Friday, August 16, 2013

Elissa/Helen nominated. Lies are told to Helen and Elissa telling her they want to backdoor Spencer (LOL). Helen/Elissa/GM/Amanda are Have-Nots

Downtown Chicago literally had this message to support Helen

Recap of last week

11:30am: Amanda/AA talking game.  Amanda wants Spencer gone next week because he's playing a good social game.  Aaryn doesn't really care what she says in her nomination speech to Elissa because she won't get Elissa's vote if AA makes F2 anyways.  Amanda says she wants AA, Mc, and Andy in final 4 and that's why Helen must go this week.

12:06pm: Elissa comes to HOH room where Amanda and Aaryn are and tries to explain that she was just nervous yesterday before the comp and didn't mean anything bad.  Elissa says she didn't want to start a fight, and that she got upset yesterday because it sunk in that she wouldn't see her family for a long while.  Aaryn tells Elissa that she isn't the target and that Spencer is the target, and that she wants to backdoor him.

1:05pm: Amanda is telling Helen in HOH room that she think AA will nominate Elissa/Helen so that Helen can't save Elissa with POV.  Helen asked what if Elissa wins the POV and Amanda said she didn't know because she thought the plan was to backdoor Spencer.  Amanda tries to make herself seem distant from Aaryn by saying that AA doesn't confide everything in Amanda.  Helen is wondering why Spencer put up McCrae/GM and not GM/Aaryn and thinks Spencer is working with Aaryn.

1:17pm: Helen asks to speak alone with Aaryn.  She is worried about going on the block and assures Aaryn she won't use the POV on Elissa (lol nice try Helen).  Aaryn says that the target is Spencer (that's a lie).  Aaryn tells Helen she understands if Helen puts Aaryn up next week since she's putting up Helen this week.  Helen asks if Aaryn would use the POV on Helen if she won it, Aaryn says she'll keep the noms the same, but AA wants Helen to win the POV so she can take herself off the block (obviously to calm Helen down)

6:29pm: Helen is falling for this week's plan hook line and sinker!  So Helen tells McC that she knows her and Elissa are going on the block and she says if AA wins veto, she will leave the noms the same.  She says if Hel or El win, Spencer will be the replacement nominee.  Helen told McC that Aaryn gave her permission to go after her next week and McC said "ok good".  She tells Amanda the same thing and says that Spencer has to go this week.

7:54pm: Helen is crying over nominations.  She thinks Amanda wants to keep Elissa so that AA and Elissa will go at it.  Helen hopes Spencer would want to keep her over Elissa and Andy lies and says yea.  Andy lies and says he doesn't want to lose Helen or Elissa.  Helen says they (am/mc/andy/hel/el) won't control the votes anymore if Elissa and her leave.  Helen says that Amanda doesn't seem to care and that McCrae and Amanda don't understand the math.  Helen says if Amanda comes up with a plan to make Hel/El lose the POV that she would nominate Am/McC.

9:42pm: Elissa says Helen blames Elissa for being up on the block but Elissa says its really Helen's fault.  Amanda says that Helen is trying to campaign for herself and that the only way 2 of them can be safe is if Elissa wins the veto, then both can be safe (Amanda wants Elissa to win the veto so they can take Helen out, so she's making Elissa think if she wins the veto, that both Hel/Elissa can be safe)

12am:  Helen is talking to elissa in HN room and she says that they have to win Veto tomorrow, because Aaryn says if they don't win it that she (Aaryn) will not use it. Helen says Aaryn will push for El to go then but if they win it & save one of themselves that she will put up Spencer in their place & get the other HG to vote him out. Helen asks El if she talked with Amanda & she says yes but that she basically said the same thing that Aaryn said, (El forgot to tell Helen that Amanda was pushing that if one of them won the veto that it should be used on El & not Helen or El most likely would be going home even if Spencer was up next to her, but said if Helen used it on El then they both would be safe & then Spencer would be voted out.) Then Helen goes on to bash Jessie saying that if she was still there & won HOH that she would have put them both up too, & how much of a liar she was, ect.

1:15am: The Fish are eating poop out of each other's butt and Aaryn is concerned about this.  Also they are dying while Aaryn is HOH again.

Aaryn and Ginamarie are doing facial masks and start watching the fish. They notice that one of the black fish are doing well. Gina asks what is he doing flips and sh*t? Aaryn says that fish is pu$$y popping on a handstand like Candice. We are calling that fish Candice. Aaryn asks why do fish die whenever I’m HOH, I don’t get it? Meanwhile down in the havenot room, Elissa, Amanda and Helen get ready for bed. Elissa uses one of the have bed comforters and says that she hopes she doesn’t get in trouble but she couldn’t find a havenot blanket.

The fish are eating poop out of each other's butt

1 comment:

  1. it's only the white fish that are eating each others poop!
