Saturday, July 13, 2013

Elissa mistakenly nominates Spencer for MVP nominee, and accidentally forms a 5-person alliance of McCrae, Amanda, Howard, Spencer, Helen.

Elissa gets MVP. Amanda and McCrae want her to nominate Howard. Elissa is not comfortable with that because Howard and Candice are close, and she's afraid it will put a bigger target on her back.  McCrae offers to tell everyone he's MVP to take heat off Elissa. Elissa goes to DR to make her nomination.

So she goes and nominates Spencer. In the meanwhile, Howard is up in HOH room arguing with Amanda. McCrae tells Howard he's MVP and is nominating Howard

Amanda is really mad at Elissa after she comes back to HOH room and tells them she nominated Spencer. Elissa cries that "Why should it matter who the third nominee is if the plan is to backdoor Jeremy?" McCrae goes downstairs to clean up the mess by making a deal with Howard. McCrae tells Howard he won't nominate him for MVP nominee if Howard won't put McCrae or Amanda up for nomination if Howie wins HOH next week. Howard forms an alliance (possibly fake in McCrae's eyes just for his own protection) with McCrae, Amanda, Howard, Spencer, and Helen. McCrae makes Howard swear on the bible.

So let me get this straight. Elissa's mistake of nominating Spencer helps create a five person alliance consisting of 5 other people? LOL

Current HOH: Helen
HOH nominees: Aaryn , Kaitlin
MVP Nominee: Spencer
BBMVP: Elissa

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