Sunday, July 21, 2013

State of the Union Week 4

Judd - Since forming the new alliance with Howard/Spencer/GM/Kait/Judd to overthrow Amanada/McCrae/Helen, Judd has been in a tough position. He can't decide if he should flip on Amanda/McCrae. At 9:02am July 20, he tells Jessie he might have found both of them a new alliance, but it depends on the nominations after POV ceremony. At 11:43am July 21, he talks to the camera in solitary and asks if he should turn on Amanda/McCrae. And July 21 at between 4am-5am, he was in the HOH room forming the new alliance, so there's proof that Judd is seriously considering flipping

Aaryn - She really thinks it's unfair that everyone in the house can talk about race and not be considered racist, while if Aaryn says anything it's considered racist. She's playing the victim card. Aaryn said to Kaitlin that if she continues to play poorly in competitions

Amanda - She is unaware that over half the house wants to overthrow her because they think she and McCrae are manipulating everyone. Amanda does not trust Elissa because of the whole MVP twist. She believes she has Aaryn in her back pocket and would rather evict Kaitlin. McCrae disagress with her on this one, but he ultimately doesn't care if Aaryn or Kaitlin goes. Am thinks Kait is in an alliance with Howard and Candice.

McCrae - July 21 was his birthday. He thinks Aaryn could have gotten MVP, or that Elissa got MVP and nominated herself. He thinks Howard could have done it too. He is really worried about Elissa because he think's she is acting shady, and is worried about the third nominee replacement.

Elissa - She's been talking a lot about Aaryn lately, and a lot of the houseguests notice that, even though Aaryn barely talks about Elissa anymore. Elissa made Amanda cry last night with her harsh comments about Amanda's body. Elissa and Helen are aware that Amanda/McCrae are up to no good. Helen told Elissa that before POV competition, Amanda told Helen to not use the POV on anyone if Helen won it. Helen finds that really suspicious and believe Amanda/McCare are in alliances on both sides of the house. Elissa/Helen want to backdoor Amanda.

Helen-  Elissa and Helen are aware that Amanda/McCrae are up to no good. Helen told Elissa that before POV competition, Amanda told Helen to not use the POV on anyone if Helen won it. Helen finds that really suspicious and believe Amanda/McCare are in alliances on both sides of the house. Elissa/Helen want to backdoor Amanda. Helen told Andy to be wary of Amanda/McCrae

Andy - Helen told Andy/Jess/Candice to be wary of Amanda/McCrae. We saw at one point Andy in deep thought. He does tell Amanda/McCrae that people are talking about them isolating themselves all the time. Andy thinks Kait is in an alliance with Howard and Candice because Kait has stopped talking game with Andy.

Jessie - Helen told Jessie that Amanda/McCrae are working both sides of the house in many alliances. She tells Jessie/Candice/Elissa that Amanda should be backdoored.  She is currently laying low and it's working so far for her because her name has not come out of anyone's mouths.

Candice - still does not believe Elissa saying she did not get MVP. She thinks Elissa is MVP and nominated herself so that she won't have any blood on her hands when she backdoors Howard. She attacked Amanda and told Amanda to not Fuck with her this week and just send Aaryn home. Candice believes good people should make it to jury and win the game.

Howard - Howard/Spencer formed a revolution alliance to overthrow Amanda/McCrae/Helen. Howard believes Elissa is MVP and will try to backdoor Amanda, and blame the MVP on Howard so that he is a target in future weeks.

Spencer - in the same position as Howard. Spencer is upping his social game by talking to Elissa about praying with her (even though Spencer does not pray, it was suggested by Howard so Spencer could get in good with Elissa)

GinaMarie - she is completely over the whole 'Elissa hates the other young girls' talk from Aaryn.

Kaitlin - she is mad that Aaryn told Amanda that Kaitlin said Amanda is going up for MVP, and Kaitlin denies ever saying that. She is worried she is going home and that Aaryn is making deals with people in the house to send Kaitlin home. Kait has been playing a better social game because she did make amends with Jessie and it seems they are on better terms now.

Current Alliances

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