Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Next Thursday will be Double Eviction. Pandora's Box also this week for the new HOH. I think McCrae, Judd, or GM will win HOH. Aaryn will be voted out 5-0

Who will get Pandora's Box? I predict McCrae, Judd, or GM.

5:39pm: Aaryn is telling GM how to play the remainder of the game.  She tells her they need to get McCranda out.  She tells her she can beat Andy, Elissa and Spencer.  She said GM will have her jury vote no matter what.  She said GM won't be able to beat Amanda or McCrae at the end because they've been playing the game and Judd could beat her b/c he fought to reenter the house.  She tells her to nominate Amanda and McCrae with Andy as the renom.  GM tells her that's what she was thinking.  Aaryn tells GM to go with the house and vote Aaryn out so that GM won't be a target.

6:24pm: Aaryn reveals to Judd that she took his spot in the alliance of amanda, mccrae, and andy

8:17pm: AA says she understands why people say don't win anything on BB.  Like HOHs or vetos because it shows your cards "If you don't show your cards no one gets mad at you!"

8:37pm: AA tells Judd she lied about her college major.

10:30pm: Judd/GM playing cards and say they want McCrae to leave before Amanda

10:59pm: Aaryn Judd and GM doing Asian impersonations at nail salons in Asian accents.  They also make racist jokes about Mexicans being gorillas

11:11-11:53pm: Somewhere around this time, Amanda and Aaryn bleach their buttholes.

11:57pm: McCrae says he doesn't want to put up GM but if she's working with Elissa, he'd have to, and he says he always wanted to work with GM.  Aaryn thinks Elissa is a beast in veto and has to be put up every week if they want her out.  Aar says McCranda will be nominated by everyone except for mabye Andy.  Aar tells McC that it will be either McCranda or Elissa nominated every week until they leave.

12:35pm: Aaryn and Elissa talk. Elissa hates that they couldn't work together and that her heart feels for Aaryn and she never had anything against her.  El thinks amanda manipulated Aaryn and ruined her game.  Aaryn tells El about 3AM and asks her not to say anything until after she's evicted.  AA reiterates that she doesn't want to leave on a sour note with Elissa, and that it made her sick having to pitch to put GM up beside her because GM was her friend

12:52pm: GM enters the room and tells Aar about Amanda confronting GM about putting McCranda up.  Aar says amanda is just trying to make sure Gm doesn't vote for Aar to stay.  Aar and El tell GM not to listen to anything Amanda says.  AA says she told McCranda she didn't know who GM would put up.

12:53pm: McCrae, Judd, Andy talking game.  They talk about how AA is trying to make herself a big target to stay in the game.  All the guys say they want to put up Elissa, and they say McCranda is safe (lol).  Lots of other BS about game, and how people vote for social game or be bitter jury members.

The showmance that could have been

3:11am: Judd and Aaryn making out. Amanda said it sounded like Judd was eating her out.  Later  Amanda talks about wanting to stick her vagina in a glory hole and have someone lick the shit out of it.

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