Monday, July 1, 2013

Juicy Flashbacks

July 3

Around 1:15am: Jeremy and Kaitlin sexy time.

1:40 am: Judd requests holy water from diary room for Aaryn's exorcism later today at eviction. Some time later, the talk about how GM turned into Beetlejuice because she doesn't wear makeup.

3:37am: Amanda and McCrae kissing in bed.

July 2

3:28 am: GinaMarie wakes out of bed to get Jeremy to tell him she's going to leave Big Brother.

3:30 am: GinaMarie wants to go home AGAIN, and Jeremy is now comforting her in the HOH room.

3:40 am: At the same time, Amanda is crying in the HOH room. LOL, why do girls cry at the same time, they're all synced up or something?

4:41:25 am, camera 3: McCrae gets a handjob from Amanda. A couple of minutes later, she asks him if he wants to have sex in Sequester.

12:18pm: Kaitlin goes take a shower. If you look closely from cam 4, you might see a nipslip

1:28 pm: Aaryn saying everybody is on the verge of a "freak out breakdown". How ironic.

6:55pm cam 3: Jeremy wipes his butt with someone's hat. gross.

11:15pm: Jeremy apologizes to Elissa about wiping his butt with her hat.  Also Aaryn, David, and GM conclude that Nick is gay based on evidence. LOL Nick has them so fooled.

11:42pm: Kait and Jer make out

11:52pm: Candice's boob flash  when changing.

July 1

12:20am Jeremy confronts the former Have-Nots about being mean to his Blondtourage teammates because he took the wine. The next two hours are full of drama, watch it all!  Kaitlin chews out Jeremy and Helen cries! LMAO

12:57am to 1:02 am  Aaryn and Candice fight again over the hat incident. Candice tells Aaryn to eat crud, and tells Aaryn that it's not the best strategy to act like a villain if she wanted to have a hosting career.

1:57am   Moving  Company celebrate how perfect the red wine fight is and how it will be a perfect cover-up to why David is going home on Wednesday and won't put any suspicion on who is lying about voting for Elissa

11:27am   McCrae and Amanda kiss

3:39 pm  GinaMarie breaks down after Big Brother takes her clothes away for having brand names apparently

6:57:45 pm, camera 1: Spencer shows his ballsack

8:15 pm, camera 3: GM tells Andy and Nick she's going home cuz she wants to go back to her life. Nick takes her and comforts her and convinces her to stay.

10:39pm: Aaryn attempts to lift weights, and starts a 1.5 hour conversation with David where she says he's not her type, and that she's attracted to Jeremy more. David starts tearing up, his heart is broken.

11:41pm: David begins to tear up a little.

June 30

The first two hours of the day: Racism and Bigotry by Aaryn. Aaryn and Candice get into a fight over her hat

12:43 am -ish: The fight over the hat begins b/w Candice and Aaryn and doesn't end for a couple of hours.

6:49pm, camera 3: David and Aaryn kiss

June 29

7:14 am: McCrae and Amanda kiss in HOH bedroom

12:37 pm, cam 3: Nip slip by Amanda

2:21pm, camera 3: David shows his penis

11:40 pm and onwards: Aaryn saying how America will vote for Andy for BBMVP beacause America loves the queers. This starts a whole night of bigotry and racial slurs from Aaryn. She says for Helen to shut up and go make rice.

June 28

3:08am to 4:00 am: Jeremy and Kaitlin makeout session

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