Saturday, July 13, 2013

State of the Union Week 3

After the Fallout of Nick's eviction, here's where the houseguests are as of the morning of July 13:

Current HOH: Helen
BBMVP: Elissa (McCrae lies about being BBMVP to Howard, who tells it to Spencer and Judd)
HOH nominees: Aaryn and Kaitlin
BBMVP nominee: Spencer
Other POV players: GinaMarie and Candice

Aaryn, Kaitlin, Jeremy, GinaMarie are essentially isolated from the rest of the house.  Kaitlin and Jeremy decide that they basically need to keep away from Aaryn since they think that associating themselves with her will hurt their game. Aaryn is by herself in this game now, GinaMarie as well, which can benefit them in the game because the targets aren't so big on them if they lay low, but they are also disposable pawns if bigger targets find ways to save themselves.  Jeremy revealed the Moving Company to Helen before nominations, even though Helen was told by Amanda earlier. The whole house at the end of Friday night knows of the Moving Company.

Howard and Spencer are now on an island by themselves as well. The rest of the house sees them as Shady Fucks and untrustworthy. Howard and Spencer called a house meeting and came clean about the Moving Company on Friday night to start over on a clean slate.

The rest of the house was sitting pretty until some events that transpired that could cause some rifts in the future. Helen was interviewing houseguests before her nominations and couldn't get to everyone, espeically Elissa and Helen. Helen's main plan is to backdoor Jeremy and not let him play in veto. So she nominated Aaryn (as a backup eviction victim incase Jeremy's chip gets pulled out for POV and he wins) and Howard as pawns because she knew both are good competitors and would fight for veto and take themselves off. However, by the time she had to make nominations, she couldn't talk with Elissa to plan her third nomination so Helen took the safe route and nominated Aaryn and Kaitlin.  Later in the night, Amanda and McCrae wanted Elissa to nominate Howard for MVP nominee; both McCrae and Amanda have their own agenda and really want Howard out this house too.  Elissa expressed her discomfort for nominating Howard because she knew Howard and Candice are close, and Elissa didn't want the target on her back to grow (possibly because she's close to Candice?). McCrae offered to say that he's BBMVP and take the heat for the nomination. Elissa gets called to DR room.

McCrae and Amanda call Howard up to the room and have an argument with him. McCrae reveals to Howard that he's BBMVP and is putting up Howard. Elissa comes back later to HOH room and tells the group she nominated Spencer, which enraged Amanda! Elissa cries! McCrae goes down to Howard and strikes a deal with him to not nominate him if Howard promises to keep McCrae and Amanda safe incase Howard wins HOH.  McCrae and Howard form an alliance consisting of McCrae, Amanda, Howard, Spencer, Helen, and one other person to be named later. McCrae agrees and says he's putting up Spencer instead.

McCrae goes tells Spencer about the alliance (it's probably a fake alliance that McCrae is using as leverage for protection for him and Amanda, while Howard and Spencer think it's real but they have no choice since they aren't in a position of power at this point).  McCrae comes up with an excuse that Spencer is going to be nominated because that's what the people upstairs wanted (he names Andy, Elissa, etc to make it seem believable to Spencer)

Amanda and McCrae don't trust Elissa's mistake now because they believe she made some deal with Howard. They think Howard is in an alliance with Elissa, Helen, and Candice (even though there is no such alliance).

Kaitlin is currently planning on not using POV on herself if she wins because she knows the plan is to backdoor Jeremy. Kaitlin thinks that Spencer is the target if Jeremy is not on the block. She tells GM to please not use the POV if she wins. Other houseguests plan to warn Kaitlin if she doesn't use the POV on herself, she will be the one going home cuz she's protecting Jeremy.

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