Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My prediction for Final 3: Spencer, Andy, GM :::: Aaryn is still campaigning, and McCrae thinks about creating a boys alliance::: Amanda being super bossy while house players beerpong, and Amanda stirs more shit up.::: Gametalk happens at late night why the fuck do these house guests talk game late at night, why do I even fucking bother with this shit? They can't talk game at normal awake hours?

Why I think Spencer, Andy, GM will make Final 3:  Right now, Amanda/McCrae are targeting Elissa and Judd, and Judd/Elissa are targeting Amanda/McCrae.  Who's sitting pretty in the middle? Spencer and Andy.  Both these guys even said yesterday they plan to throw the HOH comp.  Plus Jullisa and McCranda think both these guys are on their side.  Elissa has such a bad social game I don't think she'll make it far.  Amanda has been exposed and can't control her emotions, people know they can't win against her in final 2 so they won't take her.  They also know McCrae is a beast a comps so look for them to target him so that he doesn't get to final 3.  Judd and GM are a tossup for the third spot, but I think GM gets it because people think its unfair for Judd to be back in the house (ed. The fact that Judd is back in the house would make a good person to take to F2 because an easy argument against Judd was that he had 2 lives while the other person has 1 life, so I don't get why people want Judd out).  So the edge goes to GM because of her social game, which has been under-rated thus far in the season.  And people in the house would also think she's a goat that they can take to F3 because they think they can beat her.

GM wins Round 1 Final HOH endurance, Andy wins Round 2 Final HOH mental physical comp.  Andy vs. GM in final round, Andy would know more of the jury members and their personalities, so he would win last HOH comp, but I wouldn't count out GM for that.  Andy wins round 3 HOH, takes Spencer to F2.

Elissa tells AA that Mc/Am wanted to put Andy up to send AA home.

1:28pm: Elissa lies to Aaryn and tells her that Amanda/McCrae wanted to put Andy up so that Aaryn would go home.  She tells Aaryn that Andy didn't want to go up

3:06pm: GM tells Aaryn she has an idea.  She says that Elissa wants an all girls' alliance so Aaryn could bring that up again in order to keep Aaryn.

Aaryn goes over her final plea speech.  She plans to say that Andy has such a good social game that if he makes Final 2, he will win.  No one will put Andy on the block,  who will put Andy on the block ever again?, so take this chance now to take him out or he'll skate to final 2.  Aaryn will always be a target, she'll be on the block next week and she'll take the target off the backs of everyone else in the house.

3:21pm: Elissa and Amanda are playing in the pool. What the hell is going on?

3:58pm: Aaryn/Gm in Storage room.  She tells GM that the guys want a girl out so the guys outnumber the girls.  GM says she'll talk to Elissa for Aaryn.

5:51pm: McCrae is thinking of a boys' alliance to Andy.  He is worried about Judd or GM winning HOH and Andy says that GM said she wants Elissa out, and McCrae says "could she be just saying that?"  McCrae doesn't think he should propose it because Judd wouldn't trust it.  Andy doesn't think Judd would come after McCrae and says that Judd is madder at Amanda.

6:05pm: McCrae wants to bring Judd into "No Ma'am".  McCrae asks DR if the name is ok and if Judd is allowed to talk about the HOH wall comp or not.  Spencer then tells McCrae he heard Helen talk about Gm trying to flip the house last minute.

10pm: Houseguests playing beer pong.  Amanda is being super bossy about the rules and doesn't want to let Elissa play.
10:28pm: Amanda flashes Judd her boobies to distract him

10:41pm: Amanda says "I'm so close to backhanding her now I can't even take it"

11:29pm: Amanda wants to go confront Elissa about having a crush on Judd.  Aaryn says no and Amanda goes to do it.  It was because Aaryn was joking and lied that Elissa told Aaryn that she had a secret crush on Judd (ed. that never happened).  Aaryn tries to backtrack and say when she asked Elissa who the best looking guy in the house was, she said Judd.

11:33pm: Amanda tries to stir shit up by telling Elissa that Aaryn told Amanda that the reason Elissa wants Aaryn out is because Elissa has a crush on Judd.  Both laugh it off and it's apparantly obvious that Amanda is using it for game talk because she tells Elissa that Elissa has people in the house that have her back.

11:53pm:  Judd seems uncomfortable with what Aaryn started.  Aaryn says Amanda is the one that tried to stir shit up, and Judd says Aaryn wanted her to do that, and Aaryn says she didn't.  Aaryn says she did this whole thing to prove she's a bigger target than Andy.  Aaryn is depressed because now it's all awkward and Spencer, Judd, Andy, Elissa all hate her now.

11:58pm: Amanda asks in front of Spencer if Aaryn is truthful when AA said that Spencer wanted to target McCranda.  Spencer denies it and is pissed and walks away.  Aaryn tells Amanda to think about it, it's a game. She says she was HOH 4 times and never nominated any of them.  Aaryn tells McCranda that Andy told GM/Aar that he wanted to work with Aaryn/GM.   Aaryn says Judd/Spe will never vote to keep her so she will be undyingly loyal to McCranda if they keep her.  Aaryn says she's proven she'd do anything to stay, she was even ok with GM going up and GM was aware of that.

12am-12:10am: Amanda talks to McCrae and is saying that AA is right that Andy won't be on the block ever again.  McCrae doesn't buy it and says that Spencer told AA he'd target McCranda so that she doesn't know that he's working with McCranda.  Aaryn says that she won't vote any of them in F2 if they vote her out after everything she's done for them.  McCrae doesn't believe what AA is saying, he thinks she's a big liar.  They both agree that Andy is more loyal than Aaryn, and McC says they'll alienate more people if Andy goes because Spencer would be mad

12:14am: McCranda agree that Judd/Elissa have to go on the block together.

12:15am: McCrae says he has a F2 deal with Spencer but it's only to protect Amanda and have his vote.  McCrae thinks Spencer is serious about the deal but Amanda doesn't because Spencer's lied the whole game.

12:18am: GM/Judd in hammock. They agree that they want Amanda or McCrae gone next week.  Judd tells GM that Andy is with them and has to pretend to be working with McCranda.  Judd wants McCrae gone before Amanda because Mc is good at comps.  Judd says if McCranda win HOH, that Elissa would go, but Judd/GM don't want Elissa to go home.

12:30am: Amanda tells GM that AAryn said GM would put up McCranda. GM gets mad and asks why AA is throwing Gm and spencer under the bus when she's had her back since day 1.  Gm says they should all be going after Elissa.

12:44am: Amanda is pissed about Elissa and the alcohol situation tonight.  Spencer calls Amanda a dictator.

1:43pm: AManda and GM talk about Jessie not being sexy.  Spencer disagrees, trying to say that Barbie and society tell you otherwise, but Jessie is sexy.  The girls keep saying no, Amanda says she has a pot belly.  They keep talking about her looks, Spencer saying but her prime will be over soon.  Judd changes it about Jessie's appearance to say she looks like a scrapper (fighter).  Judd/sp say she would win a fight against Amanda, and Amanda say something like 'does she understand what i could do to her?' Spencer laughs and says, Ok scrappy doo!

2:22am - 2:48am: talk about oral sex and dick sizes and who would do good in porn.

3am: GM is still upset that Aaryn would go out like that and blow up GM's game

3:13am: Exterminators talking game.  if Amanda/McCrae win HOH, they will try to get Elissa out.  If Exterminators win HOH, they will target McCranda.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty pathetic that Spencer and Andy are going to throw the HOH but not unexpected as that is what floaters do! Also pretty hard to be in a f3 alliance and calling yourself exterminators if you aren't going to even try to win the competitions!
