Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Aaryn's mom apologizes for racial slurs. Elissa decides to keep Amanda, but Andy is not on board. Vote will be 2-2 tie and GM will evict Amanda. Elissa gives Amanda her 14k gold wedding ring as collateral. Will Amanda give it back once she is evicted? Find out Thursday night!


So at 12:39:33am September 3, Elissa comes out of DR (evidence that producers are trying to plant bugs or rig the game) and tells Amanda she's keeping her (a complete 180 degree turn from the past week literally). It is very legit as Elissa keeps telling Amanda in the next hour that they can make this work. Elissa gives her wedding ring to Amanda as collateral (LOL). Andy comes in and Elissa tells him and Amanda that McCranda/Andy/Elissa can be final 4.  Andy goes back and spills the beans to the Exterminators and tells Spencer that he is still voting Amanda out. Andy plans to frame his vote on Elissa and tell McCrae that Elissa "re-flipped" after flipping, and make McCrae mad at Elissa. It'll be a 2-2 vote and GM will tie break to evict Amanda.

Could this be Elissa's master plan to bait out Andy? She could be making it look like Andy is totally with McCrae and Amanda. Then on Thursday, Elissa still votes out Amanda, making it 3-1 and making it pretty clear that Andy was never on McCrae or Amanda's side, making McCrae and Andy hate each other.

2:38pm: Amanda and Elissa have traded rings.  McCrae believes Elissa will vote for Amanda to stay because he said "She wouldn't give us her rings if she was lying."  Amanda says that Andy better vote to keep her after everything she's done for him.
Amanda trades her gold earrings for Elissa's wedding ring as collateral

They hug

Amanda examines Elissa's 14k gold wedding ring.

2:47pm: After examining the ring, Amanda says it's the real thing.

3:09pm: Amanda shows Andy Elissa's ring and makes sure he's still with the plan to save her. Obviously, the rat just agrees and acts along.

3:20pm: Elissa tells Judd she is worried he will work with the guys over her and Judd denies it and says he's not sexist. She worries he will put her up in Double Eviction, he denies it.

3:40pm: Elissa tells Amanda/McCrae she doesn't like working out with the rest of teh house because she doesn't want them to get strong for comps.

3:50pm: Andy laughs and says amanda wants him to give her his "Organ Shirt" as collateral. Andy says he doesn't care if he loses it and laughs.  He's still voting her out.

4pm: Andy joins Amanda in BR and Amanda tells him how all this came about.  Andy is freaknig out that he thought he was target no. 1. Amanda says they need to put GM/Judd on the block.  Amanda hopes this works and says she will owe Elissa

4:19pm: Amanda tells Andy there is no way Elissa is lying if Elissa gave Amanda the ring.  Andy tries to tell Amanda that if the tie is a vote, that it was not him that flipped his vote and Amanda believes him (oh boy LOL can't wait till Thursday).

4:49pm: amanda swears on her life that Andy is trustworthy and won't spread info about the plan to anyone else.

6pm: Mc and Amanda think everyone is going to be surprised.  Amanda says she can't trust Judd, can't trust Spencer, can't trust GM. If El saves Amanda, Ama says this is the most solid she felt the entire game.  Mc thinks El is afraid of going down to 2 girls and the boys will be after her.

8-830pm: Amanda is revealing to Elissa the plan last week to get elissa to not put Andy up as replacement nominee.  Amanda tells Elissa that she won't hide anything from Elissa anymore, blah blah.  Amanda is apologizing to Elissa.

8:47-8:57pm: Exterminators bashing El/Ama. They say they can't wait to see the faces on Amanda and Elissa and they talk about their goodbye messages to Amanda.  Andy says they want to rip Elissa to pieces if he wins HOH.

9:33pm: Amanda saying Gm is acting super weird, Andy says that GM is irritated at how Amanda and Elissa are acting together so nicely and Amanda thinks Gm knows something is up but Elissa hasn't told her and that's another reason that Amanda believes Elissa.  

1:30am: McCrae is wary about Andy's vote, but feels Elissa will definitely vote to keep Amanda (yikes).  McCrae thinks Andy's vote is too good to be true

1 comment:

  1. Although I would love to believe E is actually attempting to flush out Andy (wouldn't that be great), I have to go with the first comment on how DR has started placing ideas in to the HG's mind. I do hope Andy and MCC are the only two votes as I truly find it hard to believe, after everything E has done to work on getting Amanda out, that she would actually want to keep her and work with a power couple, when you have to know they would be going after her the very next week!
