Thursday, August 1, 2013

Howard scrambles for votes at the last minute. Predictions for eviction. MVP Twist is predicted to end along with Endurance competition.

Howard/Candice were scrambling at the last minute late last night and early this morning.  Howard is convinced that he can totally trust Andy, but we all know that's not the case.  Unfortunately, I predict Howard is still going home, and the last minute attempt to flip did nothing but make people more pissed off at Jessie because Howard guilt tripped her into trying to flip the house.

Tonight should be an endurance competition, and if seasons 13 and 14 are any indication, the same week there is an endurance competition, the twist for that season ends.

Predictions for HOH winner: Candice, Spencer, or GM because they have the most reason to win. Amanda/McCrae/Helen/Elissa/Andy know Candice is the biggest target and they want her to stay for a few weeks to take out Aaryn/Judd/Jessie/Gm/Spencer, and I could see them throwing the competition, at least Amanda/McCrae/Andy might.   Helen and Elissa might not be intelligent enough to know they can throw it. Judd and Jessie are unaware that the house wants them out, so I don't think they'll want to win.

The 2nd reign of Queen Aaryn was more successful than her first. She's in a better position now.

Votes to Evict Howard (8-0 predicted with the possibility of 7-1)

1. McCrae
2. Andy
3. Judd
4. Helen
5. Elissa
6. GM
7. Jessie* - Will she follow through with the last minute plan to vote Amanda out?  Andy told her he isn't going to vote Amanda out so let's hope she's smart enough to vote with the house for her own sake.
8. Spencer* - There's a chance he could vote out Amanda thinking that the plan is going to work.  But he's voted with the house so far this season.

11:00 am: Andy tell Aaryn he was approached by Jessie with a plan to evict Amanda with GM, Jesssie, Spencer.  Andy tells Aaryn Judd wasn't included in that list so he thinks Howard doesn't trust Judd and that probably Judd was the one who told Amanda and McCrae.

Aaryn: It's not ok for Jessie to just flip like that. She's gotta go

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