Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Possible Endurance HOH comp tomorrow night. GM/Aaryn are in deep trouble because Am/Mc want them broken up.

The House guests have been locked in since 5am and we can hear hammering and tools outside.  So it can't be some stupid mental competition those are easy to build, they are building something big, and we are due for the 2nd endurance competition at around this time anyways.

Why I think there's an endurance competition for HOH tomorrow:
1. We're due for the 2nd HOH competition with 8 to 7 people left as in past seasons.
2. The house has been locked down since 5am and live feeders have posted that the Houseguests are hearing building and loud noises outside. They're building something big, not some stupid mental competition that's easy to build.
3. The nature of the situation the game will be at tomorrow night.  A houseguest will return from jury, so tensions will be high, and what better way to get people to fight with each other and make deals than an endurance competition. A past example: Kaysar returning, and they had an intense 14 hour long endurance comp.
4. People think they're building the competition for returning jury, but I believe that the jury competition has to be something that's quick to do (and therefore not take that long to build) since they have to show America the jury member that returns on tomorrow's show, so it can't be something that takes over a day to build.

Fans are getting excited for tomorrow night

11:10am: Amanda is freaking out because DR won't give her Xanax but complains that Elissa gets Benadryl (Benadryl is not a prescription medication, but Xanax is a prescription. Silly Amanda, I thought you knew this.)

11:50am-12:20pm:  Elissa is talking to Aaryn alone in HOH. Quad cams are the only one live at this point.  Elissa is telling Aaryn that Helen isn't targeting Aaryn nor is Elissa.  Aaryn doesn't believe that and says that people are trying to tell her that Aaryn is the target when she really isn't, and that doesnt make sense.  Elissa tells Aaryn that they should be trying to get Amanda out, or else her and McCrae will get to F2.

Elissa tells Aaryn that McCranda have had power since week 1 and that McCrae has never been on the block, and that no one will vote for anyone except Amanda/McCrae in Final 2.  Elissa calls Aaryn McCranda's pawn, and that Elissa doesn't consider Aaryn's HOH wins legit because AManda has controlled Aaryn's nominations.  Elissa thinks Aaryn is naive and Aaryn disagrees and says that she can't show Elissa all her cards.  Elissa thinks McCrae will step up his game because he has been so close to winning in the past HOH comps

Aaryn says if Elissa wins HOH next week, she will go whatever way Elissa wants her too.  Elissa say that Aaryn cannot win against either McCranda in F2.  Aaryn says she doesn't want to take them to F2.  Aaryn feels Elissa would win against McCranda in F2, and Elissa says that's what they want you to think.  Aaryn feels threatened by Elissa and Elissa says we need to work together.  Elissa tells Aaryn they need to work together and Aaryn says if Elissa is HOH and doesn't put Aaryn up then she'll believe Elissa.

Elissa belives that if Helen goes this week, McCranda won't view Elissa as a target as they can manipulate Elissa.  Elissa says if she doesn't win HOH this week and Helen is gone, that GM or Aaryn is 100% gone next week b/c McCranda are gunning for them (which is true because McCranda said last night they want GM/Aaryn broken up).  

Elissa keeps trying to convince Aaryn that Helen is their best shot to make it further.  Elissa says she will blame Aaryn if Helen goes home and not Andy.  She says Aaryn is letting somebody else control her HOH.

Just fucking watch, there's tons of talk between these two, it seems very important. Tired of typing
Elissa is trying to get Aaryn on board the "Get Amanda out" train

12:23pm: Helen comes in. She wants to make a pitch to Andy because she knows Andy doesn't have her back this week.  Aaryn questions Helen why they didnt' put McCranda up and Helen says that last week she wanted Andy to make a big move and he didn't.   Elissa leaves the room, and Aaryn complains to Helen that Elissa has called Aaryn the worst player in the house and that if Helen goes Elissa will blame Aaryn.  Helen tries to calm the situation by saying that Elissa doesn't speak for Helen. Aaryn says she can't trust Elissa because Elissa hates GM/Aaryn and thinks they're peasants.  Helen keeps trying to tell Aaryn that she has spent all this time trying to build a relationship with Aaryn and tells Aaryn it is ridiculous that she would want Aaryn gone before Spencer when she has no relationship with Spencer.

Helen tells Aaryn that she doesn't need Aaryn on her resume; she needs to take out bigger fish.  Helen says she and Elissa volunteered to be have-nots so they could be closer to Aaryn and GM.

Helen pitching to Aaryn

Aaryn and Helen are crying

12:55pm: Helen tells Aaryn that Helen can't be lying up her ass because she has a political career outside of this house.  She is pulling at Aaryn's heartstrings.  Helen says that ever since week 2/3, she has never said bad things about Aaryn and thinks Aaryn is a good person (which is true since Helen has been saying in the past that Aaryn reminds Helen of her younger self and that Aaryn was more ambitious than her at that age).

1:24pm: GM and Andy in lounge. They were called up by Elissa to HOH room.  GM tells Andy to just agree with whatever Helen is saying, and Gm says she wants Elissa gone next week.

Andy and GM want Elissa gone, say to just nod and agree to whatever Helen says.

1:32pm: Andy is trying to explain why he's voting Helen out.  Hel/El ask why Andy is voting out someone who has been loyal to him and won't be coming after him.  He says he's voting out Helen because Helen is going against people who he thinks is loyal to him.

1:39pm: Andy says to Helen/Elissa that they are threatening him!

Helen says everyone knows the lies that have been going on.
Helen: "The jig is up, Andy"

Oh Snap! Rat boy got called out!

1:42pm: Aaryn crying to Amanda/GM in HN room about Elissa calling her worthless and saying Helen/Elissa are threatening Aaryn and Andy.  Amanda tells McCrae to get up so they can get to HOH room

1:45pm: Amanda goes to HOH and confronts Helen/Elissa.  She tells them that AA is saying that they are talking shit about Amanda, and El/Hel say AA is lying and that they are trying to play Big Brother and save Helen/campaign against Spencer.  They are saying they are not threatening Andy they are just campaigning for Helen to stay.

Elissa gets tired of the drama in HOH room and storms out!

Drama in the HOH room!!!!
Elissa is not having any of what Amanda is saying

Elissa: "It's not a threat Andy, it's a Big Brother game move."

2:01pm: Amanda says Elissa is not worthy to be in this game and the only reason she was kept here was because she was BBMVP.

2:14pm: Amanda complains about Elissa, calls her a cunt, and says she wants to punch Elissa in the face.
The crew in the lounge continue the Elissa bashing.

 Amanda calling Elissa a cunt, wants to punch her in the face, and complains about Elissa getting a comforter.

Elissa bashing.  Andy says he will commit suicide if Elissa wins HOH.

2:30pm: Amanda wants McCrae/Spencer to harass and follow Elissa until she walks. 

Amanda wants McCrae/Spencer to follow Elissa around and harass her until Elissa walks from the house. Weak move, Amanda, really?

4:52pm: Elissa is crying because she knew talking with Aaryn was a losing battle. Helen tells her she accepts she lost and wants Elissa to fight to stay.

3:24am: McCrae/Spencer talking in the night.  Spencer says he will vote to keep McCrae over Amanda.  Both agree that Amanda is a bigger target than McCrae.  McCrae says he doesn't want people to think Amanda carried him in the game and he knows Amanda will be a vote for him in jury.  McCrae wants Spencer, Amanda, and Andy in F4 and that would be a good time for Amanda to go.  McCrae tells Spencer he would choose him over Amanda and he believes Amanda would understand why he did it.  Both agree that Aaryn has control over GM, and if they put up GM, she has to go home or else they'll gun after her.  McCrae compares himself and Amanda to Dick and Danielle Donato.  He says he's Danielle and Amanda is the Dick.

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