Sunday, August 18, 2013

Helen finds out she's the real target. Helen offers a deal to Aaryn; Aaryn is really considering it. Later in the night, Aaryn is seriously considering putting Amanda up as replacement. Lots of drama the whole evening, keeps going on until 3:30am. Amanda, Helen, Aaryn cry. Aaryn will still put up Spencer after all this drama. Helen is going home.

Most eventful day this week. So much happened. Basically Helen is trying to save herself and backdoor AManda. It seemed Aaryn was really receptive to it. Amanda, Aaryn, Helen end up crying at various points of the night. Aaryn was actually considering backdooring Amanda and wanted Helen and Andy to be on board. Amanda eventually squashed it and Helen is still going home, despite Helen thinking she was actually making progress on saving herself. Amanda being really brash and harsh the whole night as usual.

12:10pm: Helen tells Elissa to "threaten them" with the secrets of the Knockouts if Helen leaves but to not do anything first as Helen will try to campaign for herself first.  Elissa tells Helen she overheard GM talking to someone telling them of GM's conversation with Helen about Helen trying to lob for GM's vote, but that GM is still voting Helen out.  Elissa says that Spencer feels really safe and that is raising red flags to Helen now.  Helen isn't even sure if McCrae will vote to keep her. Helen tells Elissa that if Helen goes, for Elissa to vote however she wants and that will drive the house crazy.

Helen knows something's not right. Elissa tells her GM is voting Helen out

2:27pm-3:15pm  *Seems really important watch it all, my summary may not do justice: Helen and Aaryn in HOH room talking.  Helen feels that she is the target.  She says she doesn't want to go out like Jessie did and make things awkward.  She says that GM might be her deciding vote and says she told GM that she would keep GM if it came down between Aaryn and GM.   Helen says that isn't the case and that she will vote to keep Aaryn.  Helen says that there are people in the middle of the house (Am/Andy/McC) that want Helen/Elissa to go after Aa/GM and vice versa.  Helen says if they keep Helen, she can control Elissa to not go after Aaryn.  Helen tells Aaryn that Amanda will control Elissa and let Elissa go after Aaryn.  Helen tells Aaryn that she hopes Aaryn truly means to backdoor Spencer because Amanda will just use Aaryn as a competition beast to take out people in the house.  Helen feels that Amanda is afraid of Aaryn and Helen working together.  Helen wants to work with AA/GM and Elissa to take out the "middle" of the house , otherwise Amanda will win the game.  Helen thinks  Amanda is using both Helen and Aaryn to go after each other; Helen says that Aaryn and her are in the same position.  Helen hopes that AA/GM/Elissa/Helen can come together to take out Amanda.  Helen said that she thought Aaryn and her were on the same page to get spencer out.  Helen hopes that Spencer goes out and it would kill her if Spencer were to stay.  Helen says she should have listened to Jessie and now Amanda won't even look at her.  Helen says she voted Candice in order to not piss off Aaryn.  Helen wants to work with Aaryn till the end and rehashes their week 2 talk about helping each other get out each other's allies.

Helen offers Aaryn a vote for AA to stay if Elissa puts AA on the block.  She says she'll even tell Elissa this and have Elissa go after Amanda.  Helen says that Amanda has been treating her like garbage since El/Hel were nominated, so she knows something's up.  Aaryn says there are so many fake deals in the house that she doesn't know what's real or not.  Helen says that she can control Elissa to not go after Aaryn because Aaryn is concerned that Elissa will go after her.  Aaryn says that Helen will need another vote other than Elissa and GM.  Helen thinks that she can convince Andy.  Helen says that the rest of the house are laughing at Aaryn and Helen going after each other.  Aaryn still says she thinks it's a fake deal. Then Helen says she can bring in Elissa and try to see if Hel/El/Aa/GM can come to some common ground.  Helen says that Elissa knows AManda is manipulating Elissa and Helen thinks she can make Elissa go after Amanda.   Aaryn says that other people in the house have wanted her to get out GM for a while, but Aaryn said she realizes that is dumb because GM would never screw Aaryn over.  Helen tells Aaryn that she will work hard for people to never go after Aaryn if Aaryn keeps Helen around.

Aaryn says she doesn't trust McCrae because McCrae has a barricade of people protecting him, Amanda who won't do anything bad to McC, and she finds it suspcious that McC has never been on the block since week 1 because he was HOH week 1.  Aaryn tells Helen that GM told Aaryn about the conversation that GM had last night with Helen.  Aaryn says she doesn't make fake deals because it comes back to bite people in the ass later on in the game.  Aaryn wants Helen to talk to Andy and GM and tells her to not let this information get back to Amanda.

Helen tells Aaryn that they need to get together with GM and sit and talk, and they need to convince the house to get rid of Spencer.  Aaryn tells Helen she thinks Andy and Amanda has deals with everyone in the house.  Helen agrees and says she's had blinders all season with regards to Andy.  Aaryn says she doesn't like the way Andy tells Mccranda everything.  She never knows if he is on her side or not.

Aaryn thinks that McCrae is such a good liar. She says she has seen him lie to people and they totally believe McCrae.  Aaryn knows that McCrae is lying to someone but she doesn't know who he's lying to.

Helen then goes to get Andy: "Let's see where Andy's loyalty lies." Uh shit's about to get real!

Helen trying to save her life;  Aaryn's body language says she's considering this deal

She seems really receptive

3:15pm: Helen brings up Andy to HOH room to expose him.  She asks Andy if he's keeping Helen. Andy says 100% yes that he's keeping her.  Helen tells Andy not to tell Amanda this, and goes to tell Andy that she suspects Amanda is lying to her because Amanda has been treating Helen differently and hasn't been talking to Helen this week which is not like Amanda.  Helen says that she had a bad feeling in HOH comp because no one was cheering for Helen or Elissa in the HOH comp.  Helen says she trust Andy not to tell Amanda/McCrae anything and Andy says he won't say a thing.

Andy tells Helen he's keeping her 100% (lol Andy, sigh. I bet Andy rats Helen out to Amanda)

3:21pm: Helen leaves HOH room to get somebody and Andy and Aaryn freak out.  Aaryn tells Andy that Helen told Aaryn that she's going after Amanda.  Andy says they need to keep McCranda till Final 4.

Andy freaking out. Just get your hands dirty Andy, we're waiting!!!

3:26pm: Helen Elissa and Aaryn waiting for Andy to come out of bathroom before talking with him.

3:30pm: Elissa comes in to HOH.  Now andy/aaryn/hel/aa talking.  She thinks they can convince the house to think Spencer is dangerous.  Aaryn reiterates that she has always been wanting to get Spencer out of the house.  Elissa wants bygones to be bygones.  Helen says that the four of them have to realize what's going on.  Helen says that Amanda/McCrae/Spencer forced and put more fuel on the fire on the fight between Elissa and Aaryn/GM before the HOH comp.   Aaryn thinks that Amanda threw the HOH comp to Aaryn despite Amanda saying she wanted to win and wanted Aaryn to throw the comp to her.  Aaryn thinks Amanda doesn't want blood on her hands.

3:38pm: Helen tells GM that she wants GM to go far, but says she can't keep the promise she made to GM last night of keeping GM because she doesn't know where the game will be at in the future.  Helen doesn't want to "lock herself into a position".  GM understands.  Helen says she needs the three people in the room to vote for her to stay and that she will have their back if they have hers.  She tells the people in the room she doesn't want to get played and do everyone else's dirty work.  Aaryn agrees with that statement because she knows what it feels like to do other people's dirty work.

Helen can't "lock herself in"

3:45pm: Helen tells Andy to please not say anything and Andy nods his head.  Helen tells Andy/Elissa that Amanda has been playing them all along and that Amanda won't take Andy to F2.  Andy says he won't tell Amanda and mcCrae anything.

3:50pm: GM tells McCrae of the convo upstairs and tells him she's still voting out Helen and says she wants to kick ass on Thursday night.

4:16pm: Aaryn spills the beans to Mc/Am about her talk with Helen.  Amanda says she has no problem telling Helen that she's voting Helen out.

4:21pm: Aaryn and Andy say they have to be loyal to McRanda for now and bring in GM so the three of them can take out Ama/McCrae

4:45pm: Amanda/Mc they want Aaryn in F4 with them.

6:22pm to 6:48pm: Helen realizes she's defeated.  She warns Elissa that Amanda is manipulative and will try to get Elissa on her side.  Elissa says she has her own mind but that she might play into it for her own game, but she definitely sees through Amanda's manipulation.  Helen says she loves Andy to death but hopes Andy is not working them.  Both Helen and Elissa say if Amanda gets to the end, she deserves the money for being a master manipulator.  Helen says that she doesn't want either Aaryn or Amanda to win.  In their convo, it seems that Elissa is trying to say that they should have gotten Amanda out weeks ago.  Helen tells Elissa to keep fighting because Elissa will have Helen's vote for sure.

7:10pm: AManda tells Spencer/McC that Helen/Elissa are trying to flip the house on Amanda.  AManda wants to confront Helen, and McC tells Amanda not to do anything.  Andy says to not do it because Helen will cry, and McC says to not say anything because it would piss him off.  Helen then comes out to the backyard and asks for Amanda's vote.  Amanda gives Helen the silent treatment and one word answers

7:35pm: Helen talking to Amanda.  Amanda is lying to Helen about Helen thinking that Amanda was coming after her because Amanda wasn't talking to her.  Amanda says she'll do what the house wants to do.  Helen keeps saying that they can still work together and be unbeatable if Helen were to stay.

7:44pm: Amanda says that El/Hel are a powerhouse and tells Helen that she said there would be a time where they would have to take each other out and Amanda says this is the time.  Amanda confronts Helen and tells her that Helen was trying to get votes out in the past to get Amanda out.  Helen denies trying to get Amanda out in the past.  Amanda tells Helen she doesn't have Amanda's vote and that Helen would have to talk with the house to get their vote.  Amanda lies to Helen and says she doesn't want Helen to be blindsided.  Amanda tells Helen/El she knows they have tried coming up with a deal with Gm/Aaryn and that it doesn't make sense for her or McC to keep Helen in the game.   Amanda made it clear she is voting to evict Helen to Helen's face.

10:39pm to 11:17pm: Amanda and Aaryn are fighting about winegate, Aaryn is upset that Amanda is calling Aaryn a cunt weeks back.  Aaryn tells Andy she wants to go F3 with him and GM.  Andy agrees (most likely a lie).  Aaryn tells Andy she thinks McCranda doesn't have her back and wants GM out because GM would benefit Aaryn.

11:26pm: Aaryn is crying about how Amanda wants to make Aaryn the pawn in the upcoming weeks.  She said that she's done all of McCranda's dirty work up until now.  Later she says that Judd wanted to work with Aaryn and she got rid of him for Amanda.

11:31pm: McCrae is mad at Elissa for telling AManda that he and Aaryn were in a showmance.  Mc/Am were fighting in the BY about how McCrae stuck up for Aaryn over the winegate comment earlier.  Amanda calls McCrae a child.

11:45pm: Aaryn tells Andy that if she wanted to backdoor Amanda, she could put Amanda up and get her evicted.  Aaryn tells GM that Amanda/McCrae want GM gone.  Andy/Aa/GM in HOH room, Aaryn says Am/Mc trusts Andy more and that she will be out fourth.  Aaryn is upset that they want her and GM broken up.  Andy says that's why the 3 of them need to stick together (andy/gm/aa).

12:07am: Aaryn is annoyed at Amanda and is considering putting Amanda up.  GM says that AA has to decide what power couple to break up.  She also considers putting McCrae up and counts the votes to see if McCrae would go.  She says Spencer wouldn't vote out McC.

12:25am: Aaryn tells Helen everything that Amanda has been trying to do the whole time. She told Helen that Amanda wants Aaryn to let Helen know Spencer is the target but the actual target was Helen.  Aaryn tells Helen that Andy just told Aaryn that Amanda/McCrae want to put up GM/Aaryn after Helen/Elissa is broken up.  Aaryn says that she realizes that GM is the only one who wouldn't screw over Aaryn.  She believes they (am/mc) have Spencer and Andy.  Aaryn says they have spoken so many lies.  Aaryn says that Amanda fucked Aaryn over because Amanda has been on her high horse.

Aaryn says if she puts up Amanda, Helen must not fuck Aaryn over.  Aaryn says she can get GM, Elissa to vote out Amanda, but she doesn't think she can get Andy.

Aaryn considering putting up Amanda.  She says the lightbulb finally turned on in her head.

12:30am: Andy comes up to Aaryn and Helen in HOH room.  Aaryn tells Andy to please not tell the following.  Aaryn is considering putting up Amanda and asks Andy if he will do what she wants.  Helen cries and tells Andy she loves him and it would break her heart if she was betrayed by Andy.

12:38am: Amanda comes up to do damage control to Aaryn about Amanda/Aaryn's fight earlier.  She doesn't want GM to turn on Amanda and for people to start talking shit about each other.  Amanda insists she wants Spencer gone before GM.  Aaryn tells Amanda that Andy told her that Am/Mc want to break up GM/Aaryn and tells Amanda this better not get to Andy.  AManda denies it and says that it's because of Amanda that Aaryn is in a F4 deal with her.  Amanda tells Aaryn that the F5 with GM deal is real.  Aaryn doesn't think McCrae trusts Aaryn, and AManda says that McCrae doesn't trust anyone.  Aaryn thinks Mc/Andy are more loyal to Spencer.  Amanda denies that too.  Amanda tells Aaryn that she trusts Aaryn and wants her there in the end (despite Amanda plotting last night to get Aaryn out soon).

Amanda doing damage control about the fight earlier

1:40am: Aaryn tells Andy after Amanda leaves HOH room that she's putting Spencer up tomorrow.

2:02am: Andy tells Amanda to bite her tongue and not get into fights.  Amanda tells Andy that Aaryn told her that Andy said to Aaryn that Am/Mc want GM out.  She tells Andy that Aaryn is questioning Andy/McCrae and that Aaryn is afraid that Andy is such a good liar.  Amanda is annoyed that Aaryn was even considering backdooring her.

Andy: "Bite your tongue"

2:30am: Amanda crying to McCrae, Helen crying to Andy. Helen doesn't want to be betrayed by Andy, Amanda feels people don't like McCrae and that McCrae is more important to her than the money.  Helen tells Andy that if he votes out Helen, Aaryn will win HOH again and take Andy out of the game.  Helen tells Andy if he votes Spencer out, it will be everyone in the house vs. Amanda/McCrae.  Helen tells Andy to pick whether he wants to be seen as a traitor or be seen as loyal.

2:50am: Helen and Amanda fighting over talk time with Aaryn in HOH room. Amanda is called to DR, and brings out Aaryn to tell her that Andy told Amanda that Helen came up with the plan to backdoor Amanda (this after Helen and Andy's convo a few minutes ago).  Helen finally realizes that Andy is a traitor!  Aaryn goes back in to tell Helen that Amanda is freaking out and onto them. Aaryn tells Helen she wants to keep people in the game that keep her sanity and Amanda doesn't keep her sanity.  Amanda quickly returns from DR and Helen leaves the room to talk to Aaryn alone.

Helen plans on making a town hall meeting tomorrow morning without McCrae/Amanda to get everyone on board with backdooring Amanda.  Aaryn told Amanda this and Amanda tells Spencer/Andy this too.  Aaryn is still putting up Spencer and lets everyone know to play along with Helen.

Helen realizes that Andy is a traitor. After her heart to heart talk with Andy in cockpit lounge a few minutes ago, Helen finds out from Aaryn that Amanda told Aaryn that Andy told Amanda that Helen wanted to backdoor Amanda.  Helen calls Andy a traitor because she thought she could trust Andy to keep that quiet.

Amanda: "Andy told me that Helen would be going to HOH room to talk to you, Aaryn."

3:20am: Amanda tells Helen "It ain't gonna happen" (in regards to Helen trying to get Amanda on the block) as she passes by Helen. Helen hears it but ignores Amanda and keeps walking.

3:25am: Andy, Aaryn, McCrae in HOH room.  They are making fun of Helen trying so hard and being so threatening.  They laugh at Helen making a house meeting tomorrow morning with everyone except Mc/Am.

Tomorrow's House meeting is just a charade and everyone knows to just play along with what Helen says. Helen is still going home.

3:45am to 4:11am : McCrae and Amanda talking alone in Backyard. They are both scared of Aaryn and say they need to breakup GM and Aaryn.  Both agree that Spencer is more trustworthy than GM because Spencer was willing to squash the backdoor Amanda talk earlier tonight.  Spencer told McCrae that GM had come to Spencer earlier about voting however Aaryn wants.  Both want to keep Spencer down the road to stay over GM.

Mc/Am are afraid of Aaryn and want to break up GM/Aaryn soon.  Both say they want to keep Spencer.

Recap from another perspective
12:10 PM BBT – Helen tells Elissa that she trusts McCrae but not Amanda. They’re talking about how to keep Helen safe after Elissa uses the veto on herself. Helen is getting nervous and paranoid because Spencer seems really comfortable and safe. Elissa believes Helen might be the target.
12:58 PM BBT – Elissa has gone back to bed. Now Helen is the only one up.
2:27 PM BBT – Aaryn is awake so Helen goes to the HOH room to talk to her. Helen says she doesn’t want it to be like last week with Jessie. If she’s going out this week she wants to know. Helen tells Aaryn that if she goes home, Amanda will use Elissa do get Aaryn out. Helen tells Aaryn if she stays, she can control Elissa. Helen wants Aaryn to get GinaMarie to vote to keep Helen.
2:37 PM BBT – Helen pitching hard to Aaryn for her, Aaryn and GinaMarie to come together and get Amanda out. The talk goes on for a long time. Helen is really upset how Amanda is treating her. Aaryn says she’s intrigued by all Helen’s ideas, but is apprehensive.
3:00 PM BBT – Helen is finally getting somewhere with Aaryn. Helen has given Aaryn reason to doubt her final four with Andy and Amanda is legitimate since they have deals with everyone in the house. Helen goes to get Andy to test his loyalty.
3:16 PM BBT – Andy tells Helen he is voting to keep her.
3:25 PM BBT – Helen has gone to get Elissa. Now the four of them are going to talk.
4:15 PM BBT – Aaryn telling McCrae and Amanda all about her talk with Helen. Amanda says fine, she’ll tell Helen she’s voting her out.
4:22 PM BBT – Andy and Aaryn know they have to be weary of McCranda because they have no loyalties. They talking about keeping GM close so the three of them can take out McCrae or Amanda.
5:15 PM BBT – Photobooth time.
6:50 PM BBT – Elissa told Helen not to believe McCrae when he says he doesn’t want Amanda in the end.
7:10 PM BBT – Amanda is getting very annoyed that Helen and Elissa are trying to flip the house on her. She really wants to confront Helen.
7:30 PM BBT – Helen is asking Amanda if she’s voting to keep her. It gets really awkward. Amanda says she’s doing what the house wants. They talk about going after each other and Helen says Amanda was up on the block twice and Helen didn’t target her. Amanda says that’s because you couldn’t get the votes.
8:03 PM BBT – Amanda and Helen still talking. Amanda says she’s heard time and time again that Helen and Elissa were coming after her. She also tells her she already knows about her most recent plan to get her out by trying to team up with Aaryn and GinaMarie.
8:13 PM BBT – Helen tells Elissa she needs Andy and McCrae’s votes. She actually thinks she can get McCrae’s votes. Elissa thinks she’s crazy.
8:38 PM BBT – Helen and McCrae are talking. She thinks she, McCrae and Andy still have that fake final three Amanda came up with last week. McCrae tells her he wants to keep her.
9:00 PM BBT – Andy says he wants to tell Elissa just before the eviction that Helen doesn’t have the votes to stay just to keep her in the loop.
11:25 PM BBT – Aaryn is upset that she’s doing all of Amanda’s dirty work and now will have to be her pawn in the coming weeks.
11:45 PM BBT – Aaryn tells Andy if they wanted to backdoor Amanda this week they could easily. Aaryn keeps considering putting Amanda up when Elissa takes herself off tomorrow.
12:10 AM BBT – Aaryn going over possibilities with the renom. She decides she would not have the votes if she put up McCrae since Spencer wouldn’t vote him out.
12:20 AM BBT – GM sends Helen to talk to Aaryn and suggests this could work out. Aaryn confirms to Helen that Amanda wants her out this week. Aaryn says she trusts her more than the other side. Aaryn also confirms that McCranda has Andy.
12:25 AM BBT – Meanwhile, Amanda is fighting with McCrae for not siding with her in an earlier fight. McC says he was trying to protect her from bad decisions in picking a fight with Aaryn tonight.
12:40 AM BBT – Amanda arrives in the HoH room and breaks up the talk that Andy had joined. Amanda and Aaryn argue over the situation. Aaryn says she questions McCranda’s loyalty. Amanda denies any issues there.
1:15 AM BBT – Spencer tells Andy he’d vote to keep Amanda even if Aaryn puts her up.
1:30 AM BBT – Aaryn tells McCranda that Helen is pushing for a BD on Amanda and she thought Andy was supporting the idea. Amanda calls for Andy and he says he was just telling Helen what she wanted to hear, but wasn’t really going for the plan.
1:40 AM BBT – Aaryn decides she’s going to renom Spencer at the ceremony and not go after Amanda.
2:40 AM BBT – Helen questioning Andy over his loyalty. He continues to lie and tell her he’s with her.
2:50 AM BBT – Helen goes back to Aaryn thinking she has Andy’s vote to evict Amanda. Amanda crashes the talk to shut it down.
3:10 AM BBT – Aaryn again telling Amanda that she’s not going to renom her.

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