that up by throwing ideas which end up causing paranoia.

Around 3am, July 31:  GM/AA/Jess/Andy/Jessie  in HOH room.  They talk about who could have told Candice about the "What-if" scenario to vote her out.  Aaryn/GM are convinced Candice overheard them talking outside the cockpit lounge. (In reality, Candice really did make a coincidentally good guess out of nowhere)

They're convinced that Candice eavesdropped on their "Get Candice out" convo in the lounge.

Confusion as to when Judd knew what about the whole 'Candice knowing about the plan to vote her out' scenario.

The people in the room ask Judd if he knew any of this stuff.  Judd gets Helen and Jessie confused in his head, and gets really defensive and mad because he thinks that the people in the HOH room are questioning his sketchiness.  He raises his voice and declares that he wants Howard out this week.  This is important because later on in the day, all the HGs can talk about is blindsiding Judd.

Judd and Jessie hash things out. Judd saying they are a flirtmance at best. Jessie thinks they are a hot mess. Jessie wonders why Judd keeps her out of the loop, she says she needs to be prepared for things in the future. Judd says he does these things to protect Jessie and doesn't want her to stress out.  They finish the night with a kiss with a cigarette pack between both their lips.  Jessie must find Judd not that attractive (4:37am , cam 3, July 31)

Jessie kisses Judd!....with a cigarette pack between their lips :(