Thursday, July 4, 2013

State of the Union for Week 2

Based on all the events last night, here are important updates on each person in the house. First here are my predictions on who Aaryn, the current HOH, will nominate:  Elissa and Amanda.

Andy: He admitted to Aaryn after HOH competition and Blondtourage that he voted for David, only because he wasn't sure if David would come after him and Helen had he stayed.  Aaryn tells Andy she respects him being honest, unlike the other people. He wants to backdoor Jeremy.

Judd: He also admitted he switched votes to David and is trying to play the sympathy card. At 2:25 am, Kaitlin and Aaryn bring Judd up to HOH room and interrogate him. He throws Candice under the bus and said that she told him she was voting David, so that's why Judd changed his vote.  The girls tell him that he's on their radar now for changing his vote last minute, when they had his back earlier in the week.

Candice: The only person to have never told a lie on the live feeds, yet nobody believes her. lol

After eviction, she told Aaryn that Spencer came up to her and told her to vote for Elissa.  Candice's story to Aaryn sounded very convincing, and at one moment had Aaryn believing the 5 votes to keep David were Kaitlin/Aaryn/GM/Candice/Spencer.

Later, she was talking to Helen and was connecting the dots to a "super boy group". She mentioned Jeremy/Nick/Spencer working together and possibly Howard. She doesn't know how McCrae and Amanda are connected to this just yet.

Aaryn: Current HOH.  She chooses Elissa/Andy/Helen/Candice for Have-nots.

Her current targets are Elissa and Amanda/Helen.  She wants to keep Candice for now because both her and Kaitlin think Candice is weak and is an easy target in the future.  She has said that she would nominated whoever Jeremy wanted.

Spencer: He did a good job acting after eviction by trying to throw Candice under the bus while she was showering. After Candice/Helen's conversation, Spencer tells Helen that the reason Candice says she voted for Elissa was because Spencer told her to vote David by deny and insist she voted for Elissa. Spencer says Candice is "out of the circle" and that's why she's behaving the way she is. Spencer seems to convince Helen to believe him.

Out of the Moving Company, he has the most stories that he needs to keep straight. Candice/Helen/Kaitlin/Aaryn are getting suspicious of Spencer.

Helen: She and Candice almost figure out the Moving Company. She mentions she wants BBMVP and wants to backdoor Jeremy because he's so good in competitions.

Amanda: Despite Blondtourage figuring out who voted for who, she goes to HOH room and still insists she voted for Elissa's eviction. She insists that she had no reason to vote David out. The Blondtourage girls don't seem to buy it after Amanda leaves because the numbers don't add up.

Kaitlin: She is worried that Elissa will get MVP and put Kaitlin up on the block, knowing that if Jeremy was to be nominated he could win POV.  Kaitlin is convinced by Judd after his interrogation that Candice is never to be trusted.

Nick: He's being really quiet the whole night. The Blondtourage girls still think he's on their side. Aaryn expressed doubt and said "Nick is not to be trusted" but Kaitlin quickly convinced her that Nick is on their side (whew).  Candice has told Helen and Elissa that she doesn't trust Nick and that Nick voted differently.

Jeremy: No suspicion on him so far. He won HOH and gave it to Aaryn because he knew he could have influence on her nominations, plus that would allow him to play HOH the following week. He keeps telling everybody to calm down and put Elissa up, in an attempt to stop people from thinking too much and possibly messing up him and Moving Company's plans.

Jessie: No one trusts her, and she is really clueless as to what's happening in the house. She is officially more of a floater than Candice. But she seems to be siding with Blondtourage in terms of a vote and input as to what is happening in the house

McCrae: Nothing much happened . McCrae acting like he's feeling stupid for putting up Elissa on the block and her still saying (he's putting up an act obviously)

Jeremy and Spencer have expressed concern that McCrae can't keep it together because of Amanda. If Moving Company is to eat their own, McCrae would be their first target unfortunately.

Howard: He's talking to Helen and telling her to calm down and not talk much, and that he would talk to Spencer about the whole "Candice's voting situation". Other than that, Howard has remained a cool cat.

Elissa: nothing much. She's Aaryn's main target.

GinaMarie: She's still convinced that Howard is a weak player. She is still clueless that Nick is against her (lol). She doesn't like Jessie still.

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