Saturday, August 3, 2013

Jessie wins Power of Veto. Spencer is replacement nominee. Candice is going home this week. Helen/Elissa/Jessie ready to pull the trigger to evict Amanda but not this week, they don't wanna make too many enemies.

Aaryn: "Amanda, you just lost to the shortest girl in the house. Whatchu gon gurl? Whatchu gon do?"

She has to wear this for 48 hours. It cannot come off her neck under any circumstance.

2:25pm August 3: Feeds come back! During the POV, Amanda and Candice got into an argument.  Amanda called Candice Shaniqua and Candice told Judd that Amanda thinks he's MVP and that Amanda/McCrae are coming after him.

Spencer is most likely replacement nominee. Elissa was also considered because she would be a vote to keep Candice and GM doesn't want that.

Jessie wins the POV
Judd wins 5000 bucks
Spencer wins a trip to the Bahamas.
Candice gets a clown suit.
GM wins a cone of shame for 48 hours
Amanda has to tan every hour.

 Aaryn and Clownie are happy about the POV results

 Amanda is sad that she hasn't won a single competition

This is not the first time Judd has taken a picture looking like this

4:07pm: Helen and Jessie talking about voting out Amanda this week.  Helen tells Jessie that this may not be the right week to vote out Amanda, but they will have to let Amanda blow up more the next few days and go from there.  Helen says she needs more people on board so that they don't have too many enemies coming after them if they do this.  Jessie is not letting up and wants Amanda out.  Helen and Jessie agree to tell everyone else they were talking about their fight from yesterday.

Jessie and Helen contemplate voting out Amanda this week

4:20pm: Amanda is freaking out saying Spencer has to go on the block as replacement.  This is because Aaryn said Elissa is trying to keep Candice in the game, and GM might put up Elissa because Elissa would vote for Candice to stay, which is what GM doesn't want.  Amanda fears Spencer will join Helen/Judd/Jessie to evict Amanda.  Aaryn tells Amanda she'll do whatever makes Amanda safe if Amanda does the same in return.

Amanda: "Spencer has to go on the block so that I'm safe!"

5:31pm: Helen tells Elissa that Candice threw them under the bus by revealing that Elissa and Helen thought Judd was MVP, and also trying to flip the house on Hel/Elissa last week.  Helen is trying to convince Elissa to vote out Candice and not Spencer.  Helen is telling Elissa that Candice ruins both their games.

Helen: "Candice has got to go"

7pm: Clowntard

Candice is being a great sport and Aaryn is mad that Candice is getting attention

GM watches the clowntard on the monitor, alone with her pictures in the room with popcorn

7:20pm Amanda's spray tan punishment every hour!

Oompa, Loompa, Doopa Dee doo,  I see an orange bitch. How about you?

10:34pm: McCrae's Bachelor party

12:21 am Cam 3, Aug 4: Amanda flashes her boobs.
12:22 am Cam 3, Aug 4: Jessie finds out the guys can see her nipples through her bathing suit.

The guys tell Jessie they can see her nipples through her red bathing suit

1:15am: Jessie and Andy rough housing.

Don't know the timestamp of this one, but Jessie can sure tickle

2:15am: Around this time, Amanda and McCrae shower naked in HOH bathroom. Handjob is assumed

Amanda called Jessie a slut in their fight. What a hypocrite


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