Friday, August 23, 2013

Elissa is nominating Aaryn/McCrae. Does Elissa have a master plan to make sure the veto's used so she can backdoor Amanda? Elissa/Judd/Spencer/GM alliance. Elissa/Judd fortified their secret duo alliance JULISSA

She has a little weird smile when she talks about the replacement nominee.

Could Elissa be putting on an act to make it think like she really wants Aaryn gone, when she really wants Amanda gone?  Well we know she wants Aaryn gone eventually, but this is a perfect opportunity to backdoor Amanda. Put up Aaryn/McCrae as nominations as she said.  Then Aaryn, GM, and Elissa will fight for POV.  Then Elissa can make a deal to save Aaryn (and in the process make Aaryn feel indebted to Elissa, therefore Elissa gains a faux-ally in Aaryn) and backdoor Amanda.

If Elissa puts up Aaryn/GM straight up, that decreases the chances of being able to take Aaryn off the block, and makes it more likely that GM or Aaryn get sent packing.

If Elissa puts up McCrae/Amanda straight up, she'll lose an opportunity to save Aaryn with a POV to make Aaryn feel indebted to her, and still have Aaryn as an enemy going into next week.  That's what I think Elissa is trying to do.
It's official. Secret alliance JULISSA is in full swing!

10:30am: Elissa and Judd are talking.  She says Amanda is the puppetmaster and Aaryn's her puppet. She says she tried to work with Aaryn but she just can't because Aaryn won't listen.  Elissa wants to work with Judd and Spencer and GM to get Aaryn out this week then Amanda.  Elissa talks alliance with Judd and Spencer

10:40am: Andy pops into the HOH room and Elissa/Judd say how annoying he is playing all sides and jumping in everywhere.

11:58am: Elissa and GM in HOH.  Elissa asks GM who is running the house and who is doing their dirty work. GM answers Amanda and Aaryn and Elissa sks if she really sees that.  Gm says she tried to warn Aaryn last week and saw that they could work with Helen and Elissa.  GM says that she told Aaryn that she should play for herself and Gm will do what's best for her.  Elissa tells GM that Aaryn isn't even worth talking to.  GM says AA and Andy are brainwashed by Amanda and that GM tried to save Helen last minute.  Elissa tells GM that Aaryn and Amanda are bad influences on GM.  She tells Gm that AAryn would use GM and that AA doesn't care about her.

GM assures Elissa that if GM won POV that she won't use it if that's what Elissa really wants.

12:24pm: Andy asks to come into the HOH room while Elissa is talking to someone else and Elissa says "NO, we're talking"

12:31pm:  Aaryn and Elissa talking in HOH.  Basically Elissa says she tried to work with Aaryn in the past but everything Aaryn has said to Elissa has been a lie.  Aaryn tried to say that Spencer was the target last week and Elissa called Aaryn out on it.  Aaryn is trying to make a deal with Elissa to never put her up.  Elissa calls Aaryn out on working for Amanda and says that she can beat Amanda any day in any comp, so that's why Amanda is not being nominated.

12:48pm: Elissa tells Andy her plan to nominate McC and Aaryn and he goes along with it.  Andy saying he won't put Elissa up if she doesn't put him up and Andy reassures her he will fight for Veto.  Andy asks what Elissa said to Aaryn and Elissa said "I can't even tell you anything Andy because you tell others."

Ratboy is mad that Elissa doesn't tell him everything

1:39pm: McC still trying to convince Elissa that the best choice is to put GM up next to Aaryn b/c GM is Aa's partner.  Elissa says she's still putting McC up because he's good at comps and he's likeable so no one will vote him out.  McC arguing his likability is the reason he would send himself home if he were everyone else.  McC is throwing Amanda under the bus and says Elissa could use Amanda as the person next to Aaryn.

McCrae mentions the "four of them" being McC/Amanda/Andy/Elissa.  (ed. note: Mc/Am/Andy/(Fill in the blank with 4th person's name).  The fourth person has been Judd, Aaryn, Spencer, and now Elissa, so Mc/Amanda are obviously playing people).

1:52pm: Aaryn/Spencer talking. AA tells Spencer she won't help Amanda/McCrae or Elissa anymore.  She will be fighting to protect herself from now on.  Aaryn tells Spencer that McCrae wanted Aaryn to put Spencer up and wanted him out within the next two weeks.  Aaryn is mad that Judd is back and that nobody could beat Elissa in the HOH.  She says when she needs someone to have her back they don't.

2:12pm: Aaryn tells Andy that whoever votes against her after swearing their loyalty to her and after she protected them in 4 HOHs can go fuck themselves, cuz she isn't voting for them in F2 and admits yea she's bitter.

Game Over

3:10pm: Elissa tells GM that Amanda/McCrae wanted Elissa to put GM on the block and Aaryn is probably working with them.

Elissa tells GM Mc/Am wanted to put GM up

4:41pm: Elissa and Judd talking. Elissa tells Judd they have to get AA out, then Amanda. She tells him AA, Amanda, and Helen wanted him out and had an alliance called the Triple Threat (ed. it was the 3pm package). Elissa tells Judd she knows when McCrae is lying when he doesn't look at you when talking.  Judd says he trusts Elissa 100%.

They say they can't make it seem like they're working together to the rest of the house.

Julissa fortifying their secret alliance

They have to deflect each other's names out of everyone else's mouth in the future.

7:22pm: Amanda telling Aaryn best-case scenario is Amanda winning POV and pulling McCrae off the block and forcing Elissa to put up Spencer or GM on the block so 3AM can vote them out.  Amanda tells Aaryn that she heard GM say she wouldn't know what to do if GM won the POV (in order to put doubt in Aaryn's mind about GM)

Aaryn says she can't believe GM said she won't know what to do if GM won veto.  Amanda's manipulation successful.

7:32pm: Aaryn thinks GM threw the comp to Elissa, and that other people weren't trying hard so that Elissa would win because Elissa would gun after Aaryn.  

Aaryn thinks GM and other people threw the comp and are working with Elissa

7:41pm: Aaryn wants to punch GM in the face, and tells GM to go fuck herself

AA says she hates GM, wants to punch her in the face for working with Elissa and not wanting to use the POV on AA.

7:53pm: Aaryn confronts GM and tells GM that Amanda thinks GM/Elissa are working together. GM denies it.

Gm denies working with Elissa. 

9pm: Amanda is talking to Elissa and basically accuses Gm and Elissa of working together.  Amanda warns Elissa that she has acted the same towards Elissa regardless of whether she was in power or not.  Then Elissa leaves and Aaryn comes in and Amanda says that Elissa is lying to her and they bash GM.

9:12pm: Elissa tells GM that Amanda told her that every1 said they are working together.  GM says Aaryn told her the same thing, and they both laugh and Elissa points out that Amanda and Aaryn think they're both dumb and that Elissa/GM see whats going on (that they're trying to pit everyone against each other)

9:10pm-9:40pm: GM and Elissa seriously bonding

GM to Elissa: "You know what's funny - in this 15 mins convo with you & you said all these nice things.  Aaryn hasn't said it to me in 8 weeks"
Elissa to GM: "Awww"

They've bonded more in half an hour than GM and Aaryn did in 8 weeks.

GM finds out that Aaryn told the whole house about her eating disorder.

10:08pm: GM is telling Andy that Gm is done with Amanda and Aaryn and will not put Elissa or Andy up.

10:41pm: Elissa tells Judd in the bathroom that whoever wins Veto has to take Aaryn off and put up Amanda.  They both are excited and both tell each other not to tell anybody about this just yet.  They scramble away so they are not seen together.


10:41pm, August 23, 2013  Cam 1

10:47pm: Elissa is telling Aaryn that I WANT YOU TO STAY.  Elissa is telling Aaryn she has to fight for veto so Elissa can put Amanda up next to McCrae, and asks if Aaryn in on board, Aaryn says yes.  Elissa says that Amanda has caused enough problems already and turns people against each other.  Elissa tells Aaryn that GM is loyal to Aaryn but not to Amanda.

10:53pm: Elissa says she's so excited to backdoor Amanda.  Elissa says we have to get Amanda/McCrae out.  Aaryn thanks Elissa for asking her to join the alliance.  Elissa is telling Aaryn that they need to get Amanda out and without that influence, they can work together to the end without anybody expecting it.

10:54pm: Elissa is coaching Aaryn how to act in front of Amanda and McCrae.  Elissa tells her she's safe.  Aaryn nods in agreement.  Aaryn says McCrae tried to make her mad at Elissa again so she would nominate her.  Aaryn says she now see's the real picture.  Aaryn is beaming and glowing!
She's ready to plunge the knife into Amanda's back.

10:54pm: Elissa wants to win the POV to take Aaryn off so she will know that she is telling her the truth.  Elissa says Amanda has been causing dissention and bad blood and that Elissa wants to like Aaryn so badly, that they can be very strong together.

10:57pm: Aaryn says it Kills her what happened to Helen, but she has to move forward.  Elissa says she's so excited and that it'll be a new game when Amanda goes.  Elissa says this is oging to be a whole new game.  They hug and Aaryn says she means it this time.  
Both Elissa and Aaryn mean this hug for real.

10:59pm: Elissa and Aaryn shake on the deal.
Elissa: "This isn't high school, this is Big Brother. Let's do this."

11:00pm: Aaryn asks if Judd is on board.  Elissa says Yes, Aaryn asks about Andy, they agree Andy floats to power so they can't tell him yet.  Aaryn is concerned about Judd and Elissa says Judd is good because it's a clean slate for him. Elissa emphasizes to Aaryn that "we can put aside anything for a month, we are here to play Big Brother so let's really play and work together, ok?" Aaryn is giddy and says she never wanted to argue from the beginning anyway, so she is absolutely in, then they each leave and go separate ways.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty much dead on once again Alpha! It does appear E is running the HOH the way it was meant to be run.. going after the power players by placing them on the block, knowing they will play for POV to get themselves off and when they do, up goes Amanda! Awesome!
