Saturday, July 20, 2013

Let the Revolution begin! Alliance forms to overthrow Amanda, McCrae, Helen, and Elissa

Between around 3:30am to 5am July 20, Howard/Spencer/GM/Kait/Judd are in HOH room and Howard delivers an inspirational rally speech about how Amanda,McCrae, Helen, and Elissa think they are controlling the house and that the rest of the house are too stupid to do anything about it.

Howard and Spencer basically say that they have the numbers and that next week, they should plan on getting Amanda/McCrae out and flipping the house. The meeting ends with all their hands in. Judd reveals to Howard that Am/McC want to backdoor Howard, so it seems Judd might switch to the winning team if they can get this thing done.

They got the numbers: Howard, Spencer, GM, Kaitlin, Judd, Jessie, Candice. Let the Revolution begin! First order of business: Get out untrustworthy Aaryn.

Why do all the revolutions and flipping alliances occur when live feeders are asleep?! I guess I can't sleep for the rest of the season LOL

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