Sunday, September 8, 2013

Yesterday and Today. Judd's still going home as of today, but they're making him feel safe so he doesn't go crazy. Spencer/Andy are trying to trick McCrae into using veto on GM (and to vote McC out if he falls for it)

These two idiots don't think Judd deserves to be there or win because he came back from jury. If they were smart, that'd be the #1 reason to take him to Final 2 because the  jury would think the same way, don't you think?

Well, McCrae won the veto today which means the Exterminators now have to exterminate one of their own.  Unfortunately for me, that member will 99.9% likely be Judd.  He hasn't been doing himself any favors though as he has been fluctuating between rage, annoyance, depression, acceptance, freak out, and back to depression again ever since the veto comp ended.

When the feeds returned from the veto competition, Andy and Spencer were already hard at work on McCrae pushing their final 3 with him and telling him that the would all decide who to vote out this week between GinaMarie and Judd (but we all know the real decision lays with Andy and Spencer will go whichever way Andy wants).  Spencer and Andy sort of did the flip flop thing a little bit back and forth weighing options of pros and cons of keeping GinaMarie or Judd, but ultimately Andy always lands them back on keeping GinaMarie and ousting Judd. I think Judd MAY have been able to make a small case for himself if he could kick the bad attitude and give them really good points for why they should keep him like "The next HOH will be the before and after questions and I will be better suited to win that and help you guys get rid of McCrae" or "I'm really not good at endurance and GinaMarie is, so I would be a great final 3 candidate" etc..  But I think Judd is stuck in his own anxiety ridden head right now, and with Andy really stuck on keeping GM, I don't think there is really anything he can do about it.

GinaMarie tore her knee open during veto (which was the fly through the air to put the puzzle together comp) and had to have 9 stitches put in, making her an even weaker competitor in the coming weeks.   Ian hosted the comp.  Apparently Spencer almost won it, and Judd gave up out of frustration and just tried to help Andy and distract McCrae.

Most of the night was spent between everyone hanging out together in one room, and Andy, McCrae, and Spencer sneaking off to talk game together without Judd or GM.  The plan as of now is to blindside Judd so that he doesn't freak out between now and eviction.  Since this will be the taped eviction that takes place on Tuesday with the feeds down, we will only get an edited version of what goes on before the actual show.

  I'm doubting we see much action at all between now and the veto ceremony on Monday when Judd will be put up.  With Andy and Spencer deciding to take GinaMarie to final 4,and McCrae still being there, this is likely going to be a McCrae or Andy win this year I think.  McCrae is better at pretty much every type of comp than Andy, Spencer, or GinaMarie, so while I think Andy has played a better social game, McCrae could easily veto himself to the end, and I think he will definitely cut Andy and take Spencer or GinaMarie because he isn't dumb enough to want to stand next to Andy in the end. That's pretty much all there is.  My blogs are probably going to be more sporadic in the coming week instead of nightly as there won't be a lot going on once they are down to final 3 after Thursday night.  I will continue to post on the nights things actually happen or when anything changes game wise. Until tomorrow night....


We are now less than two weeks away from the finale of Big Brother 15. Five houseguests still remain. Here is a look at how the final two weeks are likely to play out in terms of scheduling. While this isn't set in stone, it is the probable schedule based on past seasons. Note that these dates are the dates in which things will actually take place live, NOT the dates in which they will air on television:

Friday, September 6th - Nominations
Saturday, September 7th - Veto Competition
Monday, September 9th - Veto Ceremony
Tuesday, September 10th - Feeds go down and an eviction is taped
Wednesday, September 11th - "Special eviction episode" (taped on Tuesday) to bring us down to the Final 4. When the feeds return later that evening, the HoH and veto competition will have already taken place
Thursday, September 12th - Live veto ceremony and eviction to bring us down to the Final 3. Part 1 of the final HoH competition
Saturday, September 14th - Part 2 of the final HoH competition
Wednesday, September 18th - Finale night. Part 3 of the final HoH competition will take place live

8:36pm: McCrae told Judd that its still up in the air on who is going home. Judd wants McCrae to vote for him so it will make a tie-that way Spencer will have to make a decision so Judd will know who to vote for in jury. This convo frazzles Judd... Judd takes his worries to Andy and Andy reiterates to him that he is staying and GM is going. About 5 minutes later, Andy tells Spencer he needs to talk to him alone. Andy and Spencer head up to the HoH room and Andy tells Spencer what just hapened and they both wonder why McCrae is telling this to Judd. THey decide to ask him later what he told Judd to see if he lies or not.

8:40pm: Judd leaves HoH. Andy asks McCrae if he said anything to Judd that would make him think that he's going home and McCrae basically lies to Andy and Spencer and says that he told Judd he is staying. McCrae says maybe Judd compared notes with GM.

Andy and Spencer ask McCrae who he wants to see go and McCrae says he doesn't care who it is, that its up to them.He says he feels like he has to bow down to them, that the decision is theirs. They continue to talk out scenerios.

8:50pm: Andy keeps pushing for Judd to go, McCrae "I want him to go because was allowed to comeback"

8:57pm: McCrae says nonchalantly: I'll vote Judd out

9:16pm: Judd laying alone in hammock whispering numbers and counting on his fingers. McCrae thinks GM is way smarter than she leads on. McCrae says he will never underestimate GM. Andy thinks GM knows more about the game than she leads on.

9:20pm: Andy keeps shitting on Elissa

11:35pm: Judd telling Spencer that if Andy went up he would vote to keep him. Spencer tells him it doesn't matter Judd stays either way. Judd says he trusts Andy but doesn't want McCrae to try something. Spencer says it doesn't matter what McCrae does. Judd says at least he tried (to stay off the block

11:40pm: Andy/Spencer wondering if they can trick McCrae to use veto on GM thinking GM would throw HOH in return

11:58pm: Spencer pushing Andy to try to convince McCrae to use veto on GM. Andy says that would be walking a dangerous line.  Andy says there is no way he would use it. Spencer is pushing for it while Andy doesn't seem into it. Spencer thinks Andy can convince McCrae that hes close to GM and can get her to throw HOH and Andy would also throw HOH to McCrae. Spencer thinks McCrae wants final 3 so bad that McCrae would consider it. They of course plan to vote McCrae out if he fell for the plan but would tell him they would vote out Judd.
They're gonna try to trick McCrae to use veto on GM so that GM would throw the HOH, promising to vote out Judd but voting out McC if he does fall for this trick.

12:03am: Andy agreed to give the trick McCrae into using veto on GM plan a shot. Spencer says worse thing he can do is say no.

12:39am: Andy talking with GM about the plan to trick McCrae into using veto on GM. GM agrees they should try it.  Andy goes back and lies about his convo with GM, saying GM doesn't trust the guys and that the only way she would throw HOH would be if McC uses the veto on her and that she hates Judd and wants him to go home.

Spencer and McCrae alone in HOH and he says he's basically playing for runner-up.

1:07am:  McCrae asks if GM is still out there. Andy gets up and says he'll go talk to her more to pick her brain
1:07am Andy goes to backyard and tells GM "I think he's taking our bait!"

1:10am: Andy comes back to HOH and lies about his convo with GM again, saying GM seems totally onboard with making that deal with McCrae

1:11am: McCrae says its too big of a risk to gamble his own life in the game just for a small advantage.  McCrae tells the guys he doesn't want them to not trust him cuz he doesn't use the POV on GM but that he has to play it safe and save himself.

1:19am: GM tells Judd after he wakes up of the plan to get McC to use the veto on GM and vote McC out. Judd is so happy and tells GM he's going back to bed (so that they aren't caught talking together by McCrae)

1:30 AM BBT Mccrae gets ready to go tell GM he is not doing her plan. He plans to scare her by saying he doesn't know if he plans to vote to keep her. He want's to scare her into cutting some deals. They say this time they are not sad to see Judd go and will not cry when he leaves because of the way he is acting. Downstairs GM is in the KT making a snack.

2:40am: Update: about 20 minutes ago, MC back up to HoH room and confirmed with Spe/Andy that he will be using the veto on himself however he does say it would be the biggest game move ever but he doesn't want to be a Marcellus.

1 comment:

  1. GM is an accident waiting to happen--and it usually does--to her! She has a record, I am sure, for the most BB accidents in one season. Is she really this clumsy or simply unlucky, or maybe both.
