Saturday, August 24, 2013

It's official! The plan is to backdoor Amanda! Amanda, Judd, and GM picked to play in POV. GM/Elissa really bonding. GM stands up to Amanda in a fight! Drama and hilarity ensues. Elissa laughs at Amanda's face as Amanda is begging for her life. Aaryn proposes AA/GM/Andy/Spencer alliance for the future.

I believe the events of last night going into this morning were too good that they deserved a new post so we can all celebrate in the plan to get Amanda out.

The drama began at 10:41pm last night! *This post is a continuation from the previous post, which also included all of yesterday's happenings

Preview of Thursday Night

This was not a last minute decision by DR. Elissa and Helen actually planned this earlier in the week

10:41pm: Elissa tells Judd in the bathroom that whoever wins Veto has to take Aaryn off and put up Amanda.  They both are excited and both tell each other not to tell anybody about this just yet.  They scramble away so they are not seen together.


10:41pm, August 23, 2013, Cam 1

JULISSA alliance about to make their first big move!

They're both on board to backdoor Amanda

10:47pm: Elissa is telling Aaryn that I WANT YOU TO STAY.  Elissa is telling Aaryn she has to fight for veto so Elissa can put Amanda up next to McCrae, and asks if Aaryn in on board, Aaryn says yes.  Elissa says that Amanda has caused enough problems already and turns people against each other.  Elissa tells Aaryn that GM is loyal to Aaryn but not to Amanda.

10:53pm: Elissa says she's so excited to backdoor Amanda.  Elissa says we have to get Amanda/McCrae out.  Aaryn thanks Elissa for asking her to join the alliance.  Elissa is telling Aaryn that they need to get Amanda out and without that influence, they can work together to the end without anybody expecting it.

10:54pm: Elissa is coaching Aaryn how to act in front of Amanda and McCrae.  Elissa tells her she's safe.  Aaryn nods in agreement.  Aaryn says McCrae tried to make her mad at Elissa again so she would nominate her.  Aaryn says she now see's the real picture.  Aaryn is beaming and glowing!

She is glowing right now, getting the knife sharpened.  She's on board to get rid of her puppetmaster so she can be a "Real Girl" (Shrek 2 joke)

10:54pm: Elissa wants to win the POV to take Aaryn off so she will know that she is telling her the truth.  Elissa says Amanda has been causing dissention and bad blood and that Elissa wants to like Aaryn so badly, that they can be very strong together.

10:57pm: Aaryn says it Kills her what happened to Helen, but she has to move forward.  Elissa says she's so excited and that it'll be a new game when Amanda goes.  Elissa says this is oging to be a whole new game.  They hug and Aaryn says she means it this time.  
Two enemies unite for one cause. No one will suspect it

Aaryn and Elissa both mean the hug

10:59pm: Elissa and Aaryn shake on the deal.

Elissa: "It's not high school, this is Big Brother"

11:00pm: Aaryn asks if Judd is on board.  Elissa says Yes, Aaryn asks about Andy, they agree Andy floats to power so they can't tell him yet.  Aaryn is concerned about Judd and Elissa says Judd is good because it's a clean slate for him. Elissa emphasizes to Aaryn that "we can put aside anything for a month, we are here to play Big Brother so let's really play and work together, ok?" Aaryn is giddy and says she never wanted to argue from the beginning anyway, so she is absolutely in, then they each leave and go separate ways.


11:35pm: Feeds go to Fish

12:11am:  Feeds are back. Picking players for POV (yea it's early for that). Amanda, Judd, and GM were picked to play. Aaryn had houseguest choice and picked Judd (Later it's revealed that Judd told Aaryn before the comp that he would take her off if Judd won)

12:24am: Amanda tells Judd/Mc/Andy/Spencer that Elissa seemed unhappy when she pulled Amanda's chip.  Amanda said "You didn't want me to play?"

12:27am: GM tells Elissa if Gm wins HOH next week, she has Elissa's back to the fullest

12:28am:  GM stands up to Amanda after Amanda starts a fight and accuses GM.  Amanda is mad at GM and calling her shady, GM is yelling back.  Elissa is laughing the whole time.  Amanda is mad that Elissa/GM stopped talking once she walked into the kitchen.  Amanda telling GM why she's all of a sudden best friends with Elissa.  GM is yelling and not standing back.

GM: "Come over here big girl and talk shit!"

Elissa spitting out her drink because Amanda kept staring at her drink for a long time before she started the fight. Epic moment!

Elissa has to hold GM back

McCrae has to hold Amanda back

12:32am: Amanda is catching on about Elissa's plan to backdoor her.  Elissa gives a non-response and Amanda is falling apart literally while fighting GM.

12:37am: GM in lounge with Elissa/Spencer/Andy.  All of them reveling in GM standing up to Amanda.

GM: "Payback bitch. Bring it on."
GM stood up against Amanda. It's been a good day.

12:43am-12:55am: Amanda goes to talk to Elissa alone in HOH.  Amanda is throwing GM under the bus and saying that GM has been talking shit about Elissa the whole season.  Amanda is also throwing Aaryn under the bus.  Amanda talks about how fake GM is, and how Amanda has been with Helen/Elissa the whole time and has never been with Aaryn.  Amanda says she's afraid that Elissa is holding Helen's leaving against her.  Amanda says she hopes Elissa doesn't have a plan to backdoor her. Elissa laughs and says she hasn't thought that far ahead yet
Elissa's reaction at Amanda thinking Elissa was trying to backdoor Amanda

Elissa laughing at Amanda begging for her life

Elissa's trying to hide the smirk while Amanda says she feels defeated and is thinking Elissa is backdooring her.

12:50am: Amanda is begging for her life and says she feels defeated.

Amanda is begging for her life and says she feels defeated

1:07am: Elissa laughs at McCrae/Amanda while they are studying the Memory wall (just incase that's the POV comp).  McCrae says he's so pumped to win the POV so he can have the last laugh.

Elissa: "Study up ya'll"

1:05am: Elissa tells Aaryn she couldn't hold back laughter as Amanda was crying to her upstairs. She invites Aaryn to study the memory wall on the HOH monitor.

Elissa tells Aaryn how Amanda was begging for her life

 Elissa says she couldn't hold back laughing at Amanda

Elissa: "You can come up to HOH and study the memory wall on the monitor with me"

1:19am: Elissa tells Judd that she doesn't trust Andy.  Elissa and Judd want to lie to Andy so that Andy doesn't tell Amanda about the plan to backdoor her.  Meanwhile, GM is listening at the door to McCranda and Aaryn's conversation with a mug.

McCranda is about to have their shit rocked

1:30am: Gm, Aaryn, Judd studying the Memory wall for Morph-o-Matic POV comp

They really don't want Amanda or McCrae to win

1:42am: Aaryn fills in Spencer on the plan to backdoor Amanda.  Aaryn tells Spencer that after Amanda goes that Spencer can work with McCrae.  Spencer tells her that he can't trust McCrae.

Aaryn proposes a Aaryn/GM/Andy/Spencer alliance.  Aaryn says it freaks her out that GM/Elissa are getting close.  She reveals that she picked Judd because Judd said he would use the POV to save Aaryn.

Spencer knows of the plan now to backdoor Amanda and proposes a possible alliance

Elissa's actions last night. The backdoor Amanda plan was not a last-minute idea. Elissa
told Helen that was her intention in the hot tub the other night. 2) She didn't get instructions from the DR and suddenly change her mind after previously refusing to tell anyone who she would put up after POV was used. She obviously heard from the DR that the POV was imminent and had to speed up her game plan to ensure things would fall into place beforehand. 3) Whether or not she intended to give Aaryn a taste of the block to soften her up is unknown, but it worked that way, Aaryn was happy for the reprieve and fell in with Elissa's backdoor Amanda scheme.

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