Thursday, July 11, 2013

The next couple of weeks will be predictable. Jeremy/Aaryn/Kaitlin/GinaMarie/Spencer/Howard going home in the next few weeks, guaranteed as long as BBMVP twist is alive. HOH doesn't even matter.

Now that Elissa is staying, she will get BBMVP for as long as the twist is still in play.

The house will essentially be divided into two:

Aaryn, Kaitlin, Jeremy, Howard, Spencer, GinaMarie


McCrae, Amanda, Judd, Andy, Jessie, Helen, Candice, Elissa

It won't matter who wins HOH the next couple of weeks, because Elissa will nominate and whoever her nominee is will be sent home, even if Jeremy's side of the house wins HOH.

Let's say one member Jeremy's side wins HOH and puts 2 members of Elissa's side of the house up for nomination. That leaves 6 people on Elissa's side free to vote. Elissa puts up one of Jeremy's side of the house, and Jeremy's side will only have 4 people free to vote. Elissa's side wins.

It'll be even more of a slaughter if Elissa's side wins HOH, then the vote will be 7-3 to send one of Jeremy's side home.

Look for Jeremy, Aaryn, Kaitlin, GinaMarie, Spencer, and Howard to be going home in the next couple of weeks as long as BBMVP is still in play.

UPDATE: Howard and Spencer have learned the morning of Eviction day that Nick is going home, so they have flipped their vote to avoid the wrath of Elissa's MVP powers. Expect Jeremy/Aaryn/Kaitlin/GinaMarie to go home the next few weeks, guaranteed!

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