Saturday, July 20, 2013

Elissa wins the Power of Veto. Helen/Elissa turn on Amanda. Paranoia in the house, while America waits for our replacement nominee

Elissa wins POV. The competition involved taking punishments such as solitary confinement, etc for points. Or giving up points for prizes.

Elissa: Not allowed to play in next week's veto
Helen: 8pm curfew
McCrae: Won $5000
Judd: 24 hour solitary confinement

Howard believes Amanda will be replacement nominee, and her alliance will try to pin the BBMVP onto Howard.

Other houseguests are still trying to guess who is MVP and why they nominated Elissa. Many still think Elissa nominated herself for the following reasons (including but not limited to the following reasons)

1. She doesn't want blood on her hands incase she backdoors Howard
2. She knows what the twist is, and is nominated herself to get some form of power or safety such as the Coup d'Etat
3. She knows she's safe this week no matter what and is testing the loyalties of other houseguests so she knows who to go after next week.

Other people have thought Amanda, Aaryn, and Howard might have gotten MVP

Helen/Elissa find it suspicious Amanda told Helen not to use POV before the competition. Helen/elissa tell candice and jessie to not trust Amanda and that she's working with other people. They plan to evict her soon. Helen also tells Andy to not trust McC/Amanda.

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