Saturday, August 17, 2013

Clownie hung to death. Aaryn/GM will put his murderer on the block as replacement nominee. Spencer, Andy, GM are picked to play for POV. Elissa wins POV!

9:14am: Clownie was found hung this morning by Aaryn. She's afraid people will think she hung Clownie as a symbol for hanging Candice.  Was it a suicide or homicide?

11:24am: Andy doesn't want to win the competition.  Earlier Helen said Andy's here to win 500,000 dollars, not 5,000 (implying that Helen doesn't want Andy to throw the comp if its a luxury/punishment comp).  The people in the HOH room are making fun of Helen's face when she pulled Spencer's chip out of the bag. They laughed and said Helen hates Spencer.  Amanda tells Andy to throw a vote Helen's way on Thursday and act surprised when she's evicted, but she thinks Andy is screwed either way.

11:50am: Amanda is telling Elissa that if Spencer is on the block with Helen that Spencer is going home (that's a lie to make Elissa feel calm).  Amanda tells Elissa she trusts her more and wants her to stay and if the noms stayed the same, they would vote out Helen.  Amanda tells Elissa to fight for Veto and to campaign for herself to stay and stop campaigning for both (Amanda really wants Elissa to fight for veto so that Helen doesn't win).

12:10pm: Andy and Aaryn alone in HOH talking about final 5.  They are talking about keeping GM at final 5 so that GM takes out Amanda and McCrae, and Aaryn knows GM won't fuck over Aaryn/GM.  Andy/Aaryn says that both of them should try to manipulate Amanda/McCrae in some way regarding F2 deals with the both of them.  Andy and Aaryn both reassure each other they will take each other to F2 no matter what.  Andy/Aaryn think Aaryn should make F2 deal with AManda, and Andy F2 deal with McCrae.  But Andy thinks McCrae tells Amanda everything, where Amanda is smarter with secrets.  Aaryn reveals to Andy that Helen wanted Aaryn to stay to take out Helen's allies while Helen would take out Aaryn's allies.

Aaryn says she has this strong feeling that both Aaryn and Andy will make it to Final 3 for some reason.

Aaryn says that her nomination speech about going after power duos now was to keep 3AM safe. She says she is risking GM going home in the future to keep 3AM secret and safe.

12:54pm: Aaryn says she'll feel so jaded if an evicted houseguest comes back into the game, because everyone in the house has fought so hard to stay. She says she'll just fall over and feel sick. >:D

Aaryn is worried that an evicted house guest will come back. She says she'll feel jaded and will fall over.

1:40pm: Clownie commits suicide again. Overdosed on a bottle of pills.

1:56pm: Helen is trying to make a deal with GM that if GM wins POV, to use it on Helen and Helen will keep GM safe. GM says to talk to her first and then no problem.  Helen thanks her.  Helen then tells GM she trusts GM more than most people in the house and tells GM that she can trust Helen.

Helen: "GM, please use the veto on me? I promise I won't throw you under the bus like every other alliance member I've been with."

Every time Helen tells a lie, her zit grows bigger

GM was studying before the comp

Will the zit pop and ooze from the shock of Thursday's eviction?

8:48pm: Elissa wins the POV. Helen is getting evicted and will get a chance to win her way back.
I'm tired of this Helen kiss-assing

9:05pm: HOH crew (Andy/Am/Aar/GM) compliment on how Elissa killed the POV and she even flew up the ramp without a rope.  The POV comp was OTEV.  Amanda says she'll take the blame for Helen going home.  Andy asks Amanda if they're going to tell Helen if she's going home and Amanda wants to blindside Helen.  Aaryn says Helen is really stupid if she thinks the fake alliance is real and wants to confront Helen about earlier when Helen told McCrae that Amanda is keeping Aaryn around to take out McCrae.  Amanda tells her not to confront Helen.

9:26pm: Helen pulls GM into cockpit lounge and says she hopes she has GM's vote.  Helen promises to stick her head out for GM.  She tells GM that if Spencer wins HOH, he will go after GM and Aaryn and tells GM she will keep her safe and not to tell anyone that.  GM agrees and says thank you no one talks to her about anything.

9:30pm: Aaryn tells Amanda that Spencer has to go next week, says he is more dangerous than Elissa.  Amanda tells Aaryn that Helen was in the cockpit with GM and Aaryn tells Amanda not to worry because she controls GM's vote and Amanda wonders what lies Helen told GM.

10:18pm: Aaryn is mad that Helen wants GM to be in a fake alliance with her.  Amanda says she'll tell Helen she'll vote with the house, and Aaryn says that will be great, since Helen taught them that.

10:25pm: Helen and Elissa dancing for joy because Elissa won veto and they think Spencer is going home.  She tells Elissa to channel this energy into winning HOH comps and that they need to target Amanda and Aaryn now.  Helen pep talks Elissa mentioning the trash everywhere, food and liquor running out, towels everywhere, and for Elissa to ignore it.  Helen tells Elissa to not let the place irritate them.  Elissa nods and reiterates how excited she is that she won.  Helen said she was so glad Elissa won and that Helen was worried that Elissa's head wasn't in this.  They say they both miss Candice (ugh)

Will Helen be able to take her own medicine on Thursday night? This is glorious.

11:03pm: Aaryn tells GM that GM has to win the HOH for real or they're both going home. AA wants Spencer gone home next week, then Elissa the week after

11:07pm: Mc and Spencer going over the boot order. They want GM, Elissa, and Aaryn gone and want Aaryn out because Elissa is easy to get out.

11:29pm: Amanda tells Elissa that don't try to flip the house for Helen to stay cuz it would paint a huge target on Elissa.  Elissa says she wont.

2:10am: Amanda and Aaryn have a fight over the word 'segregate'.  Amanda says because Aaryn used that word, Aaryn is racist.  Aaryn and McCrae say the word can be used in any context and it doesn't mean anything racist.  Amanda mentions the fish thing that Aaryn said a long time ago and Aaryn said that the black fish are at the bottom because they can stay camouflaged near the rocks and the white fish are at the top because they can be camouflaged in the light.

4:51am: McCrae thinks Aaryn is very dangerous and that if she makes Final 4, she will win the game because she is a better competitor than Andy.  Amanda thinks Andy won't get rid of them.  McCrae then talks to Spencer and he agrees. The two go over scenarios in the future and that Elissa should be a huge target in the upcoming weeks.  Spencer and McCrae say they should be in a final 4 together.

McCrae thinks Aaryn will be dangerous in F4

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