Monday, August 5, 2013

Aaryn/Amanda hear of a plan to evict Amanda! Jessie and Judd play each other, but it's Judd who's coming out on top (figuratively speaking). Judd reveals Jessie's plan to Amanda/McCrae, they want Helen/Elissa out before Jessie

Basically, the big event of the day was Helen/Jessie plotting to backdoor Amanda.  They are later convinced that they can't do it this week because they don't have the votes.  Aaryn and Amanda become aware of a plot to evict Amanda when Aaryn overhears Helen talking about getting rid of Amanda.  Lots of bashing about Jessie by Aaryn, GM, and Amanda, and they really want her out next week after Candice.  Jessie is still pushing her agenda and seems to have Elissa on board.  Jessie decides to flirt with Judd to get him to change his vote, but it's not going to work because Judd has no reason to keep Candice because she does nothing to his game, plus he doesn't trust Elissa because he fears she'll want all girls at the end of this.  Judd doesn't want to be a part of Jessie's sinking ship and has expressed his loyalty to Amanda, McCrae, Andy, Spencer, and Aaryn to the end.

2:40pm: BBQ Party
Never let girls run a grill. They'll blow the house up.

4:10pm : Helen tells Andy that she's heard of a plan from "friends" to backdoor her.  "Friends" meaning production hinted at her that Amanda wanted to BD her.

4:47pm: Helen and Jessie talk about being down with getting Amanda out this week.  Helen misinterprets Jessie telling her that Amanda wants to backdoor Helen.  Jessie said that GM might talk to Helen about putting Helen up as a replacement nominee because Amanda pushed for it.  Helen took it as Amanda was trying to actually backdoor her in the future.

6:35pm: Helen tells Andy that she really wants to evict Amanda this week and to get Judd and Jessie on board.  Andy says that Amanda/McCrae have done nothing to show Andy they can't be trusted, so Andy really feels like he and Helen can trust the both of them.
Andy doesn't think it's a good idea to get rid of Amanda this week.

Aaryn walks in and subject changes to voting Candice out immediately.
Judd walks in and subject changes to voting Candice out immediately.  Judd says that  he thinks Candice is MVP and that Candice and Judd don't talk game.  He says she won't vote for him in Final 2 so she does nothing for his game.

6:58pm:  Aaryn alerts Amanda that she heard through the wall to the storage room that Helen was talking about keeping Candice.  Aaryn says Helen lied to her face when she went in to talk.  Aaryn says that people may be trying to get Candice to stay over Amanda.  Aaryn thinks Elissa/Helen/Jessie would vote Amanda out because they're not loyal to her.  Andy tells Amanda that Helen is freaked out by Amanda.  Amanda and Aaryn go over resolidfying their 3pm package side alliance with Helen to cover their bases.

Andy tells Amanda that Jessie told Helen that Amanda wanted to backdoor Helen. Andy makes Amanda promise not to say anything or he'll dis-align with her.
 Panic at the disco.  They find out Helen/Jessie might be plotting against Amanda

Aaryn says Helen is lying to her

7:13pm:  Aaryn tells Judd that Candice needs to go or she'll fuck up both their games.  She thinks Helen or Elissa need to go up in order to prevent Candice from staying.  judd and Aaryn agree that they should go to final 5 with McCrae, Amanda, and Andy.  Later in the night, Aaryn wants to go to final 6 with the 5 previously mentioned, and Spencer.
Aaryn really wants Candice out

7:28pm: Amanda is crying in backyard because she feels stressed and that people are avoiding her.  GM reassures Amanda she's putting up Spencer.
Amanda feels stressed out people are plotting against her. Stress makes you orange

7:35pm: Helen tells Andy "We can't do it this week."  Jessie comes up later to Helen/Andy and Helen tells Jessie they can't vote Amanda out this week without an all-out war starting.  Aaryn comes up and subject changes to Jessie feeling that she isn't safe, mouthing "whatever" to Andy/Helen to fake game talk.  She then whispers that she knows Spencer/Amanda/McCrae/Aaryn are working together.

Helen says "We can't do it this week"

11:34pm: Jessie telling Elissa why they need to get rid of Amanda.  Elissa seems convinced and tells Jessie they need to stick together.  Meanwhile in HOH room, there is a lot of Jessie bashing. Aaryn saying things like "Jessie is the biggest slut she's ever met." "Jessie just wants to get on McCrae's cock" and that Jessie is jealous of Amanda, etc. etc.
Elissa seems convinced by Jessie's argument to get Amanda out

1:16am Aug 5: Jessie and Helen talking. Helen says she can't vote out Amanda this week, she doesn't think they can do it without great damage to their game.  Jessie says she will flirt with Judd to make him change his mind (LOL).

Jessie's gonna flirt with Judd to get him to evict Amanda

1:46am Aug 5: Jessie and Judd talking.  Jessie trying to push her case for Amanda to leave. She thinks that if Amanda is not taken out, they're basically giving the game to Amanda and McCrae.  Judd said he would take all points into consideration, but doesn't think Amanda has as much power as Jessie thinks.  Judd tells Jessie he won't tell anybody of their conversation, and would tell others that the both of them were talking about their loyalty to each other in the game and that he and Jessie agreed to work together so other people know they are voting together.  Judd told Jessie he would not vote against her and didn't want her gone, and that's why he let her win the veto (ed: This is a lie, he really wants Jessie gone). They kiss on the lips.

Judd tells Andy this and tells Andy he's not saying anything to Amanda because that'll just freak her out.

Jessie thinks she's playing Judd, but he's really playing her

3am: More flirting by Jessie and Judd.  Jessie thinks she's manipulating Judd into a vote to evict Amanda. Judd just wants Jessie to think she's doing that, but he won't vote Amanda out.
Aaryn told Judd to flirt with Jessie for information

Judd the Studd

3:20am Aug 5: Judd says he can't stand Jessie. He hates her.  Judd really wants final 5 with Amanda, Andy, McCrae, Judd and Spencer (if Judd was talking to Aaryn the final 5 would be with Aaryn and not Spencer...from earlier in the night).  Judd doesn't trust Elissa because he thinks Elissa wants all girls at the end and Spencer agrees.  Judd realized that Jessie is flirting with him for a vote and says he's not stupid.  Judd wants him and Spencer in final 2 because they both played similar games.  Judd says Amanda thinking he was MVP is no big deal.  Judd says he'll just sleep with Jessie tonight to play her, but doesn't want to go down with Jessie's sinking ship.
Judd isn't flipping. He hates Jessie and will play her 

4:20am: Judd reassures Amanda/McCrae of his allegiance to them to the end. He reveals Jessie trying to get him to flip and that Helen/Elissa want Amanda out.   Judd feels that Helen is more dangerous and that Elissa and Jessie are nothing without Helen.  Judd says he wants to include Spencer in but not let Aaryn and Spencer know about each other so that they will put each other up when the time comes.  Judd is pushing for Helen/Elissa to go before Jessie.  Mc/Am don't believe Judd and think he wants them to target Hel/El and get blood on their hands and do their dirty work for him.

Judd reveals Jessie's plan to flip the house, he declares his allegiance to Amanda/McCrae, and wants Spencer and Aaryn in but not know of each other. Judd wants Helen/Elissa out first.

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