Thursday, July 11, 2013

Spencer and Howard have flipped in order to save themselves. They are now voting to evict Nick.

Spencer and Howard have found out Nick is going home on a 6-5 vote if they stay loyal to their word to Moving Company and vote to evict Elissa.

However, if they do this, they are putting a target on their backs because Elissa's side of the house literally controls the vote, regardless of who is HOH in the next few weeks because of this BBMVP twist.

So Howard and Spencer have changed up their game and will now be voting to evict Nick

Predictions for tonight's vote

Votes to evict Nick

1. Candice
2. Andy
3. Judd
4. McCrae
5. Amanda
6. Jessie
7. Spencer
8. Howard

Votes to evict Elissa

1. Jeremy
2. Kaitlin
3. GinaMarie

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