Friday, August 30, 2013

McCrae is the target. Get ready for Hurricane Amanda after nominations. Andy & Spencer will throw the veto comp so they don't get in trouble with McCranda. Amanda offers to throw the veto to McCrae and says she's ready to leave.

Aaryn's hilarious exit interview

 Before the nomination ceremony

After the nomination ceremony

America's reaction

Look at GM's face in the mirror as she hugs Amanda....says it all.

9:57am: GM makes a crying motion with her hand after Amanda leaves the room

12:04am: It was a luxury comp and Spencer won a trip and 10k

12:44pm: Spencer and Andy want Amanda to go over McCrae (Judd and Gm want McCrae out over Amanda).  Andy says he's afraid to play in POV cuz amanda/mccrae want him to use it on them and Judd/GM will be mad if he doesn't fight for it.

Andy and Spencer plan to throw the POV so they won't get in trouble with McCranda

1:30pm: McCrae is annoyed with Amanda's attitude that she doesn't care to be in the game anymore. Amanda keeps bugging him to talk to GM.

1:45pm: More elissa bashing by Amanda during the hour.  McCranda want to push for Judd and Elissa to go up.

1:46pm: Amanda is telling Spencer to tell GM about fake deals that Andy has made (throwing Andy under the bus)

2:25pm: Spencer is saying GM likes to be told what to do and he is going to be assertive when he goes up there (He's not he's just telling McCranda that)

2:28pm: Elissa reminds GM in HOH room that Aaryn wanted them to work together.  GM says so did Helen.

2:29pm: Andy goes up to HOH and wants to talk to GM alone and was asked to leave lol. Elissa says how rude.

2:35pm: GM told Andy that Elissa wants Amanda out and that GM wants McCrae to go.

2:45pm: Gm tells Spencer and Judd to take prizes and take at least 1 punishment so McCrae doesn't take them all.  GM says she wants McCrae gone because of the possibility of a boys alliance.  Gm tells Judd that Amanda has been throwing Judd's name out like fireworks.

2:50pm: Amanda is complaining about Spencer winning 10k plus a trip.  She is throwing him under the bus and wants Spencer nominated. Then she bashes Judd and says he was MVP and he came back and doesn't deserve a second chance.

She's thrown every single person under the bus lol

3:07pm: Amanda is telling GM she has to put up Elissa/Judd so that she only has 1 enemy, rather than make enemies of every1 in the house.  Amanda swears she would never nominate GM.

3:25pm: Gm sings "Poker Face" after McCrae leaves HOH room after saying the same shit to Gm about keeping her safe and the fake F4 bullcrap

The last time Amanda and McCrae will be a happy couple. Take your pics now

5:18pm: Amanda says Andy has to win veto to take them off. mccranda is pissed.

5:22pm: Amanda mad at GM, GM explaining to Amanda that they weren't there for Aaryn.  AManda saying Elissa put up aaryn and nick.  GM says elissa and everyone else is by themself and she had to break up a power duo. GM says she never really trusted McCranda had GM's back.

5:25pm: Spencer and Elissa make deal to keep each other safe if its double eviction.

5:29pm: Amanda tells GM she made a shitty game move.  She accuses Gm of listening to a batshit crazy elissa and tells her everyone is after GM now.  Amanda tells GM that Elissa put up Nick (cuz Amanda thinks GM is stupid enough to nominate based on personal emotion) and GM says she has to think about the game, not personal things.

Amanda: "Now you have a significant chance to go home next week.  You fucked up and made a fucking stupid game move, your renoms out"

Amanda says "If Spencer or Andy win veto, they are gonna take one of us off and the replacement is going home" (Amanda still thinks Spencer/Andy are on her side)

Then Judd yells at Amanda "So should we all just pack our bags and give you the game?"

Amanda: "Now I see" referring to her knowing that Judd and GM are working together.

"So you're saying I'm going up?" He chases her out of HOH room!
"Should we all just pack your bags and give you the game?"

"You basically said that I would go up"

"You said if the veto was used that I would go up!"

Amanda yells "I can't even be here anymore, I hate everyone and I'd rather leave, I don't wanna be here anymore."

5:32pm: GM making a crying motion with her hand

After Amanda cries and blows up

5:35pm: Amanda crying and saying it doesn't make sense for GM not to put Elissa up..

5:39pm: Amanda says she's ready to go.  She says "It's obvious they're working together: Judd, GM, Elissa, Spencer".  "Andy has to win veto so he can take one of us off."  "Aaryn fucked me over."  Amanda says she's voting McCrae to win and says she'll take every luxury in veto because she's given up.

Amanda: "I'm ready to go now! Waaaa"

5:47pm: GM explaining to Elissa that McCranda didn't have Aaryn's back.  GM: "I may be blond like Aaryn, but I'm not Aaryn, I'm GinaMarie!"

5:57pm: Andy takes away the knives so Amanda doesn't have them to stab Elissa

6:13pm: Amanda crying to Andy. Andy giving her a peptalk and Amanda still thinks Andy is on her side.  Amanda can't believe Elissa will be in the game longer than Amanda.  Andy says he can't yell or anything and just says for Amanda to fight for veto and Andy will too (ed. He's throwing the veto).

Amanda wants McCrae to stay. she doesn't want to take this experience away from mcCrae

Elissa eavesdropping on Amanda and Andy. She's done this a lot the whole season.

She tells GM what she heard: That Amanda hates elissa.

6:29pm: Elissa and Judd talking in Bathroom. She thinks Spencer and Andy are working together cuz Spencer told Andy that Elissa was eavesdropping on them.  Judd doesn't think Andy and Judd are working together.

6:34pm: Elissa calls out Andy and asks him why he would tell Amanda that Elissa antagonizes Amanda when all Elissa has done was walk away from Amanda's bullying? Andy cops out by saying he was just saying what Amanda wants to hear.  Elissa seems to be growing tired of Andy's two-faced game.

6:45pm: Amanda says she's ready to go home, Spencer is still acting shocked and blindsided. Amanda thinks McC will do better in the game without her.

6:48pm: Gm and Amanda apologizing to each other. GM says it was just a power move she had to make and it was last minute.  Amanda says if she gets off the block, she will have Andy and her keeping McCrae and GM has a tie breaker (Amanda still thinks she has Andy on her side, she doesn't).  Amanda is still pushing Elissa negatively and that elissa "doesn't deserve it".

7pm: Judd/Eli talkng in colored room and Judd says he doesn't like McCrae anymore.  Judd thinks Amanda messed McCrae up and that Judd was McCrae's best friend since week 1.

7:02pm: Amanda tells GM that she didn't have the votes to keep Aaryn (what a lie cuz mccranda have been plotting to get rid of AA for weeks)

7:04pm: spencer/andy trash Elissa and say they are worried about her vote.  Andy says he knows now that elissa doesn't trust Andy and that Andy wants to get Elissa out. says if he wins HOH he will put up Elissa/Amanda.

7:22pm: Amanda is planning on pricking herself with a bobby pin, infecting the needle with the AIDS virus, and plans to infect GM and Elissa with it. How vile. At least that's what I think she's doing.

She's now using a biohazard weapon. This is a first in Big Brother. Who will get infected with her AIDS virus?

2 chickens eating chicken parm: cannibalism

8:45pm: Amanda offers to throw the POV comp to McCrae and tells him she will vote for him and get votes for McC. McC is crying during this time.

9:03pm: Amanda tells McC that he can only trust andy. She tells Andy that Gm/Judd/Elissa are working together.  Amanda tells Andy that Aaryn tried to warn her that Spencer was coming after them.  Andy tries to change the subject and say that he hates elissa.  Andy said he will fight hard for veto (ed. he will actually throw it).

9:21pm: Amanda apologizes to people in HOH and says she loves them and starts crying again. she tells them to not hold anything against McCrae because it was all her doing.

9:47pm: Amanda tells Andy/McC they were the two she trusted the most and that she will always be friends with them. Andy is still acting and says he hates Elissa (outside of 2AM alliance, Andy does indeed not trust Elissa, but he doesn't hate her).  Amanda tells Andy and Mcc to separate game-wise

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