Monday, August 19, 2013

Spencer volunteers to be replacement nominee so that he isn't forced to vote. Fake House meeting. Andy is the swing vote this week. Helen admits Jessie and Howard leaving was a mistake on her part.

He got found out!

Amanda's apology letter to the house guests

9:30am: Elissa and Aaryn talking in HOH room.  Aaryn is lying most of the time. She says Helen has a better chance of staying against Spencer than Amanda (to justify putting Spencer up rather than Amanda).  Elissa tells Aaryn Amanda will make it to final 2.  Aaryn says Amanda hasn't won anything and she is in such a great spot.  Aaryn tells Elissa she is not sure which side Andy is on.  Aaryn tells Elissa that Spencer will not vote out Amanda so she doesn't have the votes for Amanda to leave.  Aaryn says she is worried that Spencer is working with Amanda and McCrae.  Aaryn says the deciding vote is Andy (so that when Helen goes home, Elissa focuses all her anger on Andy possibly).  Aaryn thinks it's suspicious that McCrae was HOH week 1 but has never been on the block, and Elissa thinks McCrae is getting vicious now, and he wants the girls to fight.

9:47am: Aaryn tells GM that they don't have the votes to keep Helen.

9:54am: Helen tells Elissa that if she goes, Elissa should work with Aaryn even though she hates her.  Elissa says she wants to put up Amanda/AA and backdoor McCrae. Helen says just to put up Amanda/McCrae straight up.  Elissa says she needs to forget everything that happened with Aaryn and look at her like Candice.  Helen warns Elissa that Amanda will try to recruit Elissa and for Elissa to ignore that.

10:24am: Helen and GM share notes on Andy and Helen tells GM that Andy is a rat that's been playing both sides. She is contemplating whether or not to call Andy out for being a rat.

Both find out Andy is a rat. We know what GM thinks of rats! Yikes!

10:40am: Helen warns Elissa that Andy is a liar and a Rat.

11:23am: Spencer is the replacement nomineeHelen tells Andy this is the time to show America whether you're a Rat or a good person.  Says to Andy that his vote is the swing vote this week.  Helen tells the group in the HOH bathroom that they should send a message to Spencer that he isn't as safe as he thinks he is and that McCranda aren't running things.  Andy keeps reassuring Helen that he's voting to keep her safe.

11:30am: Aaryn tells Helen she is the most amazing person she has met, she gives Helen credit for her growth in the house, and Aaryn says she knows America thinks she is not doing what is good for her game but that is not the fact.  Aaryn hinted she realized after a DR session that she was just doing what everyone else wanted and that she was a pushover.

11:45am: Helen, Aaryn, Andy, Elissa, GM having a house meeting that only Helen/Elissa think is real.  All the other houseguests were tipped off that Helen would hold a house meeting this morning and were told to act along with the charade.  Helen's still being voted out despite thinking she's convincing the others to get Amanda out.

Fake House meeting.  Helen/Elissa think they're making progress.

12:30pm: Aaryn: "I'm done playing the McCranda game" referring to Aaryn doing Amanda and McCrae's dirty work.  She says once she found out that Am/McC were targeting GM, she said fuck them because Aaryn knows GM has Aaryn's back no matter what.  AA says she wants to trust mc/am/andy but she doesn't.  She says she kinda trusts Helen.  GM tells Aaryn whatever she decides she wants to do to tell GM on thursday before the vote.  GM says she trust Helen over Spencer.  Aaryn says she's tired of being a giver and wants to start playing her own game.

AA: "I'm sick of playing the McCranda game"

12:44pm: Andy tells GM/Aaryn in HOH room that he can't trust Helen/Elissa and that Amanda/McCrae have been loyal to him since the start.  Andy wants the girls to realize that keeping McCranda is the best for the 3 of them to make Final 3.  He says Helen is not trustworthy because Helen turned on Amanda first. GM is telling them she trust Helen more and that Am/Mc have never had the opportunity to be disloyal to Andy and that's why Andy thinks Mc/Am are loyal to Andy.

Andy: "We have to get rid of Helen"

1:10pm: Andy and Aaryn alone in HOH.  Andy still pushing for Helen to go.  Aaryn says she's all for 3AM making it further but she still doesn't trust Amanda/McCrae.  Andy says everything he wants to do is to benefit Andy/Aaryn/GM as a trio.

4:25pm: Helen tells Elissa that she has trusted Andy this whole time and that sometimes they can't just vote with the house and that Andy can't make everybody happy all the time

4:54pm: Aaryn/Spencer alone in HOH. Aaryn says that Amanda told her that Spencer was targeting her, and he denies it.  Aaryn says she was tempted to put Amanda up.  Aaryn wants Elissa gone next week because Elissa makes her uncomfortable.  Spencer tells Aaryn he has no deals with anyone.

6:25pm: Helen tells McCrae that he could be portrayed as a puppy dog and that McC should play his own game.  Helen offers McC her vote and says she can give him Elissa's vote if he and Amanda are on the block.  McC wants collateral from Helen, something he can use in the future that she hasn't told him yet.

Helen pleads to McC to be his own man and not follow Amanda around like a puppy
Helen says Jessie and Howard leaving was a mistake

7:15pm: Amanda goes to HOH and tells America that apparently she's a bully.  Amanda, McCrae, Andy, and Spencer are bashing Helen.  Amanda doesn't understand how she's a bully.  Andy really wants Helen out.  McCrae says she basically threatened him during their talk in the lounge that people would be coming after Amanda/McCrae if they voted Helen out.  They don't want Elissa winning HOH because Elissa would come after Amanda and McCrae.

Helen bashing session

Amanda and McCrae fought about Amanda being jelous of Aaryn (so shocked) and about people liking McCrae in the house.  Amanda is also apparently upset that sometimes McCrae wakes up and doesn't instantly wake her up to come hang out with him... I can't make this stuff up. This is really what she fights with him about.
That's pretty much it. It wasn't a super exciting night.  The only thing game wise really going on is that they all agree (except for Elissa) that Helen must go, and they all agree (except for Elissa) that Elissa MUST not get HOH.  They also suspect that a juror is coming back this Thursday (except for Amanda who does not believe there will be a returning player)  and all made a pact to just have a house meeting agreeing to get rid of that person immediately because "it's not fair".  I'm hoping some of them come to their senses and realize they could use the returning juror to their advantage.  I mean if you took whoever returns (outside of Helen since she just left) you have the perfect final 2 argument. "I fought for the 1, 2, or 3 weeks this person was in jury and didn't have to worry about competing, and I didn't have to have a second chance to get back in the game."  I know that Gary made it to final 2 and almost won in BB Canada, but this cast is very different and they all view it as such an unfair thing, I think whoever took that person with them would win automatically.  Just something to think about instead of dismissing it so quickly.  If they wanted to use the MVP twist to their advantage, might as well use this twist too, right?
Anyway, Spencer is on the block with Helen, and Helen is still going home.  I expect to see a LOT of campaigning the next couple days, and hopefully some fireworks when Amanda just can't hold her tongue any longer.  Amanda has also been losing it over Aaryn a little lately thinking that Aaryn is now after her boyfriend (now that Jessie is out of the picture I guess SOMEONE has to be after McCrae).  So, maybe SOMETHING entertaining will happen.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty convenient of Aaryn to say all of this about Mcranda AFTER the POV meeting.. just to make it justified that she still wants to target Mcranda... sorry Aaryn, you missed your chance this week. My guess is MCC wins the next HOH and Aaryn is back doored because Mcranda know it is either them or her and well.. we all know who is supposed to win this game.. Demanda!
