Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Curse of the Unitard returns. Judd tells Jessie to her face he hates her, she makes his life miserable, and that she should have tried out for Real World.

Candice is predicted to be evicted tonight on a 7-0 vote

Votes to evict Candice

1. Aaryn
2. McCrae
3. Judd
4. Andy
5. Helen
6. Jessie* - she said she'd vote with the house after being unsuccessful in getting votes for Amanda
7. Elissa* - Elissa doesn't trust Spencer and wants him out and wants Candice to stay.  However, Helen has tried to convince Elissa that she needs to vote with the house to not piss everyone else off and  for the sake of them both.

Who is in most trouble at double eviction?

Jessie is on everyone's target list tonight except for Elissa.   Judd is also in trouble because Helen/Amanda/Andy/Elissa are onboard for getting him out.  If Julie Chen reveals that America is MVP, that will save Judd for sure.  Amanda and McCrae are in trouble if Jessie or Spencer win HOH.  There's also a chance Spencer pussies out and puts up GM/Aaryn as a safe choice.  Aaryn will probably put up Spencer alongside Jessie if she wins HOH.

Most likely gone at 2nd eviction (prediction)

1:22pm-1:30pm:  Judd tells Jessie to stfu.    Jessie says she's tired of being in an environment where she's being talked down to.  She said that Judd told her to STFU when she was trying to defend herself after he talked smack about her.  He tells her he hates her, that he's pretended to be nice to her the whole time.  He tells Jessie she is the worst person ever and she makes his life miserable.  Judd tells her she just wants attention and that she should have tried out for the real world.  Judd says he never wants to talk to her again.

Judd and Jessie fight

Judd: "You make it miserable for me."

1:43pm: Helen tells Elissa they can't trust Judd, and that Judd wants them out of the game.  When Judd was apologizing to Elissa later, he tells her he wants to put Jessie on the block later next to Aaryn.  Helen tells Elissa that they need to get rid of McCrae first or else he'll work with the boys if Amanda is gone.  

2:35pm:  McCrae/Andy reaffirm their plan to backdoor Judd.

2:41pm: 'Bashing Jessie' session. Judd, Mc, GM, spencer all making fun of Jessie in colored room.

2:57pm: Jessie telling Mc/Am of the Judd fight.  She wants to make a deal with them if its double eviction tonight.  She asks if Mc/Am would keep her safe, they say yea.  Amanda asks who Jessie would put up, Jessie said Judd and someone else.

Jessie: "He was supposed to be my friend and partner in this game."

I just won the Golden Power of Veto!

1 comment:

  1. If MVP is revealed at the beginning of the show, before votes then this could seriously change things up, however don't count on it due to the HG's being afraid to put targets on themselves. In no other season were they this afraid to simply vote for who they wanted, even if it meant making it an obvious split decision. It is no secret that Elissa is close friends with Candice so the house shouldn't take it bad if she were to vote for someone else besides her friend. Same goes for Jessie. And, if the rest of the house has a problem with that.. tough, it's BIG BROTHER! My gut tells me it will be Aaryn winning the first HOH and she will most definitely be placing Jessie and ??Spencer?? (although she would like to put up Elissa I think she will see that as a target for herself in the second HOH so she will not ruffle feathers). What I would love to see happen is Jessie win and put up Amanda and McCrae and this time the HG's realize that it is now or never and vote out Amanda in the first HOH, Mcrae will win the second HOH in a rage and will place Jessie and Helen (knowing that Amanda was gunning for Helen sooner rather than later--get her before she gets them). As for the reset.. IF they are told about the 9 person jury from the top of the show, then they will also know that Candice is already going to be in the jury anyway so this could sway the votes for the second HOH. I am hopeful that America will still have some sort of play in this year's Brutal season as something has to be done with this terrible cast.
