Sunday, August 11, 2013

POV will not be used. Jessie tells Andy to get Amanda out. Andy rats her out to McC/Amanda. Jessie's fate is sealed. A Power Player (McC, Am, Hel, or El) will be gone next week.

GM/Spencer met in private yesterday.  The Grasshopper alliance is still alive and working underground.  They said they need to shake up the house or else they will be on the block each week as pawns until they are no longer needed and sent home.

Amanda said she wants Helen gone next week.  Whatever Amanda wants, McCrae has to go with because he has no balls.  Helen has adamantly stated to Andy that she would have put up Amanda/McCrae if she were HOH this week and fears time is running out to make a big move.  Elissa has said this game is about big moves and that they need to make a big move.

So that's 6 players willing to make a big move.  Andy can't play in HOH next week. Unless Aaryn wins HOH next week, expect a power player to be gone. Bank on it.
12pm: Andy and Helen discuss game.  Andy thinks Spencer is the better liar and that Jessie's gameplay is far worse than Spencer.  Helen wants Spencer to put up Aaryn and GM if he wins HOH next week, and Helen is afraid Spencer will go rogue with his nominations.  Helen says that Aaryn doesn't want to put Amanda up, and that she would put up McCrae and Helen.  Helen says McCrae has given them the green light to get Amanda out (probably just an act to seem distant from Amanda?)

Then they talk shit about Judd after Jessie crashes the HOH room and breaks up game talk.

3:14pm:  Jessie thinks Am/mc/hel/el have a final 4 deal.  Andy says they think the two pairs will go after each other, but Jessie doesn't think so (In reality, they are going after each other).  Jessie says the 4 will keep getting stronger if they stay any longer.  She thinks that if they stay, Jessie will go home next week (she still thinks she's safe this week).  Andy is nervous to do such a move.
Jessie pleads Andy to get Amanda out.

3:40pm: Andy rats Jessie out to McCrae.  McCrae said that her fate is now sealed.  He explains to Amanda that Jessie said there were 4 floater pawns (Jessie, Aaryn, Spencer, GM) and the 4 in power (McCrae, Amanda, Helen, Elissa) and that Andy was in the middle; Jessie wanted Andy (who she considered in the middle) to take a power player out so the other 4 floaters would have a shot and have Andy's back.

McCrae is worried because DR makes him paranoid that Amanda would betray McCrae.  McCrae says they need to come up with a backup plan in the event someone returns from jury.

Andy returns and talks to Amanda about how Spencer was shady yesterday for not throwing the veto.

 Andy rats Jessie out to McCrae. Jessie's fate is sealed. Goodbye Jessie

McCrae is worried a jury member comes back and worried about Amanda betraying him (most likely an act)

5:47pm: McCrae, Helen, and Andy solidify a fake final 3 deal (McCrae and Andy know, but Helen thinks it's real). This is so that Helen doesn't put up McCrae and Amanda at the same time on the block.  McCrae says he's ready to cut ties with Amanda (it's an act to make him seem distant from Amanda).  Helen is afraid of Aaryn cuz Helen thinks she would go after McCrae.  Aaryn pops in and they ask her who she wants out. She says Spencer.

 McCrae and Helen make the fake final 3 with Andy (so that Helen doesn't put up Am/Mc on the block at same time).  Helen thinks it's real.  Helen wants Aaryn out because Aaryn will protect Amanda and go after Spencer and McCrae

Aaryn says she wants Spencer out

7:20pm: Andy talks to Helen, doesn't think anyone will suspect their alliance.  Helen thinks Elissa will sadly be pawned out unless she starts winning comps.  Andy/Helen say that if they are in final 3 with McCrae, they will still take each other to the end, not McCrae (They are talking about the fake final 3 deal of mc,hel,andy)

7:41pm: Aaryn thinks Spencer is a sketchy selfish fuck.  She points out he was trying to win the veto as proof.  Andy says it would have been unfair to ask Spencer to throw the veto.

8:34pm: Amanda wants to put up Spencer/GM as nominees and backdoor Helen, and tells McCrae to do the same.

9:31pm: Spencer tells Andy that they can trust Amanda and McCrae.  Spencer thinks Amanda and McCrae are more logical than Helen and Elissa.  Spencer said if GM won HOH, she would put up Helen/Elissa and target Elissa.  Spencer said if he put up Amanda/mcCrae, he would target McCrae because McCrae can win competitions and Amanda can't.

11:14pm:  3AM alliance meeting.  They are trying to figure out who Helen, GM, and Spencer are gonna nominate.  Amanda asks Aaryn if AA was told by Jessie about the plan to backdoor Amanda.  Aaryn thinks Jessie is best friends with her.  Amanda tells AA that Elissa thinks AA is acting weird.

Amanda says if she's HOH and Elissa wins the veto, she'll lie to Elissa to use the POV so they can backdoor Aaryn, and Amanda will put up Helen instead.

3AM alliance meeting. Looks like Helen/Elissa are screwed.

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