Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Helen throws in the towel. Amanda manipulates Elissa. BB12 Winner Hayden Moss to appear on upcoming season of Survivor: Blood vs. Water. Aaryn is in trouble because Amanda/McCrae want to get rid of her next week.

Hayden Moss is a contestant along with Survivor: One World girlfriend Kat Edorrson on the new Survivor: Blood vs. Water

Amanda took too much Adderall today.

The real Amanda

The new cast of Big Brother Season 16: All-stars 2
 The BB house

Side boob

2:42pm: Helen apologizes to Amanda and says the past few days has been just game.  Helen is basically throwing in the towel and tells Amanda that she respects her game and doesn't want the next few days to be bitter like Jessie made last week.  Amanda says she loves McCrae and doesn't care for the money, and Helen says she loves Amanda and McCrae, blah blah.  Helen says she knows when she met her match.

Helen waves the white flag

3:50pm: Amanda is gaming Elissa. She is telling Elissa that she trusts Elissa more than Helen and Amanda says Aaryn is coming after both Elissa and Amanda (which is a lie cuz Aaryn is in Amanda's alliance, and Amanda is trying to make Elissa feel that Amanda is on her side).  Elissa says that Helen doesn't speak for Elissa

4:50pm: Amanda explains in HOH that they need to make Elissa feels like she has people on her side so that she feels safe and won't fight for HOH.  Aaryn is mad at the point of the conversation because she thinks all Amanda did in her 1 hour convo with Elissa was just secure Amanda's safety and reiterate to Elissa that Aaryn/GM/Spencer are the targets.  Aaryn is mad at Amanda because everytime Aaryn tries to talk game and secure her own safety, Amanda gets mad.  Amanda bites back and says that's ridiculous.

Spencer says he understands that Amanda just wanted to protect herself and McCrae.

Aaryn is mad at Amanda for making AA/GM a bigger target, and for using Adderall

5:20pm: Amanda tells AA to trust Amanda. The reason Amanda did what she did to Elissa was to make Elissa not put up 2 members of 3AM together.  Amanda says if AA is on the block, Ama/Mc/Andy will have the votes to keep Aaryn and that's why it was important that Elissa not put those 3 up on the block if she was HOH.

6:44pm: Amanda tells McCrae that she wants either GM or Aaryn gone next week.

6:52pm:  they want to go after GM because Aaryn wants GM to stay so that she goes after am/mc because they are stronger.  Both agree that Aaryn is acting selfish and that Aaryn is not grateful for what they have done for her.

10:58pm: Spencer thinks whoever is HOH next week will put him and Elissa up.  Aaryn thinks it will be GM and Elissa because GM will fight for veto.   Aa/andy/spencer in HOH room, and Aaryn says if El wins veto or HOH, that means Gm/AA/Spe are going home.  AA was afraid of being the pawn coming into the house because people would think she’s sweet.

12:02am: El/Hel talking.  Helen says she thinks Andy/McCrae/Spencer are working together  Helen can’t believe she put her trust in Andy.  Elissa wishes Aaryn would have put up Amanda, Spencer, or McCrae.  Helen says Andy needs to go home, but Elissa says not before Amanda and others.  They laugh that Spencer will be the last one standing.  Elissa ays if Helen goes home, then Aaryn will go home.  Helen says that if Elissa has a chance to get out Amanda that she should do it, and Elissa agrees.  Both of them can’t believe McCrae or Andy have never been on the block.

12:13am: McCrae/Amanda want Aaryn out next week, and they want Spencer in F3.

1:58am: Gm and Andy outside.  GM warns Andy that Helen is still after his vote.  Andy says Helen would just make Elissa stronger and he can’t have that.  GM/Andy reaffirm their F3 deal with Aaryn.  GM tells Andy if she won HOH that Spencer or Amanda would be her target if Elissa wins POV.

3:06am: Aaryn/Spencer alone in HOH room.  Aaryn tells Spencer he would work with McCrae if Amanda leaves.   She says that she still wants Elissa gone next and Spencer says she thought GM would make a move on McCranda.  Spencer is worried he will be a pawn and if Elissa wins POV then he’ll go home.   Aaryn tells Spencer that McC/Amanda/Andy say they have her back but she doesn’t think this cuz they are making her a target.  Spencer/Aaryn say they want to be F3 with GM.  Spencer thinks McCrae is beatable at the end but not Amanda.  Aaryn tells Spencer she can get GM to put up McC/Amanda if GM got HOH.

3:20am: Andy walks in on Spencer/Aaryn, walks out and tells McCranda that they have to watch out for Poopy

3:31am: Spencer/Andy alone in backyard, Spencer rats Aaryn out that AA wants Amanda out.  Spencer also says that AA wants to make a AA/GM/Spencer alliance.  Spence also reveals to Andy that Aaryn is a little suspicious of Andy, but GM won’t put him up.

3:39am: McCrae tells Amanda that he wants to put up GM/Spencer and backdoor Elissa or Aaryn.   He thinks Spencer is still dangerous but seems more loyal if Aaryn goes.  Amanda says she’ll lose GM if she puts up Aaryn.  Amanda thinks it’s best if Spencer wins HOH to take out Aaryn, and McCrae thinks Spencer will throw HOH.

4:10amMcCrae/Spencer talking, and McCrae says Aaryn scares him.  He hopes Elissa wins if she’d go after Aaryn/GM and they can get Elissa out after that.  McC says he wants to go to F2 with Spencer. Spencer says he is down with that. McCrae says he doesn't know how far Amanda can go. McCrae says he needs to keep him here as long as possible, trusts Andy but doesn't know if he'd pick Amanda or him for F2. Spencer says he doesn't think anyone can beat Amanda in the end, and only exception is Aaryn against Amanda. McCrae says him, Spencer, and Andy are solid, and also Amanda.

McCrae is scared if GM wins HOH, doesn't know what she'd do. Spencer says probably El goes up. Warns McCrae that GM is bugging out about their showmance, that she likes McCrae but hates Amanda. Says they gotta split Aaryn/GM.

Spencer said he'd put up El and GM with Aaryn as replacement.

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