Maybe: A Big Twist looms in tomorrow night's eviction, when one of the four jury members will stage a comeback into the game. Now, it's entirely possible that this will be another bungled rule-change in this season of Non-Twists -- Judd, Jessie, Candice, and (soon) Helen were all expelled by a powerful alliance that still reigns supreme in the house. If one of those players comes back into the house, but doesn't win HoH...well, they'll be buying themselves a week of suffering from Amanda's reign of terror.
But what if one of the jury members does win HoH? What if one of those jury members has spent their time in Jury Purgatory pondering all the mistakes they made inside of the house and planning a long and multi-pronged plan of revenge -- just like that girl who plans all that revenge in that show about revenge? And what if this player, given a second chance at life, finally makes all the power moves they always said they would make, and becomes the least expected great player in Big Brother history?
But what if one of the jury members does win HoH? What if one of those jury members has spent their time in Jury Purgatory pondering all the mistakes they made inside of the house and planning a long and multi-pronged plan of revenge -- just like that girl who plans all that revenge in that show about revenge? And what if this player, given a second chance at life, finally makes all the power moves they always said they would make, and becomes the least expected great player in Big Brother history?

Did any of the returning jury members plan every step of their revenge while sequestered? Will this be the real life version of the show Reven8e?
11:21am: Helen coaching Gm on the rest of the game. She tells Gm and Aaryn to align with Elissa. Helen warns GM that McCranda will backdoor Aaryn. Helen warns Gm of Andy's betrayal, and she told GM of her F2 deal with Andy. She warns GM that Andy would do anything to stay in the game, even vote out his alliance member.
11:40am: Elissa tells Helen to tell Amanda she would vote for Amanda in F2 so that Elissa doesn't seem like a threat in the end. Elissa says she wants to put up Aa/McC if she won HOH.
1:08pm: Mc/Andy/Aaryn don't want GM to win HOH because they don't know what she'll do
1:59pm: GM tells El she wants to break up McCranda and that Spencer will be replacement nominee. GM calls Spencer rude for not packing.
2:06pm: Andy and Helen in lounge. Helen reveals to Andy that Amanda told Helen that Andy ratted Helen out.
2:16pm: GM and Andy possibly flipping to get Spencer out. they talk to Aaryn. Andy and GM think mabye they should keep Helen and knock out the others. Aaryn wants to stick with the plan. Andy/Gm think spencer is a wild card and they say Helen is not coming after them. AA thinks Helen is coming after AA. Amanda crashes the party and tries to squash it after AA rats Andy/GM out to Amanda.
Last minute flip?
2:28pm: Amanda comes in to squash the flip
Amanda getting what she wants again
2:31pm: Aaryn rats Andy/GM out to Spencer. Now Spencer goes to pack this stuff
2:35pm: Aaryn/Andy/Amanda in colored room. Andy saying he was just humoring GM and wasn't going to evict Spencer. Aaryn is upset that GM/ANdy were even considering keeping Helen and Andy says it was GM's doing and reassure Aa/Amanda that Helen is gone. Aaryn tells Andy McCranda is already pissed at AA/GM.
Meanwhile, in lounge, GM and Spencer talk. GM says she's worried that she's not included in game talk and Spencer reassures her that he's going after Elissa next week.
2:35pm: Aaryn/Andy/Amanda in colored room. Andy saying he was just humoring GM and wasn't going to evict Spencer. Aaryn is upset that GM/ANdy were even considering keeping Helen and Andy says it was GM's doing and reassure Aa/Amanda that Helen is gone. Aaryn tells Andy McCranda is already pissed at AA/GM.
Meanwhile, in lounge, GM and Spencer talk. GM says she's worried that she's not included in game talk and Spencer reassures her that he's going after Elissa next week.
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