Saturday, August 24, 2013

Amanda wins POV. God is not real. Amanda will save McCrae, Elissa tells GM she is putting up Andy. Aaryn is being voted out.

After Amanda won the POV, the house has been nonstop scrambling and gaming all day, it's really tiring. I've tried to catch what I could but I didn't get everything. Enjoy.

Are you serious, Big Brother?

My reaction to Amanda winning POV

1:20pm: Aaryn sells out Elissa and tells of her plan to backdoor Amanda. Amanda/McCrae say Elissa is their new target next week.  Amanda tells them not to push for GM so hard or it'll look suspicious.

1:30pm: Andy will be replacement nominee. Elissa told GM this in shower that Andy should stop following her.

1:31pm: McCrae tells Spencer if spencer is replacement nominee, that Aaryn will be voted out cuz McCrae thinks Aaryn is shady.

1:32pm: Amanda tells Aaryn they need to make sure Andy doesn't go up so the four of them can run the house.

1:32pm: Amanda says she is gunning for Elissa like Osama Bin Laden.

1:33pm: Amanda tells Aaryn she's staying even if its up against Andy.

1:43pm: Elissa is crying, saying she wanted to trust Aaryn so badly and for Aaryn to stay.  She says that Aaryn feels all safe and suspects Aaryn is selling her out.

1:47pm: Aaryn trying to get GM put up. Aaryn won't name a person she will target and Elissa says she can't trust that Aaryn will be influenced to put Elissa up.  Aaryn says she wont target Elissa if she puts up someone that'll keep Aaryn safe.

1:54pm: Amanda tells Andy that he's safe if he goes on the block with Aaryn.  Amanda tells Aaryn to work to try to control GM or put her on the block next week.

Zingbot called Andy a floater.

Amanda tells Andy he's safe.

2:02pm: Amanda tells Judd/Spencer to make a fake alliance with Elissa/GM and fake that they'll flip the house on amanda/mccrae to send Aaryn home, so that Elissa puts up GM.  Spencer doesn't think that will work and thinks he will be going up.

2:06pm: Andy and McCrae want to keep Spencer over Aaryn.  McC wants to leverage his moving company bond with spencer and Andy says he's bonded with Spencer.  Andy says he has no problem backstabbing Elissa even though he gave her his word he wouldn't nominate her.

2:45pm: Amanda tells Aaryn to threaten Elissa and tell El that Aaryn has ama/mcc/gm and that Elissa wasted her HOH. She tells AA to tell Elissa if she doesnt put Gm up that everyone will be after Elissa next week.  She tells AA to tell Elissa that Gm hates Elissa, and that AA has the votes no matter what.

2:50pm: Elissa and Spencer talking after Andy left (elissa told spencer not to talk game until Andy left).  Spencer doesn't want to get nominated cuz he says he's disposable to everyone else.  Elissa doesn't reveal who she wants to put up as replacement.  Elissa tells Spencer that Mc/Ama have deals with everyone including AA and Andy and that those two are more solid with them than Spencer is.

Meanwhile, Mc/Ama tell Andy Aaryn is going home and that Andy is safe.  They say they trust Andy more than Aaryn.  McC thinks Aaryn concocted this whole thing.

3:04pm: Aaryn barges in HOH room and tells Elissa to not trust anything GM says (this was Amanda's plan to get El and Gm to not trust each other). She tells El that GM will tell Elissa whatever she wants to hear in order to save her own ass. She tells Elissa that GM said Gm would vote to keep Aaryn if Gm is off the block, and she tells Elissa to use that info whatever way you wish to use it.  Then she leaves

Elissa asks Spencer if he believes AA, spencer says he doesn't know.  Spencer says Andy is throwing away his game by teaming up with McCranda.  Spencer is trying to get in an Alliance

3:08pm: Aaryn gets mixed up in what she told Elissa to Gm in colored room. (LOL, Aaryn messed up).  She tells GM to make it look like Gm and Aaryn don't like each other.  She tells GM that Amanda doesn't like her and wants her out.  GM calls her a cunt and says I don't kiss anyone's ass.  Gm leaves and Aaryn tells Judd the whole convo about Elissa.

Aaryn getting mixed up in her stories.  GM says she'll vote to keep Aaryn if she's off the block.

3:26pm: McCranda and AA want to plan a fake fight to keep them all safe.

3:39pm: Andy is freaking out going "OMG OMG OMG Did she say she is going to put me up?" Spencer is consoling a crying Andy.  Spencer is telling Andy that he is safe and that the whole house will go after elissa next week.  Andy said he's not going to work with Elissa if she puts him OTB.  Spencer says he knows Gm/Judd/Elissa are working together.  Spencer thinks McCrae is more loyal to Spencer/Andy than to Amanda and that McC knows he has a better chance to win without Amanda.

Andy reveals 3AM to Spencer

Andy said he's coming after Judd and Elissa next week.

3:46pm: Aaryn/GM talking.  GM telling AA she heard that Amanda was pushing for GM to go up.  Aaryn trying to gain GM's trust by telling her that if Amanda were on AA's side, she would not want GM to go up.  AA tells GM that Elissa is her target next week if AA wins HOH.  AA tells GM that she needs to make people think that they can control GM in order for Gm to stay longer.

3:59pm: Andy is crying and Amanda tells him he's not going home.

Ratboy is crying hahahahahahahahahahahahhaa

4:26pm: Amanda lies to Elissa and tells El that GM is working with Amanda and tells her everything.  Amanda tries to mindfuck Elissa by telling her that if Andy goes up, Andy is going home and they are keeping Aaryn.   Elissa tells Amanda that she is dumb for thinking that Aaryn is loyal to her when AA is not even loyal to GM as a friend.

Amanda insults Elissa and says that Elissa listening to AA is smart while AManda listening to AA is dumb? Elissa says she never wanted to work with AA cuz AA was her target.  Amanda storms out of HOH room as El says Amanda is causing problems

 Amanda trying to mindfuck Elissa

Amanda storms out after failing to manipulate Elissa

4:40pm: Andy fake crying about going home (Amanda and him planned it so that elissa would feel guilty and not put him up, trying to make her think that she'll make more enemies in jury)

Elissa calls Andy out on the fake tears

5:22pm: McCrae lies to Judd about Amanda and him wanting to send home Andy if Andy is up OTB ( in order to get Judd to sway Elissa in putting GM up so Mc/Am/Andy can send GM home)

5:40pm: AManda tells Spencer to tell Elissa that Spen will vote however Elissa wants so she wont put him up and puts up GM instead.  Amanda then tells McC she fears Spencer will rat them out to Elissa.

7:13pm: Elissa and GM want to tell Amanda they threw the comp to her to piss her off.

Operation "Get Under Amanda's skin"

7:35pm: Elissa tells Amanda that they threw the comp to her. Amanda doesn't believe it and starts insulting Elissa.

7:39pm: Amanda insults Elissa and tells her McCranda is here to stay.  Operation "Get under Amanda's skin" a success

Amanda insulting Elissa. Starts at around 7:37 or 7:38pm.  Mission Success!

Amanda tells elissa that she's an embarrassment to the Reilly bloodline

7:48pm:  Amanda yells "Fuck off Elissa No one gives a fuck what you say! Ok so you have GM this week and next week when you can't play, little bitchy Elissa you don't have Nobody any more! Rachel must be so proud! McCranda is here to stay! Hey guess what zingbot and Elissa have in common? They are both made of plastic! ZING!"  Then Amanda whines to McCrae and Aaryn and Spencer about Elissa

7:57pm: Elissa and Judd laugh while Andy weeps in the HOH room (fake crying still).

 Judd and Elissa laugh about Amanda wanting Judd up so that Aaryn would go home.

All while Andy fake cries....LOL

8:03pm: After Andy leaves HOH room, Elissa chases him and tells him she's not putting him up but to still campaign against Aaryn.  She tells him she's still keeping her word (which is a lie in order for Andy to not tell Amanda so that Amanda can't come up with another plan).  She is still putting Andy up for real though.

 She's lying to Andy telling him she's not putting him up (8:01pm)

She explains to Judd she is lying to Andy so Amanda doesn't come up with another plan

8:42pm: Amanda trolling Elissa/GM on hammock. Throws more insults to Elissa

Amanda interrupts elissa/gm on hammock and talk blocks and insults elissa 

8:50pm: Judd and GM in storage room.  Judd doesn't want to push McCranda to the finish line. He says he's been working with them since week 1 and that they cut him so easily (so Judd is definitely team Elissa/GM for sure)

They say they might get rid of Aaryn if Andy stays since Andy doesnt do well in comps.  Judd hates McCranda.

9pm: Andy being nosy in HOH room trying to see what Elissa is doing about the noms. He lies to Elissa saying he will vote however she says.  He says he's been loyal to Elissa from the beginning (lies, just like Andy was to Helen then voted her out), and that he wants to strike at McCranda.

The nosy rat

9:30pm: Storage room leak with production doing something with a camo bag (9:30pm, cam 3, August 24)

10:15pm: Judd tells Elissa to put up GM instead of Andy.  Judd asking Andy in front of Elissa if he would vote out AA over GM. Andy says 100%.

10:27pm: Judd tells Spencer, Andy that he trusts them and Elissa.  Judd/Andy/Spencer in the cockpit, and Judd's trying to work them into turning on Amanda/McCrae, making the case for them + Elissa + GM.  Elissa walks into the lounge where Judd/Spe/Andy are, and Andy says he doesn't want to throw Gm under the bus but she would stay if she went on the block against AA (It could be a lie so that GM gets sent packing)

It seems that Elissa, Judd, Andy, Spencer are solidifying an alliance to put up GM and go against McCranda.  It appears to a viewer that she has fallen for it but mabye she knows what is really going on.  It just does NOT seem like she does know what is going on, and that she is falling for them.

11:51pm: Amanda was entertaining the thought of having Spencer go because if AA goes, they would lose both AA and GM.  McCrae says no and that if Spencer is replacement nominee, they would cross that bridge when they come to it.

12:05am: Andy and Judd in HN room.  Andy said he's serious about being loyal to Judd to the end.  Andy said he'd been talking to DR about when to make a move against McCranda and that he's ready.  Andy is glad that Judd came back and Judd had been praying he's have  people he would work with, and Spencer, Andy, and Elissa are.

Amanda barged in and Andy asked her to leave. Then andy told Judd to lie to Amanda and tell her that the convo was about Andy trying to get Judd's vote, and Judd does that.

12:07am: Andy/Spencer in lounge saying Aaryn needs to go and that Andy is leaning more towards working with Judd/Elissa than Amanda/McCrae

12:45am: Andy tells Spencer that if he won HOH that he would reveal to Judd the plan Amanda came up with to save Aaryn.  He would prove his loyalty to Judd by nominating McCranda.  From what Andy has been telling Spencer, it seems he's ready to turn on Amanda/McCrae next week.  Andy/Spencer want to vote out Aaryn and try to get McCranda to go along with it.

12:55am: Elissa thinks Judd is working with Am/Mc/AA and Judd gave Elissa something his mom gave him to prove loyalty to her.  Elissa thinks that Amanda put Elissa up as nominee as Most Villainous Player and Elissa said she looked forward to talking to Judd everyday and didn't know Helen's plan to get out Judd.

1am: Andy/Judd were trying to tell Elissa that Andy, Judd, Spencer would vote Aaryn out, but that GM would keep Aar over Andy.
Judd said Andy had the same fire against Amanda/McCrae as he does. Andy said after what happened today and how quickly they sold him out, he's done with them. Andy said it's good he, Judd, and Elissa have worked with Amanda/McCrae because they know how Amanda/McCrae operate making deals with everyone and telling them they are safe when they aren't. Andy said if he wins HOH next week, he's putting up Amanda/McCrae even though it will put a target on him. Judd said he would too. 

Judd said he was talking with GM earlier and Aaryn came in to tell GM that GM needs to tell Elissa she would vote Aaryn out so GM doesn't go up on the block -- so if GM says that, it's from Aaryn, not GM. Judd told Elissa GM had told him she wouldn't vote Aaryn out and Andy said GM had not said either way when he said he would understand if GM kept Aaryn over him. Andy said he trusted GM's vote to keep him over anyone but Aaryn. Judd said GM trusts Elissa and doesn't trust Amanda and McCrae but GM does trust Aaryn. And because Aaryn is with Amanda and McCrae, that links GM to them. 

Elissa wanted Judd and Andy to say what GM said in front of GM. They said they would but it would cause trouble. Elissa agreed that it would cause trouble. Judd said he would say it anyway. Andy said if GM gets put up, Elissa should just bring up GM and have the three voters tell GM she is safe. Elissa said she was sleepy and said it was a "good plan." Andy asked if Elissa was being sarcastic and Elissa said no. 

Later downstairs in the cockpit, both Judd and Andy thought Elissa was being sarcastic and doesn't want to put up GinaMarie. Judd said Elissa was pissed. Judd put his hands on his face in frustration -- first Elissa wouldn't put up Amanda and McCrae together, and now she won't put up GM.

1:45am: Elissa sees through Judd/Spencer/Andy's attempt to pit Elissa and Gm against each other by trying to get Elissa to put up GM.  Elissa tells GM she's not going on the block, but to keep acting mad at Elissa to make them think it's working

Elissa was not fooled and is not nominating GM. She tells GM they have to act like they hate each other.

2:16am: Spencer and McCrae in Bathroom.  Spencer is lying to McCrae telling McC that he doesnt know where Judd's head is at.  Earlier, Spencer/Judd were talking about voting Aaryn out and weakening the McCrandas.  So it seems there is a group ready to flip against McCranda

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