Saturday, August 3, 2013

Amanda is MVP nominee. They still think Judd is BBMVP. Spencer and Judd picked to play in POV.

Get ready for some of this later on today

8:54am Aug 3: Helen and Andy doing early morning scheming.
They want Spencer in Final 3 since both of them think they can beat him in the last HOH.
They both want Aaryn gone soon.
They want McCrae gone before Amanda because McCrae is not on anyone's radar so no one else will take him down, and he's also really good in competitions (He did really well in both Endurance comps, got to the tiebreaker round in the first 2 quiz HOH comps, won a POV).
They want Amanda to stay because she's a big target and everyone else (Candice or Jessie) will go after her, plus she's weak in competitions, so they think they can take her out.
They say GM is better than they thought.

Long term scheming

10:54am Aug 3: Amanda is third nominee. Spencer and Judd picked to play.  Amanda still thinks Judd is MVP.

Please go home, Amanda

Jessie doesn't seem too worried about the POV comp, unlike Amanda

 Amanda is crying because she is nominated (11:49am)

Keep crying, Amanda

11:58pm: Amanda and McCrae are arguing. McCrae went up to HOH and told GM not to use the POV on Amanda because Aaryn might go up.  McCrae's purpose was to calm Aaryn and gain her trust more because Aaryn is super worried she'll be Amanda's replacement if Amanda got off the block.  Amanda is flipping out on McCrae and being really selfish, calling Aaryn a brat.

Amanda: "You need to stop this dictatorship in this relationship!" to McCrae

11:59am: Jessie says "What's best for the house is what's best for Amanda."

Jessie: "What's best for the house is what's best for Amanda."

Jessie: "If I have to go down this week because I stood up to her, then I'm ok with that. I'm ok with that. I really am because I would have rather gone down standing up to her than gone down not standing up to her, ever.  And have the same shit happen to me, which very likely could have happened." - Jessie Kowalski , around 12:02pm Aug 3

12:20pm: McCrae tells Amanda that she's more worried about herself than the alliance when she calls out people for doing the same.  McCrae says he wants to calm Aaryn down and he talks about all GM/Aaryn have done for the alliance.  McCrae says they have to think about the alliance first at this point in the game.  Amanda accuses GM of being more loyal to McCrae than GM is to Aaryn

McCrae knows what he's talking about. Please listen to him, Demanda.  Or not....and go home

This day continues on next post.

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