Thursday, September 5, 2013

Amanda and Elissa are evicted on Double Eviction. McCrae won the HOH and Judd won POV. Now time to wait for tonights HOH comp. Spencer wins HOH!

How I feel about this season

If you didn't see the fight last night, go to my previous post and read all about it and watch it on flash back.

Here's how tonight's vote is gonna go:

Votes to evict Amanda: 

1. Andy
2. Judd
3. GM (tiebreaker)

Votes to evict Spencer:

1. McCrae
2. Elissa (I have this huge feeling Elissa will actually vote to evict Amanda to set up Andy, because Elissa doesn't let anyone know her plans until the last minute.  Her sudden 180 degree flip to save Amanda seems too good to be true.  She has me fooled if this is a)

McCrae truly believes Elissa is telling the truth and will vote to keep Amanda, and he has a huge feeling that Andy will flip, while Amanda thinks Andy will stay loyal to McCranda and that if she goes home tonight, it's because Elissa is lying.  Just more proof that Amanda is over-rated and lacks self-awareness about what's going on in the house.

2:42pm: Judd talks to Elissa and asks her who she will put up.  She says Andy and GM, and Judd says "Not McC?" before stopping himself and saying as long as its not one of us.

2:54pm: Spencer and Andy talk about strategy incase it's a majority rules.  They will go with the name that is alphabetically first.

2:59pm: Judd talks with Andy/McC and tells them to target Elissa even though McC is mad at GM

3pm: McC says as long as the four guys are together we'll all be so good.  Judd shows McC where his stuff is incase Judd is evicted again on double eviction.

7:15pm: McCrae and GM bury the hatchet (McCrae afraid GM might put him up if she wins HOH)

7:26pm: Andy says "The awesome sane people of America are rejoicing" (about Elissa's eviction). Andy is dead wrong, can't wait for fans to get him after the season is over.

7:30pm: The house is still bashing Elissa hardcore, saying they want to punch her and how she doesn't deserve to win.  McCrae is totally clueless that Elissa would have worked with him if she stayed.

8:13pm: Exterminators celebrate when McCrae goes into DR

10:48pm: Feeds back on. Spencer wins HOH. It's the morphomatic comp.

1 comment:

  1. I'm still going to believe E is voting to get rid of Amanda however it did appear pretty genuine in the exchange of wedding rings to Amanda. But knowing it is a game, I think E would realize Amanda wouldn't be keeping them anyway. E could also have realized by the reaction that Amanda is going home and how all other HG"s want it, that even Andy was going to vote her out, that it would be in her best interest to get Amanda's vote at the jury house, since if she didn't flip then there would be no way she was going to be getting her vote. The thing is, she will need to stay with MCC now, at least until the DE tonight at which point if MCC goes home he should have at least one vote to keep him (E's vote) so that she has locked up 3 votes in jury for sure. (Mcranda and Helen) and probably Candice and Jessie, for the win! E's not a dumb player.. hard to read that is true, but she does have the BB blood running through her veins!
