Friday, July 12, 2013

Jeremy reveals Moving Company to Helen. Predictions of her nominations

2:20pm July 12: Jeremy reveals Moving Company to Helen, even though Amanda already revealed the MC 15 minutes earlier

Helen's main plan is to backdoor Jeremy

Helen already knows Howard/Spencer did the wonky vote last night. She talks to Kaitlin and tells her that she doesn't want Kaitlin to go home, because Helen feels Aaryn broke her word with the chaos she caused last night. Helen wants Kaitlin to go up as a pawn and says Kaitlin is better off by herself than associating herself with Jeremy and Aaryn

Jeremy tries to make a deal with Helen that he will play with her and protect her if he doesn't go home. He will play hard and not put Helen and Elissa up.

Helen grills Howard about the wonky vote. He denies it, but later confesses to Helen in the bathroom that he did the wonky vote so that he could have leverage to get in the good graces, no matter what side wins. Helen asks Howard if he worked with Nick, if Spencer is a part of the lie, and if there was an all-boys alliance. He denies them all and says Spencer was not a part of his lie (even though live feeders know Spencer and Howard concocted the wonky vote).

Predictions for nominations

Plan is to backdoor Jeremy

Aaryn and Howard, with Kaitlin as the third nominee

Howard so that he will fight for POV and take himself off
Aaryn incase the BBMVP isn't Helen or Elissa so that Aaryn will go home as a back-up plan incase Jeremy is immune.

Helen wants Kaitlin to be the third nominee as a pawn so she fights for POV and take herself off

Or Helen could put up Aaryn and Kaitlin, and Elissa puts up Howard for MVP nomination.

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