Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Elissa has gone bat-shit crazy! She just ruined her game, Judd's game, and the Knockout's game.

3:15pm: Elissa talking about her religion in backyard and how Howard uses it in his game. Andy and McCrae are joking around across the backyard couches about how Elissa is too loud becuase GM is near her and can possibly hear Elissa and report that back to Howard.  Elissa misinterprets and thinks that Andy/McCrae are insulting her and her religion. Andy and McCrae try to defend themselves (they didn't do anything wrong, Elissa just misinterpreted)

4:20pm: HOH lockdown, all houseguests in HOH room. Elissa breaks down and cries and says she wants to self-evict because she doesn't want to deal with defamatory remarks. She says Andy means nothing to her and Amanda is consoling her, playing her own social game, by telling Elissa that Andy is just a voting number.

The real shit starts a little later.

Around 7:30pm:  Elissa tells Kaitlin that the house wants her gone. Elissa says she'd rather have Aaryn leave over Kaitlin and asks Kaitlin if she's in an alliance with Howard/Spencer.  Kaitlin denies it and suggests if she should confront Howard/Spencer about it in front of the whole house (ed. Kaitlin really is in a secret alliance with Howard/Spencer/GM).  Aaryn is in the bathroom and hears this conversation of Elissa/Kaitlin in the kitchen.  Aaryn goes to Helen and asks why Elissa is questioning Kaitlin about her secret alliance, because she is ruining the Knockouts plan to evict Kaitlin and save Aaryn.

Basically a whole argument starts of He said/She said, with a lot of houseguests in the colored room trying to find out who said what. Elissa denies she did anything wrong, Aaryn says Elissa is the one that brought up Aaryn's name and Aaryn doesn't want her name being thrown under the bus anymore, and Kaitlin/Spencer/Howard are denying being in a secret alliance. You should go rewatch it. The buildup starts at around 8pm and the real shit starts at 8:09pm.  Basically we see Aaryn and Elissa saying that they don't like each other and will never associate with one another.

That moment when you realize you aligned with the craziest Big Brother houseguest ever

Helen/Andy/McCrae/Amanda/Jessie/Aaryn are really mad at Elissa and wonder why she just screwed up their game.  They all agree that Elissa needs to go because she can't be trusted.  Now that the house knows there's a question about a 5-person secret alliance, Howard/Spencer will figure out that it was probably Judd who spilled the beans to the Knockouts. Elissa just screwed up her game, Judd's game, and the Knockouts are targets now.

Elissa is mad that Judd and Helen were in the room and didn't stick up for her. She called Judd and the rest of the house a joke. Elissa says she has her own mind and can vote whoever she wants and people like Helen or whoever can't tell her who to vote.

Basically all this revolves around Elissa wanting Aaryn out so bad, she's willing to not go with her alliance and going with her own personal agenda.

Around 8pm: Buildup to Fight

8:09pm: Fight Starts!

Current Alliances

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