Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Helen/Elissa will strike for Amanda if they get HOH. Amanda/McCrae will backdoor Helen and try to trick Elissa into plunging the knife into Helen. Jessie will be voted out 6-0. A power player WILL be evicted next week, unless Aaryn wins HOH.

Tomorrow's HOH comp might be a quiz of past competitions

12:30pm: Helen tells Elissa they will study today for the quiz HOH

12:57pm-1:13pm: Elissa, Helen, Aaryn, and Andy are bashing Jessie in the backyard.  Helen said she's given Jessie enough chances, Andy says Jessie is a sinking ship and said he promised Spencer the vote will be 6-0 Jessie leaving.  Helen says that Jessie needs constant affirmation, thinks she's insecure and doesn't want her to got hrough life ffeeling that way.  GM jokes that Jessie is a psycho that would kill herself over Nick.  Andy says Jessie can be a confident successful person but she retreats into an insecure person.  Elissa said she had been more successful than Jessie when she was 25, as she had already owned a couple of houses.  Aaryn says Jessie just wants to be a celebrity and doesn't want to do business.  Helen said that Jessie said that she doesn't have  alot of friends from HS or college.  Aaryn says she's given Jessie three plus chances and doesn't trust her anymore and that she's voting out Jessie.  GM says Jessie is two different people in one body, Elissa says that Jessie is evil and a snake, and was mocking Jessie taunting Elissa.  GM says that Jessie si weird and that she has demons insdie of her and that she is possessed.  They all think that Jessie has multiple personalities and that Helen feels sorry for Jessie.

Jessie Bash session

1:56pm: Jessie offers herself up to Aaryn as a nomination next week and will throw the HOH.  Aaryn is not biting.  Aaryn tells Amanda her convo with Jessie later on.

3:21pm-3:40pm: Jessie is offering her game to Elissa if they keep her.  Jess offers to throw the HOH and to go on the block next week. Elissa says that she can't really trust Jessie.  Elissa says that Jessie has been emotional and stuck up for Candice

3:49pm: Aaryn and Andy reaffirm their loyalty to Amanda/McCrae and want each other there over Am/Mc.  Andy thinks Spencer will go after Helen/Elissa.  AA thinks GM will go after Amanda, but not Andy or Aaryn. Aaryn says that the final 4 deal is off if Aaryn is even considered a target.  Last night, Am/Mc/Aa came up with a plan to get Elissa to use the POV by tricking her into thinking they want to backdoor Aaryn, but they will put up Helen instead.

Andy/AA  think Mc/Am think that Andy and Aaryn aren't close and that Andy/AA are just their allies.  McCrae and Amanda have both said they may not take each other to Final 2, and Andy/AA know that's bullshit.  Andy/AA say that Mc/Am don't know how close Andy/Aaryn are to one another.

3:57pm: Jessie stares at the backyard for a long time, taking a mental picture. Deep down she knows this is the last time she'll see the backyard.

5:13pm: Amanda tells Spencer that Helen is coming after him. She tells him there is no way Spencer is going home next week, and that if he put Helen up, it would show people that Spencer isn't working with Helen like people thought.

8:55pm: McCrae is telling Elissa they need to backdoor Aaryn because she's good at competitions (it's a lie because Am/Mc/Aa plan on tricking Elissa into using the POV incase she has it, so they can backdoor Helen).
McCrae planting the seed for Elissa to use POV to backdoor Aaryn, but they'll backdoor Helen instead. Devious McCrae!

9:50pmAaryn and Jessie getting into it about when Jessie tried to flip the house and not vote Candice out, Jessie is giving
her different excuses, saying that was Helen's deal not hers, Aaryn is catching her on all that she says so Jessie says well fine just vote me out then, Aaryn says she will do whatever Andy wants her to do, Jessie says so then Andy wants me out then. Aaryn says she is not getting in to any of that again. Jessie says that all this happened because Helen couldn't have a mature conversation otherwise none of this would have happened. Aaryn says she knows why this all happened. Jessie says she is not going to campaign anymore to stay, what is the sense. Aaryn says she didn't say that they are voting her out so to just stop it. More rehashing by Jessie of who said this & who said that. Jessie says that when GM was HOH she wanted to do what they wanted & actually did, Aaryn says but you tried, she denies that. Aaryn says you seemed like you hated Candice & then you were her best friend. Now Jessie is blaming things on Amanda & Aaryn says say it right in front of Amanda & she says she will. Aaryn says now you are trying to work with Amanda but you are throwing her under the bus.
 Aaryn says you are always trying to get attention Jessie, and that is not what this game is about. Aaryn says you keep changing how you act & who you are with so why would I chose to keep you here? Jessie says I guess you wouldn't (sarcastically). GM came in & Jessie got quiet. Now she says she does what she can to survive in this game. Aaryn says that Amanda told Aaryn that Jessie should thank Aaryn for still being there because none of them would have put up with Jessie & they all wanted her out earlier.  Jessie says she didn't say that, Aaryn says she did too, she told me that. Jessie can't believe that this whole thing has bothered Aaryn as much as she says it does. Aaryn says why wouldn't it?


1:02am:  Elissa and Amanda talking in HN room. Amanda told Elissa if it were up to her, Elissa would be going to F3. Elissa said something like she doesn't know what would happen if she goes, or if Amanda goes. Amanda said Elissa isn't going anywhere soon, and if it were up to her, Elissa would be in the Final 3. Amanda claimed to not even be sure if she would take McCrae to the Final 2 because everyone likes McCrae. Elissa said she doesn't want there to be a wedge in to something that has been working.
Amanda said what she thinks happened last week is that Jessie said to Helen that Amanda wanted to backdoor Helen and then Helen told Elissa that so Elissa said Amanda should go. Elissa still says she never said she wanted Amanda out last week, and she wanted Spencer out that week. Elissa said Helen never mentioned anything to her except that Judd and Jessie were trying to flip the house, and then that Judd wasn't involved after Helen said she had talked to Judd.
Andy came in and Amanda is talking to them now about what she said to Jessie(?), about how she couldn't trust Jessie wanted to work with first some people, then other people, but that Spencer had been the target. Andy worried a little about something Aaryn told Jessie.

1:28am: Helen is questioning if McCrae's F3 offer is fake.
After Amanda/Elissa spoke, Elissa told Helen that Amanda was wondering if Helen really did have a plan to BD her. Helen gets upset w/ Amanda. She then goes to McCrae & tells him she wonders if his F3 deal w/ her is real or not since Amanda is doubting her.

1:38am: Helen & McCrae are alone in lounge whispering.  Helen is trying to convince McCrae
that she hasn’t been targeting Amanda. She says she knows that everyone would come after her if she were to do that.  McCrae says Amanda can’t go home next week.  McCrae thinks Elissa has a good chance of winning the game and he doesn't want to go up against Elissa. Helen agrees.

She says Elissa will come out of this game pretty clean because she has been making the moves and getting the blood on her hands (Helen).  McCrae wonders if Elissa maybe pretending not to be good at comps and she could turn it on at some point- he thinks she could win an endurance comp.

1:48am: McCrae and Andy keep reassuring Helen that Amanda doesn't believe what Jessie was saying about Helen coming after Amanda. 

McCrae leaves the cockpit.  Helen & Andy continue whispering. Helen is worried about Spencer, she thinks he would put up her & Amanda. Andy “Don’t let him win HOH!”  Helen wonders if she should talk to Spencer but decides it’s best not to talk to him about it.  Helen wonders who GM would nominate as HOH. Andy doesn’t really know but says he did make a deal with her not to put him up.  Andy thinks they could steer GM towards Spencer & Elissa and they could get Spencer out. Andy “I really like this thing we have with McCrae!"

2:30am: Helen tells GM she's not coming after GM and vice versa.  Helen says she likes GM and Aaryn and GM says AA and her are like sisters who always make up after fighting.  Then they bash about Jessie being a flip flopper

Helen and GM saying they're not after each other

2:58am: McCrae tells Amanda and Andy that Helen told him in the cockpit that Helen was paranoid about their F3 deal with McCrae and Andy.  Helen was worried it was a way to keep tabs on her.  Andy tells them that Spencer was wanting a F3 deal with him and McCrae.   McCrae tells them how Helen doesn't want them to go after Aaryn because Helen is getting closer to Aaryn.  Amanda is worried about all this because it means that Amanda could be going home and Amanda says it's imperative that Helen go home within the next two weeks.  Andy and Amanda both say that Spencer said he would go after Helen and Elissa, but they worry he is playing them.  Andy wonders who GM would nominate and Amanda thinks she would put up Helen and Elissa.  The group decides its best to put up Spencer & GM so they can backdoor Helen.  Amanda thinks that GM & Aaryn would have a F2 deal.

They're onto Helen being suspicious of their fake final 3 deal with her and want to rid Helen ASAP

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