Monday, August 26, 2013

Andy is the replacement nominee. Aaryn is being voted out. Exterminators newest alliance in the house. GM has such a good social game, it's hard to tell if she's lying or telling the truth. Amanda threatens Andy and other houseguests to not hang out with Elissa and put her on the block, or else. Andy is ready to turn against McCranda.

Exterminators Final 4 alliance: Judd, GM, Spencer, Andy (yes, from what I've seen in Andy's convos the past three days, Andy is ready to take down McCranda)

9-9:30am: Andy begging for his life in HOH room and throwing GM under the bus to Elissa. Elissa is not budging and tells him this is what's best for her game and his.

9:45am: GM tells Elissa she cleaned the dresser and doesn't condone what Amanda did.  She gives Elissa her word she will vote out Aaryn (which she will, GM is truly done with Aaryn).  GM tells Elissa if GM wins HOH, she will nominate McCranda and one of them will go home.

9:50am: Andy/McCranda planning what to tell Judd. Amanda wants to tell Judd it was all 3 of them in on the plan to try to get GM on the block.  Andy begs for them to tell him it was just Amanda/McCrae (cuz Andy doesn't want to breach Judd's trust) but Amanda is selfish and wants to tell Judd that Andy also knew of the plan.  McCrae says he doesn't know what to do.  (This is one of the reasons why Andy is going against McCranda.  Amanda wants to throw Andy under the bus to Judd by saying Andy knew of the plan the whole time, and Andy doesn't want that because then Judd will distrust Andy for Andy lying to Judd the whole week.)  Andy says he can control Judd if Judd wins HOH, so that's why Andy wants Amanda/McCrae to tell Judd that Andy didn't know about it, so that Judd still trusts Andy.

10:13am: Right before POV meeting, GM and Andy confirm that GM will be voting AA out because AA would not have the guts to nominate McCranda.  GM says andy/judd/spencer/gm (Exterminators) to the end!

11:05am: Amanda is harassing Elissa while she is cutting fruit. Elissa is just laughing it off.

11:09am: Andy/Judd shake on the Final 4 deal (Exterminators)

11:12am: Judd makes a deal with McCranda not to put each other up if they win HOH (on Judd's end, he is definitely lying. He would put up McCranda in a heartbeat)

11:35am: Judd tells Spencer that Amanda/McCrae were lying about voting Andy out.  Judd and Spencer solidify that their Exterminator alliance is solid now and Judd believes Andy is on their side. Judd believes GM coming out to the backyard to vent last night was a blessing, and that all the stars aligned to make this alliance happen.

Exterminators to the end

11:40am: Aaryn realizing her game is over. She says everything she did in the game was pointless. AManda says she tried her best to save AA and that AA made big moves.

Aaryn realizes she's done and she spills everything she knows to Amanda

11:51am: Judd tells Elissa that Amanda/McCrae were lying to them the whole time trying to fake Elissa out so that she would put up GM (basically Elissa knows now she can't trust Amanda and McCrae at all, and her bond with Judd is growing).  Elissa says "Thank God i called their bluff."

12:07pm: GM fake crying acting like she is shocked and upset that Aaryn is leaving (GM knows AA is leaving and is even voting her out).  Aaryn is telling GM who she can trust in the future.  Aaryn says Gm can trust Andy, to play the middle since Judd, Spencer and Andy will probably go after McCrae and Amanda.  Aaryn says she will always be friends with GM.

GM got game! She can pull the fake tears. Did she learn it from Nick?

12:25pm: GM tells Andy that AA told GM to trust Andy and Judd.  GM and Andy say they were the first two to enter the house, and they will be the last two out.

GM and Andy could be a duo threat in the future. Watch for them.

12:34pm: Amanda is annoyed that she is the only one being a bully and everyone else is hiding behind her. She bashes Elissa more.  Andy tries to leave the conversation and Amanda tells Andy "don't you walk away you bitch" and tells him if no one puts elissa up next week that Amanda will go off.  Amanda says she is annoyed that for the first time, her shit didn't work.  Amanda threatens that if she sees anyone hanging out with Elissa, she will put them on the block.

Amanda threatens Andy and Spencer that if they don't put up Elissa, she will torture them like she did with Elissa.

1:38pm: Right as McCrae leaves the backyard for a moment, Andy/Judd bring up the fact that they have to break up McCranda.  Andy and Judd say they will incur the wrath of Amanda next week if either of them win HOH but they don't care. Andy confirms he talked with Gm earlier about the EXTERMINATORS.

Andy says he doesn't care if Amanda is wrathful towards him next week, he's putting her and McCrae up.

2:11pm: Elissa and GM in storage room. GM tells Elissa she's good with her next week.

2:43pm: Aaryn tells Mc and Andy that GM is pairing up with Elissa, and that GM told AA straight to her face that GM would pair with Elissa. AA tells them that GM/Elissa is targeting McCranda.  Aaryn says to watch out for Spencer, she will puke if Spencer works with Elissa.

Aaryn tells them GM/Elissa are a duo and will target McCranda

3:05pm: McCrae tells GM that AA told him that GM is coming after McCranda.  GM uses an analogy of how she finds out who she can trust and not trust with her bowl. She tells one person the bowl is made of ceramic, she tells another person the bowl is made of wood. If it gets back to her that the bowl is made of wood, then she knows who told.  So GM is saying she knows who she can trust and not trust.

3:27pm: McCrae complains to Spencer that Aaryn has already started stirring shit up by saying Spencer is a liar and that GM is coming after McCranda

3:30pm: Aaryn tells GM to try to tell others that AA will put up McCranda if she won HOH and that Andy wouldn't to try and secure Sp/Judd's votes.
Aaryn still fighting to stay

3:40pm GM tells Elissa on behalf of AA, that AA will put up McCranda if AA won HOH.  Elissa says NO flat out, and GM agrees because she knew AA ratted GM out when McCrae brought up the fact that GM said she would go after McCranda.  Both GM and Elissa agree that Aaryn lies and can't be trusted and Elissa says if AA stays, both GM/Elissa will lose the game.  Elissa says that she wanted to work with Aaryn but after Amanda won the veto, Aaryn went back to Amanda so Elissa knows Aaryn can't be trusted.

4pm: Aaryn begging for her life to Elissa and says she'll put up McCranda if she won HOH.  Elissa is not budging and Aaryn sounds really shaky and mabye even scared talking to Elissa. It's funny. Elissa is fighting back saying she wanted to work with Aaryn but Aaryn dug her own grave already.

Elissa tells GM that AA was throwing GM under the bus after the POV comp

ALL BY MYYSELLLF. Don't wanna be...ALL BY MYYSELLLLF, Anymore.

4:35pm: Andy tells Mc that Andy found out that AA was throwing Andy under the bus to Elissa.  McCrae tells him not to worry, and that both of them want HOH so bad (McCrae still thinks Andy is on his side but Andy's not)

4:50pm: McCrae snapping at Elissa. He thinks Elissa disrespected McCrae by putting him on the block. And lots of other things like how Elissa made fun of Amanda with mcC saying lots of "I dunno" the conversation is unbearable to watch.  Elissa apologizes for her comments earlier in the season.

5:05pm: Andy and spencer talking in cockpit lounge.  Andy reveals his convo with Judd about Aaryn.  Both guys want Elissa gone next week, and wouldnt mind McCranda winning HOH because they would go after Elissa.   Spencer and Andy want to stay in the middle so they can get rid of Amanda and recruit McCrae

They plan on throwing the HOH comp to stay in the middle

5:18pm: Nicknames for the Exterminator targets
Amanda is the Black widow spider, Mc is the Brown Recluse spider, Aaryn is the Tarantula, and Elissa is the Plastic toy spider.

Both agree that Amanda or Elissa going next would be fine. Gm wants Amanda to go because Amanda would target GM.

5:28pm: GM and Aaryn at chess. AA doing damage control and lies to Gm that she didnt want Gm to go up (which is not true).  Aaryn thinks she can get Judd, her, and GM.  Aaryn is afraid if McCranda find out that AA would target McCranda that they will terrorize Aaryn.

5:40pm: Amanda is arguing with McCrae. McCrae lies and never said that Elissa apologized when she really did earlier. Then Amanda Cries and says she will never apologize to Elissa in a million years.  Amanda says the social game is over, it's all about comps, and Mc/Am have to win from now on.

 Amanda says she will never apologize to Elissa, that the social game is over, and that she and McC have to win everything from now on.

6:03pm: Amanda bashing Elissa, saying she would shank that bitch so fast.

6:15pm: GM and Elissa win chess match

6:33pm: Andy fell into the pool chasing a Moth lol.

7:50pm: Aaryn feels like she's done everything for Amanda, and Amanda tells AA she's voting to keep Andy cuz Andy's been loyal longer

9:30pmish: Aaryn campaigning to Judd. She says it was a mistake getting Judd out, it was a mistake doing things for other people and not herself.  She spills the beans of herself being in an alliance with Andy with McCranda, and she admits fault to being the one that made Helen leave.  Aaryn says she'll be the pawn every week and that she wants to compete and is tired of Amanda dictating her moves and wants to be her own person.  She thinks McCrae is the one that wants her out but Judd thinks it's both of McCranda who want her out. Judd tells AA he'll consider what she's saying but he doesn't want to give her false hope (meaning he's not keeping her lol)

10:30pm: Amanda finds out Aaryn is campaigning against McCranda and Amanda asks Judd what stuff Aaryn is saying.  She also asks him what stuff Helen has said.

10:40pm: Aaryn is trying to get Amanda to vote for her.  Amanda says "What do you want me to do?!"  Aaryn says that she's done so much for Amanda in the game and Amanda says that she's crying in bed for the first time because she can't control what happens this week and that should be enough
Aaryn asks if Amanda can vote for her. Amanda doesn't seem to care

Amanda: "I can't do anything for you Aaryn, even though you've done everything for me this season."

11:50pm: Amanda and Elissa talking alone in BY.  Amanda explains her behavior last week and said she was pissed that McCrae was nominated because Amanda feared being the replacement nominee.  Elissa explains that she was laughing because she didn't understand why Amanda was crying and thought Amanda was kidding.

11:55pm: Elissa apologizes and Amanda accepts and apologizes.

12:14am: Elissa goes to hug Amanda, and Amanda hugs back.

Yes this happened.

2:12am: McCrae goes in and Andy/Judd/Spencer talk about their Exterminators alliance.  They think GM will be their secret weapon and be more loyal once Aaryn leaves.  Judd thinks McCrae should go first,  Spencer thinks Amanda should go first because Amanda can work Elissa, Andy thinks Amanda will fall apart if McCrae leaves.  All agree that they can't work with Elissa because Elissa does her own thing (ed. even though Elissa put up Andy, which saved GM? I don't get their logic, one of them is playing it off so they won't seem so close to Elissa)

They're plotting. Bye Bye McCranda.

2:27am: Spencer/Andy alone in BY.  Spencer is concerned when Aaryn told him that the only reason Andy made a F2 deal with Spencer was to control Spencer.  Spencer seems a bit upset and wants to know exactly what Andy told them so if McCrae asks, he doesn't come off as lying.

Spencer is upset at Andy

1 comment:

  1. Once again Alpha has it to the point..

    It should be interesting to see where the king/queen floater (andy) goes, as well as Spencer, come HOH day Thursday. If Judd wins then most likely Spencer and Andy will be on board to go after mcranda otherwise I am pretty sure you will see Andy return to his puppetmaster amanda for their F3 deal
