Please welcome your new HOH...hide yo children!
10:45pm: Feeds back on. Spencer wins HOH. It was the Morph-o-Matic comp
10:46pm: Exterminators say they will have to decide which one of them will go up as the nominee next to McCrae.
10:51pm: He won't put up Andy and said Andy isn't an option. Spencer tells Andy he's with him in F4 and that the both of them can do this.
12:40am: Spencer tells GM that he's putting up McCrae and GM, with Judd as replacement.
12:46am: McCrae cries as he's reading his letter from his sister Morgan
12:57am-1:09am: GM and McCrae get their punishment of being tied together for 24 hours.
12:49am: Judd's punishment is having to do exercises whenever BB demands him to.
2:18am: Spencer gets his HOH room and letter from Marylin.
McCrae offered GM a final two deal. Later she told her exterminators and they all compared his F2 deals with Andy and Judd.
9:36am: Judd has to do situps (as part of his punishment)
Fri 1:39 PM Spencer & Andy in HOH discussing Final 3 best strategy.
Fri 1:40 PM Andy: If McCrae wins HOH next, Andy trusts GM over Judd. Said he thinks Judd would sell him out. Spencer agreed.
Fri 1:48 PM Spencer: If we keep Judd over GM it would prove their loyalty to him.
Fri 1:50 PM Andy: If McCrae stays (wins POV), he thinks McCrae would keep Judd over GM. Spencer and Andy both think they could beat Judd.
Fri 1:53 PM Andy: GM was clueless for 9 weeks. McCrae was in Amanda's shadow. Amanda made all the moves. Judd got a two week pass.
3:21pm: Andy is bashing Elissa more
3:23pm: Spencer and Andy plan to tell McCrae that he's safe and that their boy's alliance is still good and that GM is the target (it's a lie to make McC feel safe, Spencer/Andy are more loyal to the exterminators and to each other)
They plan to tell GM she's safe too (using the reasoning that she's an exterminator)
3:30pm: Spen telling McC he's gotta put McC up to hide them working together. He tells McC Gm's the target and if she comes down, Judd will go up and Judd will go home. (It's a lie, McC is the initial target). Spencer tells McC not to worry and McC is in final 4.
6:56pm: The guys talking about how GM could win the game because she's a beast at comps, and could win the last round of final HOH since most the jury is women and she's a women. Plus GM's been on the losing side for most of the season. Andy says he would vote her out over Judd (from Andy this whole season he's probably just playing Judd again).
8:30pm: ANdy and Spencer say if McC wins POV, they'll blindside Judd if they decide to vote him out so he can't save himself. They are 50/50 on Judd or GM going home if McC wins POV. THey think McC would keep them both over Judd.
They plan to tell GM she's safe too (using the reasoning that she's an exterminator)
3:30pm: Spen telling McC he's gotta put McC up to hide them working together. He tells McC Gm's the target and if she comes down, Judd will go up and Judd will go home. (It's a lie, McC is the initial target). Spencer tells McC not to worry and McC is in final 4.
6:56pm: The guys talking about how GM could win the game because she's a beast at comps, and could win the last round of final HOH since most the jury is women and she's a women. Plus GM's been on the losing side for most of the season. Andy says he would vote her out over Judd (from Andy this whole season he's probably just playing Judd again).
8:30pm: ANdy and Spencer say if McC wins POV, they'll blindside Judd if they decide to vote him out so he can't save himself. They are 50/50 on Judd or GM going home if McC wins POV. THey think McC would keep them both over Judd.
With GM joining MCC on the block, GM will have many issues with this, figuring there may be an all guys alliance, etc, etc. She may be loyal but she certainly doesn't believe in her own alliance which is very sad. Ok, maybe you shouldn't trust anyone but some of that must be kept within you. Showing all your cards, that you are genuinely freaked out that your own alliance is going to take you home over MCC is crazy. This week will be completely boring unless MCC does win POV in which case Judd will be the replacement so Andy is once again completely safe. If MCC does win POV then hell yeah, GM should be worried as there is a very good chance she would go since Judd has already been voted out once, he will be the least likely to win in the eyes of the jury. Other then that, this game will go to Andy.