Thursday, August 15, 2013

Aaryn wins record 4th HOH. Helen/Elissa will be nominated, with the real target on Helen; they want Heeln to feel like the pawn; if she goes off the block, Elissa will be the target. Aaryn has a nipple slip

Most HOHs in one season are Janelle, Ian, Hayden, and Rachel with 4 HOH wins. Aaryn has this and it's only the half way point (Ian, Hayden, and Rachel got their 4th HOH at the finale)

Predictions for Aaryn's nominations:

Helen and Elissa.  They will make Helen think she's a pawn and that they are doing it so Helen doesn't have to get blood on her hands by voting out Elissa.  Then if Helen is still on the block, Helen is voted out.  If Helen takes herself off the block, Spencer is the replacement, and Elissa is voted out.

A Juror will come back into the game. It will be a competition among Candice, Judd, Jessie, and the HG evicted next Thursday!
Summary from

Shortly after the hiding behind the trash can incident, Amanda pulled herself together to go immediately get in Aaryn't ear and let her know they were evicting Helen this week.  Aaryn was totally okay with the idea of putting up Elissa and Helen, and Elissa did not help herself by apparently making comments about not wanting to sit near GinaMarie or Aaryn during the live show.

Right before or after (I don't remember which) the time that Amanda and Aaryn were deciding to put up Helen and Elissa (with Spencer as a replacement if one of them comes down) McCrae and Andy had a chat with their fake alliance member Helen and promised her to try to pitch for Spencer to be the one to go up on the block with Elissa so they could vote out Spencer.  This of course won't actually happen, but everyone is trying to get Helen to believe she is not the target.

While Andy and McCrae sweet talked Helen, Amanda filled in Spencer on what was going on in the other room.  Since it's necessary to put up Helen with Elissa (so that Helen can't win veto and use it on Elissa) Spencer will not be going up, so Aaryn and Amanda agreed they must make deals with him this week.
After Helen was finished talking to McCrae and Andy, she went and briefly spoke with Aaryn and GinaMarie about the things Elissa had been saying about them during the live show.  She could tell they were pretty upset and she then fled the room to go find Elissa and try to get her to apologize and play nice with Aaryn to keep herself off the block.  Elissa being..well..Elissa, was not okay with the idea of apologizing to anyone.  Most of her argument consisted of her talking about how she has more to worry about than some 22 year old. She has kids at home.. blah blah blah.  I really thought Rachel was weird in her first season, but finding out that Rachel was the normal one of the two sisters continues to blow my mind on a daily basis.  Elissa proceeded to talk about how she would walk if she were sent to Jury because she would rather go home to her family than spend time with the people in the jury house.

This conversation sent Helen flying back up to the HOH room where Aaryn, Spencer, Andy, McCrae, and Amanda were all hanging out.  Helen turned on the tears and sobbed it out about how she NEEDS Elissa's vote if she is in the final 2, and now she can't help Elissa anymore, but she has to play for herself.  In my opinion, all of this (including the tears) was Helen speak for "You can't put me up on the block if you feel sorry for me because I'm sobbing and I'm a mom."  Apparently I'm not the only one who felt that way since Amanda and McCrae want downstairs and chatted about how they both had no sympathy for what Helen was doing.

Helen eventually calmed down and after that everyone hung out in the HOH (well everyone except for Elissa) and chit chatted for the predominant part of the rest of the night.  They all spent a while telling Helen she just has to play for herself etc..  They did Candice impersonations. They talked about Jury house and how awkward it will be when Jessie gets there, and they tried to make Helen feel comfortable because no one wants her freaking out or knowing she is the target. They want her to believe the target is Elissa, and from what I understand, they want Elissa to believe she is the target as well until they blindside Helen.

Helen has now gone downstairs and says she is going to bed.  Everyone else seems to be winding down, and I am about to give up since they won't stop talking about production and getting the feeds cut every few seconds.  I am very very VERY excited to see Helen on the block as the target this week, but I do have reservations.  The jury twist was announced on tonight's live show.  The absolute LAST thing I want to happen is to have Helen evicted this Thursday only to bounce RIGHT back into the house by winning the competition against Judd, Jessie, and Candice.  I feel like if Elissa got booted, it would likely be Judd or Jessie (hopefully Judd) going back in, but if Helen goes makes me nervous.  I will just have to see how the week plays out.  For all we know Helen could win veto and save herself leaving them to oust Elissa. Or if Elissa makes them miserable enough this week, they may oust her anyway.

Either way, there should be a have-not competition this morning followed by nominations in the evening.  Helen and Elissa should go up unless something drastic changes between now and then.  Hopefully nominations bring fireworks!


Current Alliance chart

7:05pm: Amanda is crying behind a trashcan because she didn't know McC threw the comp to her and McC was mad AManda didn't beat Aaryn.  Aaryn confirmed she was trying to throw the HOH comp to AManda, so Amanda is sad and crying because she realizes she sucks at comps.

Move over Rachel. Crying behind a bush is soooooo a few seasons ago. Crying behind a trashcan is en vogue

7:15pm: Amanda is still complaining about sucking at competitions.  Amanda is pushing for Elissa and saying to put Helen up because Helen will vote to keep Elissa.

7:30pm: Aaryn and McCrae talking. Looks like they are putting up Helen/Elissa, with Spencer as a replacement option.  They want to make Elissa the target so that Helen feels like she's the pawn and make Helen comfy that she won't get blood on her hands by voting out Elissa.  Then the house will vote out Helen if she's still on there.  If she takes herself off the block, put up Spencer and vote out Elissa.

7:45pm: Andy says he'll tell Helen that she's going on the block to ensure that Elissa is voted out (that's a lie to make Helen feel safe).  Amanda wants Aaryn to tell Helen that the plan is to backdoor Amanda, but Aaryn doesn't like that.  Andy says he'll keep the noms the same, but the rest think its better for Andy to throw the veto comp.  They tell Aaryn to make a one week deal with Spencer for her safety

7:56pm:  Amanda is happy they recruited Aaryn because no one suspects Aaryn is doing Amanda/Andy/McCrae's dirty work.  Amanda tells Andy to tell Spencer that El/Helen wanted Spencer/GM up on the block so that's why Hel/El are on the block.  Andy tells Amanda to keep an eye out on the Spencer/GM alliance.

Amanda is the Kim Spradlin of this season, Aaryn the Alicia Rosa (brownie points to whoever gets this reference)

8:20pm: GM and Spencer are a weird duo.

8:59pm: Nip slip by Aaryn? She changed too fast can't tell. Rewind to around this time
9:01pm: Yup. Nip slip

9:01pm cam 1 August 15

9:50pm: McCrae and Helen talking in cockpit lounge.  They think Spencer is working with Aaryn because he put up McCrae in the knockout comp.  McCrae thinks AA will put McCrae up (a lie) and Helen thinks AA will put up Helen/Elissa on the block.  Helen thinks Aaryn would have to be worried that she won 4 HOHs.  Helen is wondering when she should talk to Aaryn about nominations, and wants to see if she would put up Spencer next to Elissa.

10:45pm: GM/AA confused at Elissa's condescending snide remarks at GM/Aaryn about not wanting to sit next to Aaryn or GM on the couch.  Helen was defending Elissa and saying Elissa was anxious about the upcoming comps.  GM bashes Elissa saying she's no better than anyone else.  Earlier AA confirmed to GM that Elissa is the target.  Later we find out the comment also involved all the money so far not worth missing her boys' first day of school.

11:31pm: Helen tells Elissa that she tried her best to convince them that Elissa was just in a bad mood.
 She starts to cry because she misses her son, and says she isn't strong enough for the game, and is considering walking from jury. (i.e. She has no respect for the game, sigh. Where are the people that love and respect the game of Big Brother to play it right?)

The fuck?!

11:52pm: Helen crying by herself saying she can't help El anymore and that if Elissa walks, helen won't have a jury vote.

Helen crying because she realizes she's no longer in power and Elissa or her will be going home and Elissa might walk, meaning Helen loses a jury vote. Fake tears

Helen: "I'm assuming I'm in Final 2, and I'll lose a jury vote if Elissa walks." (interpreted but this is basically what she said)

12:20am: mcC/Spenc/Amanda plot to push Elissa over the edge to get her to walk from jury so that someone else can get America's favorite.  Amanda says she is enjoying Helen crying in HOH room. McC wants to use pyschological warfare to break down Elissa so she doesn't win the POV.  The next hours are filled with houseguests bashing Elissa.  McCrae and Amanda say they have no respect for what Helen tried to pull earlier with the crying.

1:31am: Helen says that if Elissa walks, america gets a jury vote, and that if Helen doesn't win POV, the next best person to win it would be Elissa because it would then be Hel or El + McCranda vs. Everyone else.  Helen says she's been playing the whole time for El/Andy/McCranda.

1:50am: McC/Spe/Aar/Amanda trying to figure out how to beat Helen in POV comps.  McC suggests to have 1 person take all the luxuries during the luxury comp, everyone else can go for other things.  Spencer says he'd like to take prizes if possible, and Amanda tells him NO because he already has a trip to the bahamas (lol)

2:15am: Crew in HOH are talking about what Aaryn should say in her nomination speech.  Aaryn wants to say to Elissa that she views this opportunity as below her and disposable but it's everyone's dream and she wants to leave.  The crew in HOH think Hel/El sound like they have a lot of money and live a good life.  Aaryn jokes that she should tell El/Hel everything that they would say behind AA's back "I'm nominating you because I'm a 22 year old child with no culture."    Amanda is bashing Elissa saying "you are only here because of your sister and you only won mvp because of your sister.  She is a legend in this game and you just ride everyone's coattails."

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