Saturday, September 7, 2013

Rantfest: The feeds are fucking boring but here's what's happening. McCrae wins POV. Judd is going on the block. Judd going home is my prediction

I can barely take this anymore.  I have no incentive to watch because none of these houseguests are likable, and they barely talk game so I feel like I'm just wasting my time watching them waiting until someone speaks some game.  If you see sporadic updates, it's because I've tuned these houseguests out. They are so fucking boring and I feel I'm just wasting my time watching them. I'm probably doing something else more productive or more fun than watching these retards for the next 2 weeks. So this is basically what's happening:

Spencer/Andy are in a solid F2 deal.  They tricked McCrae into thinking he's final 4 for sure and that their boys alliance is real, but he's actually the target.  Spencer/Andy have reasons to not want to bring any of the other 3 with them.

They trust McCrae more than Judd and feel Judd would sell them out.  They say they can beat Judd in the F2 because they'll use the argument that he went back into the house and that's unfair.  Both these guys feel McCrae is more trustworthy and that he would keep both Spencer/Andy over Judd, but they feel he would win in F2 because he made it past a four-man alliance.  Spencer/Andy don't want to keep GM because she's  a competition beast and was on the losing side for pretty much the entire season.  They also feel that because most of the jury are women that GM could get a lot of votes and be good at the part 3 of Final HOH quiz.  They also feel they can beat her because she was clueless for half the season.

Here is a summary of pretty much what happened last night.

Well as per usual when the season is winding down, there isn't a whole lot to tell about tonight.  Most of the day/night was spent with the Exterminators strategizing how to beat McCrae in the veto comp, and also dealing with the punishments from the HOH the night before.  By the last few hours before then end, the punished were a little over it and everyone was done with the whole thing.

Andy and Spencer continue to go back and forth wondering if they should vote out Judd or GinaMarie if McCrae should win the veto.  They are afraid to take GinaMarie's comp skills to the final 3 and would rather have Judd there, but Andy is hesitant to keep Judd there with McCrae still in the house.  Spencer leans more in favor of keeping Judd than GM.  Both of them are pushing their own final 2 deals without the other knowing.  Andy has a final 2 with GinaMarie, so she is more loyal to him, but Judd and Spencer have a final 2 that Andy is unaware really just all depends on veto.

Andy, Spencer, Judd, and GinaMarie all collectively made a plan to try to make McCrae feel safe so that he would not fight as hard for the veto.  I'm doubting He was stuid enough to fall for it, but it basically went like this:  After GinaMarie was unchained from McCrae, she agreed to go off and take a shower so that the boys could talk to McCrae as if they have a boys alliance and are definitely voting her out this week.  Judd agreed to go to bed and let Andy and Spencer do all the talking so that they could paint him as low man on the totem pole and say that he would be the one going up and going home even if GinaMarie won the veto.  So, McCrae now believes he is in a boys alliance with Andy, Judd, and Spencer, but that they will vote out Judd if GinaMarie wins veto.  The truth is, if anyone BUT McCrae wins veto he will be the one walking out the door this week.  The talk with him did seem to ease his fears a little, but I am sure he will fight his ass off all the same, and McCrae is typically a better competitor than the Exterminator alliance when he feels like he needs to win something.

So it all comes down to the veto. If McCrae doesn't win it, he's going home.

12:58pm: Mccrae wins the POV!  Judd is pissed and flipped off the camera.  Judd lost by 5 seconds and is ranting bout his exercise punishment making him tired.

1pm: Spencer/Andy with McCrae in HOH room. They say Judd was against McCrae winning trying to make Judd look bad.

1:10pm: Judd is worried and pleading for his life. Spencer tells Judd not to sweat it (Spencer is lying, Judd's in trouble.  Spencer says GM could win cuz most the jury are women. Judd is worried Andy and McCrae will scheme to get him out.

1:18pm: Judd knocked off all the protein bars off the table. He's now madd as hell

Judd is really pissed

1:17pm: Andy and McCrae talking. Andy wants to keep GM so that GM can get rid of Spencer in F4.

1:27pm: Andy says his gut says to keep GM over Judd

1:55pm: Spencer tells Judd that Andy wants Gm to stay and thinks he has a better chance with Judd.

1:59pm: Andy speaking to Judd and wants Judd to vote to evict McCrae over Spencer or Andy next week.

2pm: Spencer tells GM he wants her to stay, he said the same thing to Judd earlier.  Spencer says Judd would never get his jury vote.  spencer tells Gm he's worried Judd is about to rat out the exterminators, GM says she plans on lying about it.  Spencer tells GM No one can beat Andy in the F2.  GM tells Spencer she wants him to be her new Nick.  Spencer tells about how all the girls love Andy in the jury house.

Spencer tells GM that no one can beat McCrae or Andy in f2.  Spencer wants to keep GM cuz she doesn't give up at comps but only if Gm works with Spencer.

3:37pm: The group agrees to tell Judd he's safe so he doesn't freak out all week and out the Exterminators to McCrae.  They say they will deny the Exterminators if that happens.

4:40pm: McCrae personally tells Judd he would like to keep Judd over GM, cuz he believes Judd would make a better ally than GM ever would.

4:45pm: Spencer/GM talking about needing to get rid of Andy cuz he'll get all the jury votes.  Spencer tells GM that McCrae would get Aaryn's vote and not GM cuz Amanda will influence Aaryn and all of them will back McCrae up. Both agree they have a good 50/50 shot against each other in F2.

6:08pm: Mc/Sp/Andy say Judd has to go cuz he could Gary Glitter his way to a win

9:17pm: They're gonna pee on Elissa's face cake

11:16pm: Spencer and Andy talking final 3 with McCrae, buttering him up. He's their next target if he doesn't win next hoh/veto.

1 comment:

  1. No Alpha no! You can't give up now. So many people are counting on your wise knowledge and opinions not to mention the times since I seriously gave up watching the live feeds on the last DE and even a bit before that. Just too damn boring especially when at this point it looks like it is Andy's game. Kudos to MCC for sticking in there.. now that the money (amanda) is off his back, it appears he is back to playing the game just like he started the season, winning that first HOH and now winning when his BB life depends on it. Unfortunately for him he now has no choice but to continue winning.. Judd will be going home most likely, since Spencer and Andy make the decision and since MCC can still choose to vote out GM, it would be a tie and Spencer will be making the final call which would be for Judd. Since the house is full of women right now, GM should not be allowed to get to the end since she may have a stacked house in her favor regardless of the past enemies. Judd is best to take to the end because no jury member wants a returning player to win. The likelyhood that Andy will make it to F2 it will come down to who would be the best to be sitting next to him and that may actually be MCC so who knows! One thing for sure, if/when Judd goes to the Cat House (jury) he will have both Aaryn and Jesse to play tongue tag with!
