Thursday, August 22, 2013

JUDD is back! He tells Elissa he's going after Amanda. Elissa wins HOH! Was Helen pushed off? Elissa mabye putting up Aaryn/McCrae as nominations. Amanda has a meltdown and cries throughout the evening, night, and through the morning.

Jessie fell first
Then Helen, and immediately after her Candice.

Judd is returning to the game, and before the comp, he told Elissa he wants to get out Amanda.  He tells the houseguests he is happy they got rid of Helen (cuz now that cuts his work in half).  He says he wants to start on a clean slate with everyone and he has no hard feelings.  He tells Elissa he's sorry he didnt hug her 2 weeks ago.

Was Helen pushed off by someone's hand? Or signaled to fall off and throw the comp?

First to catch 10 balls (without falling off) wins the comp

Amanda almost fell but saved herself.

This woman wins when her life is on the line. Clutch performer?

Elissa with a feat of athleticism saving herself....for now.

Elissa wins HOH!  Amanda....still winless.

Elissa wins HOH!  Aaryn's face tells me she's not happy.

8:50pm: Amanda tells Spencer she wants to get Elissa to put up GM/AA.  Spencer thinks Judd here makes a huge difference because that means Amanda is safe (LOL fans hope not).

Suffer Amanda, you bitch! hahahahahaha

9:17pm: Elissa /Judd talking in BR. Judd apologizes for not hugging Elissa 2 weeks ago. Judd wants to start clean.  Elissa tells Judd that AA/Amanda/Helen wanted to backdoor him.

Judd tells Elissa he trusts her

9:24pm: Amanda tells Aaryn to tell Judd that it was Helen who wanted Judd out so that Amanda and Aaryn could be safe. (Does Amanda not know Judd was told by Jessie in jury what really happened? Bwahhahahaha)

9:42pm: Elissa tells Amanda she wants to put Aaryn up and someone who will fight hard for POV. El says AA needs to leave.  Amanda is pushing hard for Gm to go up and not McCrae.  Elissa tells AManda she doesn't want to put GM up.  Elissa wants McCrae to go up to win the veto to ensure AA doesn't.  Amanda has that look in her eyes that could kill.

Amanda freaking out because she can't get what she wants

10:08pm: Mc/Am/Andy/Spencer want Judd out. They are thinking of getting him out next double eviction.  These 3 in lounge throw AA under the bus.  Amanda plans to bully and threaten Elissa if she puts up McCrae.  McCrae wants to convince Elissa to put up Judd but Elissa won't do it because she knows they'll vote Judd out.

Amanda crying cuz she's not in control.  She is mad that Judd came back and still thinks Judd was MVP.  McCrae complains that Elissa was cheating in the comp lol.  Amanda says she doesn't want to go to jury because all the girls there will make her life a living hell (irony)

Why have a meltdown the second you have no control?  "Start thinking of ways to get yourself out of this mess, because there's always a way, you just gotta believe you can do it. " Tip from Dan Gheesling. It's on the house.

What will Amanda do now that the HOH is not under her control? Cry more? Or actually try to find a way out of it without bullying and pushing her agenda?

10:53pm: McCrae tells Spencer he doesnt get why Elissa wont put up Judd, Spencer or GM.

11:04pm: Andy says he wants to work with Judd. He'll be loyal to the end with Judd. Judd insists he's not MVP and Andy says he believes him.  Andy asked about Judd saying his name to GM to put him up and Judd said he never said that (he really didnt, GM just said he did).

11:14pm: Andy and Elissa talking. Elissa says she wont put GM or Andy up.  She wants someone to fight for POV and win it to ensure Aaryn goes home (ed. note: Could it be all a lie? Could Elissa really be gaming and has a master plan? She knows Andy is a rat that will tell McCranda)

11:19pm: elissa/andy make a 2 week deal. lol  Andy tries to get El to put up Judd/GM. Elissa says that's not happening.  Elissa tells Andy they have to break up the couples and that AAryn now has GM and Judd.

2 week deal

11:20pm: McCrae freaking out about going on the block. He tells Elissa if he's off the block, he can ensure whoever Elissa wants gone to go home cuz he, amanda, andy are 3 votes.  McCrae points out his poor HOH performance tonight as reason to not put him up.  He says he will go home if he goes up.

McCrae is freaking out on Elissa

11:30pm: Amanda wants GM to go up with Aaryn so that am/mc/andy will all fight for Aaryn. AA doesn't understand why that makes sense because if she goes off, one of the other 3AM alliance members will go up (LOL good for AA to see thru Amanda's shit).

Amanda tells Aaryn to throw GM under the bus to save the 3AM alliance

11:36pm: Amanda/Mc desperate in lounge.  They are throwing AA under the bus.  McC offering his cigarettes as collateral if he doesn't vote out AA. Amanda kissing ass and offering to shave her head in POV.  Both McCrandas swear to fight for POV and vote AA out.  Elissa is scared to put GM up cuz she fears they will vote GM out.  She says she'll never put up Spencer as replacement nominee nor Judd.

11:45pm: Amanda tells Aaryn she won't vote AA out (amanda is lying).  AA tells Amanda she trusts her.  Amanda tells AA to go along with it.

11:50pm: Andy/AA in lounge. Andy tells AA keeping AA is his top priority. AA ask Andy to find out if mcCranda want to vote her out.  He agrees.

12am: spencer/elissa in HN room. Spencer wonders why not GM as nominee. Elissa says if GM is up, the others wont fight for Veto.  Elissa says replacement nom will depend on who fights for POV and who is not trying.  She says she will threaten GM to not use it if GM wins. Spencer and Elissa agree on 2 week deal and Elissa wont backdoor spencer at all, and Spencer agrees to vote out AA if McC/AA are on the block.

12:10am: Storage room. Spencer tells McCrae and Andy what his convo with Elissa was about.  Spencer tells McCrae he wont be able to use the veto on mccrae because another one of his allies will go on the block anyways as replacement.  They say that Elissa is basically threatening people.  Elissa says she'll tell people not to pick Spencer as HG choice cuz he sucks at comps.

12:26am: McC tells Amanda she might be the replacement nominee, and that Elissa wants to blindside Amanda with it.

12:32am: Andy/Amanda complaining that Judd isn't going out the door again this week. Andy thinks Judd will be gone soon anyways cuz every1 knows how dangerous he is.

I'm getting tired of this rat. He brings the term "ultimate floater" to a new level. Move over Shelly from BB13, we have a new title holder.

1am: HOH room reveal. Elissa doesn't have sweets. She has power bars.  Lots of other talk about her husband, family, blah for the next 2 hours.

2:40am: Judd and Andy just shook on something.  Judd said Amanda looked pissed he was back.  Judd thinks Amanda lied in her goodbye message.
Amanda said McCrae told her Judd had told McCrae he was after her in her goodbye, and Judd had never said anything like that. So he thinks Amanda lied but he isn't going to confront it. Andy said he doesn't know if McCrae did or not. 

Judd said he'd missed Andy. Andy feels the two of them (Judd/Andy) are in good position where couples can go after each other and take each other out and we're in the middle without people putting us together. 

Andy said Judd can trust him. Now that he knows he can trust Judd, they can work together. When Judd was evicted a lot of people were in Andy's ear telling him things about Judd. Andy feels like a lot of people trust him right now so he can influence them not to put Judd up. Judd said he's got Andy 100%. Andy also said Judd can trust GinaMarie and Spencer. Judd said he kind of trusts Elissa too. Judd asked who he should not trust, Amanda? Andy said kind of, yeah. Andy trusts McCrae but feels McCrae and Amanda together just have their own interests. Judd said he trusts McCrae more than Amanda and he always has. Andy agreed. That's why Judd thinks Amanda lied about what McCrae said to her. 

(ed. - Amanda really does think McCrae told her that, but McCrae had said it was eventually and Amanda felt it was much sooner.) 

Andy said it's one of those things where we don't have to talk that much but when we do we get our points across. Judd asked Andy if Amanda/Helen are the ones who wanted him out, because that's what Jessie said. Andy confirmed it. Amanda thought Judd was MVP. Judd said he never was. Andy told Judd not to tell Amanda he said all this, because she still trusts Andy. Judd said he wouldn't because he doesn't trust her. Andy said Elissa is breaking up couples -- Aaryn/Ginamarie and McCrae/Amanda -- which is fine because it's not us. Andy doesn't think Elissa will put Judd up. Judd said Elissa acted like she wouldn't put him up but he hadn't hugged her when he left; he just didn't want to look like a fool. 

Andy feels he and Judd are in good position because people like and trust them. Judd said do you think they still trust me? Andy said they like you and now you are starting over with a "clean slate." Andy said but we can have each other's best interests at heart and Judd agreed. Andy said like I said in my goodbye message, I am loyal until you give me reason not to be. Judd said, "Do you think Amanda was mad earlier when I said my biggest mistake was being loyal? ... It was though." 

This was all in the bedroom as Judd was making his bed ... At the beginning of the conversation, Judd asked if McCrae/Amanda had had sex on the bed (Andy didn't think so) and at one point thought he saw blood. Judd said something like he's going to risk it and take a shower.

Andy tells Judd that he can trust GM/Spencer/Andy.  Both agree that Amanda is not to be fully trusted.

2:50am: Judd/Spencer alone talking.  Spencer mentions the grasshopper alliance and tells Judd he shouldn't bring it up.  Judd tells Spencer he thinks Amanda was the reason he left, and he is not telling her anything.  Spencer says Judd can trust him and Andy.

3:08am: Amanda/Mc/Andy still in HOH room trying to get El to change her noms. Geez! I'm so tired. Lots of McCrae talking about math  to try and get Elissa to not put him up.  Amanda keeps insisting putting GM up.  Elissa says the reason McCrae is up is because he is the best competitor

McCrae using math and probability to try and confuse Elissa to make it seem McCrae knows what he's talking about. Elissa is not budging.

3:17am: Amanda comes into HOH room and tells Judd that she doesn't know why Judd thinks she was targeting Judd because it was Aaryn who put him up (obvious lie because Amanda and Helen controlled Aaryn in that nomination and Judd knows it)

3:29am: Amanda is crying about McCrae going on the block.
Amanda: "We protected you Elissa, Waaa Waaa, why would you put him up?"

3:30am: Elissa kicks them out of her HOH room. Says "It's 3AM, I have a headache. Could we talk about it tomorrow?"

3:35am-4am: McCrae says he doesn't get Elissa.  Andy thinks Elissa is like a brick wall.  AManda says that Elissa wants Aaryn, Amanda, or McCrae out this week.  Amanda thinks Helen put Elissa up to this to make a big move because Elissa knows she can't win this game.

3:49am: Spencer with Andy/Ama/McC.  Tells them that he believes El wants Aaryn out, not GM.  Spencer says GM is dangerous and McCrae thinks GM/Aar are throwing them under the bus (can't handle a taste of their own medicine?)  Amanda is freaked out about Judd; they all noticed Elissa was happy that Judd came back.

4am: Spencer/Andy alone talking and both agree that Elissa wants to backdoor Amanda.  They think Helen and Elissa developed this plan for either Aaryn or Amanda to go home.  Spencer says that Amanda/McCrae would throw him and Andy to the wolves.  Andy agrees and says that he would keep McCrae over Amanda but wants them both gone.  Andy says he is trying to work Judd, and told Judd to trust Spencer.  Andy told Spencer that he told Judd that he trusts GM and Spencer.  Both said Judd hates Amanda now.

Meanwhile, Amanda is crying her eyes out because McCrae has to go on the block for the first time.  She complains why she can't control Elissa.

Spencer/Andy say they can't fully trust Mc/Amanda and know McCranda would throw them to the wolves.

Amanda still doesn't understand why Elissa won't do what Amanda wants

5:38am: Amanda goes to a nomination chair to cry and Spencer has to console her (sign from the future?)

She literally cries the whole night. I didn't have the energy to go back and catch all the screencaps, but I hope you enjoyed the ones that I did catch.

Elissa: "It's my HOH room, get the fuck out."

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