Sunday, July 7, 2013

Elissa nominates Jeremy. Jeremy wins POV. Moving Company trying to get Elissa out.

Current HOH: Aaryn
Nominees by HOH: Helen, Elissa
BBMVP: Elissa
Nominee by MVP: Jeremy

Elissa nominates Jeremy as MVP nominee.

Jeremy wins the POV.

Kaitlin and Nick are possible replacements.

Right now, Moving Company clearly has the votes to evict Elissa, and it is their current plan to convince people to vote for Elissa to hide their alliance. The current votes for Elissa's eviction would be:

1. GinaMarie
2. Kaitlin or Nick depending who is MVP nominee
3. Jeremy
4. Jessie
5. Howard
6. Spencer
7. McCrae

*only 6 votes needed for eviction

But they are trying to convince the other side to vote with them to get rid of Elissa because the voting results could be traced back and Moving Company could be discovered. That's why they're trying to get a unanimous vote to hide the alliance.  Amanda, Andy, and Helen want to keep Elissa because they believe she'll keep getting BBMVP, and they can use her to nominate the third person, and it wouldn't matter who's HOH and who goes on the block because they would have the numbers to vote out the MVP's nominee. Amanda and Andy think it's sketchy that there are people in the house pushing for Elissa to go home and think people have side deals.

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